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Posts posted by dragonfang00

  1. that really sucks.. here in the Philippines, Microsoft target shops dealing with computers like internet shops, printing, etc.. even popular restaurants has been victim of these raids.. for us, they're no ordinary policemen.. cause in our area, NBI agents are the one raiding companies and businesses.. and they're not just going about Microsoft's products.. as long as you have illegal software installed like adobe's then you're already in the list..

  2. I've been using freehostia.com since may 2008 and I will say they are not as good as you all say.. Yeah, free, no banner ads, no posting on forums, cheap, but do you know your site's uptime? for me? I only have uptime of 57.**%.. that sucks right? no.. because they're free.. *duh..that's the reason why I am trying to get hosted with Xisto. because I just found out they are more reliable for my site than freehostia and any other free hosting out in the net..

  3. for me, one of the most secured way of downloading genuine antivirus is to download them on their official websites and not from any file hosting website.. I mean, if they are a genuine antivirus and is making profit of their software, they should have their own website.. for me I am using mcAfee security center and I am glad I have their antivirus because it already helped me many times..but if you followed an untrusted antivirus be aware.. ask first from friends, or forums if that antivirus is safe.. Saint_Michael is right too. you should avoid website's who is forcing you to buy their antivirus products and saying that you have a virus even if your computer doesn't have any.. one way is to be cautious.. being cautious won't hurt your computer.. it may even help..

  4. Hi folks,
    Just wondering, as a newbie website builder, where can I get some useful HTML, CSS templates suitable for building a small business website?

    What is the best development environment for building websites? Is there a good open source program available?, or is it best to spend some money on something like Dreamweaver?

    Does anyone have experience of adding databases to Xisto sites, perhaps using Wamp server?

    you can find many free templates.. just search the net using a search engine...

    about development.. softwares you can use are eclipse, kompozer, notepad++, and texteditor...

    and about the database part... you can just use the database of your own server..

  5. for me I use both.. you can't use php alone, well heck you can but it is much easier to integrate PHP with HTML.. just like integrating HTML with CSS... and integrating PHP with HTML is much cleaner (in terms of the code itself) than using just PHP alone..


    <?phpecho '<html><body><a href="domain.com/login.php?user=' . $userID . '" /></body></html>';?>

    instead you can just do:
    <html><body><a href="domain.com/login.php?user=<?php echo $userID; ?>" /></body></html>

    and using html alone will not suffice the needs of modern websites that is already integrated with PHP.. you can't have a login page without a PHP and MySQL..

  6. the image you showed is just an HTML editor.. if you want you can download that very same editor.. but all it will give you is a HTML Editor.. Adobe Dreamweaver is the same included is a css.. Dreamweaver also has a php editor.. if you want a free editor, just use notepad++..

  7. hands on is better than any other way of learning a new programming language..

    just like this:

    <?phpsetcookie('user', 'username', time()+3600);if (isset($_COOKIE['user'])){	echo "You are logged in: $_COOKIE['user'] Enjoy.";}else{ 	echo "You are not logged in. <a href='register.php'>Register here</a>";}?>

    if you're a beginner and will just look on a book you'll never find what is this for.. you should try first a program to know the what the program and the SCRIPT is for..
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