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Everything posted by SilverSoldierTT

  1. gotcha... thanks alot... that will really help... I do not have much time at the moment, however i will have to check out both the links and some books and go from there... thanks for the help...
  2. yea, I hear ya... Swish is definitely easier to pick up upon... however, I would have to agree... once you learn it, Flash does sure open a few more doors for ya... and lol... yea, it sucks being a professionalist...
  3. haha... yea, I hear ya... they do sound sweet... Anyways, that makes sense... I mean shoot, most fans can barely keep normal systems cool without using a dual fan, water cooling, or temp control... I am hoping it will be before 2008 for general public... though there are a few random places you can catch em from if your lucky... just have to go out and take a look...
  4. Ok, I was tempted to put this into the PC Coding section, however I figured it was more of a question about the program than the coding... I am a pretty avid programmer when it comes to Visual Basic... Though now, I think its time to move into a little more advanced coding, and teach myself something new.From what I hear around with friends and people I know, C++ is a good program for programming, and really gets you to learn the ropes... Is this what your guys' opinion of the program would roughly be? Also, does anyone here know where I can either pick up a demo of C++, or even the full version? (stores, sites, etc)... Well, anything and everything is appreciated... Thanks alot...
  5. Ok, I am aware that it is possible to take a normal DVD-ROM, and by switching the drivers, since it uses the same laser, change it to a DVD-RW... Since with today's market where I live, that would save me between $60 and $200, it really sounds like an intrigueing offer...My question starts like this... Where would I find the drivers to make this transfer come from thought to reallity? How do I go about transfering the drivers safely? An once it is done, does anyone know the ratio as to speed differences? Like if you are using a 54X DVD-ROM, what would the DVD-RW speed be, etc... Anyways, if someone might be able to get back to me on this with what they know or have done when you get some time, id appreciate this... thanks...
  6. haha... yea, I appreciate the comments from you two... Serverph, I think you kinda hit the nail on the head... I mean, lets face it, who doesnt wanna just get down and dirty with Flash?!?! ... Anywho, yea, I think I will probably end up doing what you said, and that was use Swish for the smaller rushed projects, and Flash for a little more in depth... Anyways, thanks for the input, I will be sure to put it to as good of use as I can...
  7. Ok, heres my situation... I am going to be going to school here in the fall to get certified in Oracle and Java... To help excel that along, I am going to be buying a new laptop here shortly... I was thinking about purchasing a totally tricked out and customized (down to the last detail) Dell Inspiron 6000 D (the one on the Right if you go to the page)... From what I know about PC's, if I customize it correctly, I can get a pretty good payload out of it, and be able to efficiently use it for schooling, gaming, etc... Does anyone here know of either a better bang for the buck, or just a better one in general? Totally customized how I wanted it, with a wireless router and 256MB flash drive, it came out to just over $2,100... well, lemme know... thanks...
  8. yea, I hear ya... from what I have found out about it, it is so high because its what all the major PC and internet corps use for their mainframes, and was just released to the public within the last month or two... though, they are projecting the price will drop drastically within the next year or so... thats when I am hoping to buy them... They are hoping it will be down to around $100 or $200 USD within a year or so, and remain steady either there or below, so that will help alot...
  9. Hopefully I am not the only one experiencing this, and one of you can help me figure it out... I run a cable modem, so I surf the web using IE... However, every so often, generally right when I am doing something important as my luck goes, all of a sudden every IE window closes without giving any reasoning or error messages... Does anyone know either how to fix it, or why this happens? I am not using a proxy, router, or anything like that, and my PC is virus free, and scanned each day for ad/spyware... any ideas?
  10. Ok, since im new to the whole Xisto scene, please excuse me if I sound completely clueless... anywho, my brother in law (a fellow web designer), is looking for web service, and since he and I are looking for pretty much the same thing, I am planning to give him a link to your site to check you guys out later on this evening...Just out of general curiosity however, are any hosting points given for getting new people to sign up? I mean, honestly, it isnt that big of deal... im used to being active in several forums, so getting points shouldnt be a problem for me, just curious as to the deal with that... thanks... Notice from BuffaloHELP: Removed 8 blank lines.
  11. Ok, I have run into a little "fork in the road" so to speak. I was conversing with a friend of myne, and we began discussing the pro's and con's of two popular graphics/animation programs... SwishMAX and MS Flash... I personally have both, SwishMAX and Flash MX 2004... Personally, I feel SwishMAX is better, becuase it gives you a broader range of effects, etc to do with your animation... However, at the same time, while more difficult to get used to (especially coming from Swish), Flash has its ups and downs as well, allowing a somewhat more professional, smoother look, while allowing the user to customize almost every image and detail...So, to decide which I should use for my next site (assuming I am going to incorporate some animation into it), I am turning to you guys... For those of you who have used them, which do you prefer and why? Any and all input is greatly appreciated... Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited to remove 8 blank lines.
  12. thanks, that is exactly what i was looking for... i knew i had seen it before, just couldnt remember what it was listed under... thanks again...
  13. I know it hasn't been a very popular topic as far as advertising and discussion with the media and such goes, however recently an awesome new product came out... The title of the post rather gives it away, but it is a Multi-Core processor... for those who arent aware of what it is, it looks alot like a heatsync, only it fits into the spot on your motherboard designed for your processor... This instead, holds 4 processors... You can also buy attatchments for it to hold more, however with 4, it increases your computer's potential like no other. To give an example of the type of power it has, Apple uses something like 100 of the multicore processors, and it supplies their entire mainframe with power and speed to spare... I personally would love to get one of these, thought ranging at between $500 and a grand each for the core alone (thats right, no processors included), its a little out of my price range at the moment... Has anyone here either heard more info about it, or had the chance to use one, or use a PC that had one?
  14. thanks, i appreciate that... i was reading over the instruction/rules, etc... to get credits you must remain active in the forums... that makes sense... but what happens if you are hosting a site, and become inactive on the forums for whatever reason for a time period adding up to more than the credits you have? does your account get suspended, canceled, or what?
  15. sorry for adding a new post on this... its been a long morning (worked till 3 am, and now gotta go to school), and couldnt find the edit button... but is there a specific place to go to see how many points you have? if it seems im just blabbering on, forgive me... as i said, its been a long morning... anyway, I will catch up with you guys later... see ya...
  16. Ok, thanks for that info... ill be sure to check out the CPanel once I get the site and start building... The site I was talking about which was built with Geeklog is here. Let me see here... As far as one that I built goes, I have taken most of them down as for the longest time I was running on a very limited web space (hense the attempt to re-locate here), however I did participate in the building of This Site... its a site for a game that I play every so often for one of the squads in it... lol... and dont worry... im just as nosey as you are ... anyways, thanks again for the help there... I really appreciate it... Are you guys running the basic or pro versions? and around how long did it take you to get the 30 pts needed (assuming you are on the pro)?
  17. Hello,I am new to the Xisto scene... (wow, that sounded alot more like something you would say at an AA meeting than i had hoped for...) anyways, I have been building sites back and forth at different places for various reasons for years now... though I havent really strayed far from HTML.. HTML I can use without a problem, and I have some background in JAVA, graphics, etc... Anyways, back to the subject. Recently, I was looking over a site a friend of myne created which used the Geeklog scripts and templates. It looked great, though after downloading the files for it, I cannot figure out how to incorporate the PHP coding into creating the actual site... would anyone here be able to help me out?
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