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Posts posted by darasen

  1. Automated Windows update is a good very choice for hassle free update. If you like to update manually no problem. But it regularly.

    Sorry I have to disagree completely here. I never leave automatic update turned on. It is not infrequent that the updates and patches released by MS on patch Tuesdays are either buggy or contain a new security flaw in them. There are great sites out there that help keep track of good and bad MS patches. I would suggest using them before blindly applying anything to the OS. Truly it is not unheard of for MS to have to patch their patches. So in my professional opinion keep Automatic updates off.

    I dislike ZoneAlarm currently. It has gotten bloated when even the free Firewall wants to install the "security Suite" and I can not abide nag screens.

    Some suggestions I would give. Back up your registry. Malware tends to hide itself in the ugliness that is the Windows registry. Backing up the registry in case you need to restore it will give you a pre-infection copy of your registry. Consider running a program like Startupmonitor to keep an eye on your system and when anything tries to add itself to start up the program will ask you if you wish to allow it. I find it useful even for programs I am installing but do not want to add anything to startup such as Real player's realshed.exe. Another measure to keep track of what is going on in your Pc is to run something like an install monitor that takes a list of all the files on your PC and a snapshot of the registry before and after an installation. You can then see exactly what an instalation added or changed on your PC. This is helpful in the case of malware given that you can always run the scan again if you have an issue and compare it to the clean scan to see what had been added to the machine.

    Of course there are other suggestions as well like not using IE that everyone should know. Flash is another potential security risk. Of course not using Windows increases security exponentially.

  2. I am gona add some custom pics to my game, i was wondering if anyone could tell me where i can download a free program that has:

    Setting height and width by entering their sizes in pixels

    Gif animation or multiple frame animation

    Layers are possible

    Exporting is 100% quality and no signs of program are left on pic

    Choosing a custom color

    Any extra drawing tools would be nice=)

    I was thinking photoshop, but i thought its more for editing pics than creating them and the pics i want to make aren't that detailed, i might use photoshop is i can't find any better alternative.

    Photoshop not for creating images? pleae do not tell THIS GUY. In all seriousness Photoshop is a very (very ^10 ) capable tool for creating images from nothing. The link is to an Illustrator for Marvel Comics and all of the colour pieces are created entirely in Photoshop. I just felt I had to point that out.

  3. First Things First ..

    Vista is slightly different in that it inserts icons not at the end of existing icons but at the beginning under the recycle bin which results in all of the existing icons shifting down one space.

    Gah! I almost forgot about that since I drove Vista back with a crucifix and a clove of garlic. What an annoying way of doing something. I mostly just know where the icon is if it is on my desktop. Otherwise I typically just press the key on my keyboard that the title starts with. Jst tap C and City of heroes is ready. Failing that I read the labels.

    Useless additional information: I rarely, if ever, double click anything. If I do click an icon, instead of using the keyboard, I always hit the enter button on the number pad with my thumb.

  4. Do your self a favor as well and read all the james Bond books by Ian Flemming. They are rather entertaining though they have to be read with the fact in mind that they are very much a product of their time. "Live and Let Die" and "For YOur Eyes Only" are the best of the Roger Moore films. for some reason they tend to look outdated even more so than the Sean Connery films to me. Of course by the Roger Moore films they had also pretty much given up on making the movies book adaptations. "Living Daylights" and "License to Kill" are, to me, forgettable. Timothy Dalton tried to be a tougher bond with bad scripts and not very much charisma. Those two films nearly killed the franchise. Pierce Brosnan was a great choice to play Bond. Goldeneye remains one of my favorite Bond films. Brosnan was every bit as good looking as Moore and able to pull off the smooth and charming Bond. He was also able to convincingly portray the tougher side of Bond as well. Goldeneye even had a bit of meat to the script with Bonds uneasy relationship to the new M, the Cold War being over, and just plain getting a bit older. My only wish was they would have stuck with that direction. "Die another Day" was just plain awful. The Bond movies have now recovered rather well. Daniel Craig is easily the closest to being James Bond as presented in the books.

  5. For those who read "The God Delusion" do yourself a favor and go read "Evidence that Demands a Verdict". I realize most won't but to read a single very opinionated book without any other opinion is rather intellectually dishonest.

    To argue that Universe has to be simple to start and grow more complex is simply absurd. For one it would require that you know how the universe started and that would put you ahead of everyone else on the planet. Additionally such a statement shows a complete vacuum of knowledge in the area of quantum mechanics. (The physics that scientist have been trying to use to create a model for the pre-expansion universe) Remember things to go from orderly to disorderly. Also the notion that God could not exist because he would have to more complex than the universe is just plain silly. That is close to saying I can't create a lever or a whell because I am more complex than those?

  6. I tend to start with the most core of the components. Dealing with many database projects I tend to develop the reporting, for example. With some reporting funtionality accomplished this gives me a center to work out from. Additionally given that this is the main thrust of many Data driven apps I then have a good part to show the client.

  7. You may have tried this but, to narrow the casue I would suggest removing all but the most necessary hardware. then start the machine to see if it locks up. If not add 1 piece of hardware until it does and that piece will Most Likely be the culprit. I do not see a CD-ROM listed in the hardware specs. If there is one I would be curious to know if it has the same issue when started with a live CD like Knoppix.

  8. City of Heroes has released it's latest free expansion today Issue 13 "Power and Responsibility". (Actually as I type this they are doing server maintenance) It is really great how th game continues to add free content. In this release they have added shield powers. Also they have innovated and added some features I have not seen in other MMOs. One thing they have done is added what they call day jobs. When you log out there are specific places you can log out at and your time offline from the game is considered to be your heroes time doing his secret identity job. Doing your day job gives you certain buffs when you are back on and playing. One of the neatest additions, to me, is the leveling pact. They have a system wherein you and a friend can create characters and enter a pact. What happens at that point is that your characters always split their experience Thus assuring they always remain the same level. Even if one person is logged off the experience is still split. There is a list of other things they have added and improved at the web site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they are making the Mac compatible as well.

  9. This is another one of those questions that gets asked a lot. The answer is always the same that there really isn;t a way to completely prevent some one from right clicking or the like. Frankly I use Firefox with a script blocker and if a page can not work with out scripts than I do not bother with it normally. So if you wish to drive visitors AWAY from your site then go right ahead.Secondly I always have to ask myself why?Ask yourself: Is your site really so unique that everyone who visits is going to want to copy it, Really? Is your code that amazing? Consider that you can freely look at the code for Linus or the Kernel of Mac OS X. Is yours really that far above theirs? If it is images you are trying to protect don't bother. I know artist that work for Marvel, ILM, Blizzard, and numerous other places. They freely post images they have created (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) with this kind of silliness. Really, there is no reason.

  10. As stated by others you would need to have a very good grasp of other far more complex languages to gain the knowledge to create your own. I must commend you on this though, you didn't ask someone else to do it for you. I do not know how many post I have seen where someone states they have a great idea for an FPS or an MMO they are certain will dethrone WoW. But, they barely now HTML and could we please program it for them, and while we are at that can some one make all the art as well.

    On to your question, If you really want to learn how a program is put together and ran take a look at Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. This is the text book for an introductory course in programming used at MIT. The language used in the Book is LISP though the principles discussed deal with all programs and how they run. It is deep stuff and requires some algebra in places but worth reading.

  11. So much to respond to, makes me happy. I think Vista, rightly or not is a matter of debate, will be largely regarded as poorly as Windows ME. IF the next version of Windows happens to be better. The XKCD cartoon is funny. MS does tend to give stuff to students, especially in the IT courses. I think it is kind of like some crack dealers though where the first hit is free. They want a teeming mass of computer science grads that have grown up familiar with MS and little else.

  12. Oddly this thread seems to have elicited Ms bashing resutls and the How to Improve Windows thread has elicited What MS does right responses.

    So I guess there's nothing good created by people who are into business

    I am sorry I do not understand this statement. Are you trying to say that there is no good software made that isn't open source? I am sure that can;t be it.

  13. This is a nice effort though there several issues with it. Please not the following is offered only as constructive criticism. Do not take anything personally. Please note that I went to college for art and design and worked as a graphics designer for a few years before becoming a programmer.


    First thing this is technically not a logo. A logo is a distinguishable graphic. A logo should be able to be used on a business card or letter head, where it is printed much smaller, and still be recognizable. As well a good logo should also be able to be printed in high contrast, (just black and white no grays). Examples of this would be the Nike Swoosh, the Disney mouse ears, the Olympics rings, or Apple's apple.

    Posted Image

    Those are all purely graphical elements with out type that immediately indicate the company or organization they represent. That is a logo. The image you have is closer to being a logotype. (pulled the image from this nice explanation of types of logos)


    Now that that is cleared up there is something else we need to know. The purpose of a logo is to distinguish a company and to identify a company. A companies logo or logotype should say something about it indirectly. Two ways of doing this are with type and color. to use the IBM logo as an example you will see that is is just the name of the company (breaking the the type rule) but, the line through it bespeak technology, especially to those a bit older who are used tp to print outs from dot matrix printers and older monitor displays. The logo is, when in color, in blue. Blues are typically used used to denote stability and respect in design. Similarly when type is is used it needs to be either unique, like the NASA logo or be representative of the organization. For example you should probably avoid an accountant who uses comic sans on his business card.

    Posted Image


    Concerning your logo directly; Let us remove all but the actual company name and reflection. The font (the name of which escapes me) is completely wrong for the type of service Xisto provides. I would expect this typeface for a web comic or something of that sort. It is too "fun" for a service where stability is preferred. Also the type is rather plain, I have seen the type many times. Consider looking around the internet for a more unique type, (falsely called a font), consider adjusting the kerning (the space between individual letters) as this can make a type more interesting to look at. The reflection bit is overused in my opinion in too many logos.


    This response has been MUCH longer than I had anticipated, thus I will end it here. Take a look at the above link for a nice example of some logos. If you are interested in design take a look at Designing with Type. Or any other number of good design books. A warning though most "design" sources on the net are absolute crap.

  14. but seriously, how can you bring some data into your computer, whats the difference of having a CD or a Floppy disk? it also can carry a virus, just using floppy disk drives these days is quite stupid and I really can say that flash keys are much better than a CD, it all depends on people and the way they are using their computers, most of them are newbies I guess and just knows how to use Office or something like that and because of using their usb flash keys at home they can catch some virus, I rather see pentagon getting a anti virus software or some IT stuff to work on it to remove the threat when installing a flash drive key or when you insert it..

    Actually they are preventing all removable media at the moment. Of course they use Anti virus , but as we all, should, know they are never 100%, particularly if the virus were placed intentionally. I, for one, believe that the U.S government should abandon the Windows platform entirely. I think that in and of itself would increase security greatly.

  15. It is a truism that it is far far easier to criticize than to compliment. I guess it is just part of human nature. I myself am rather critical of Microsoft in many ways especially their ubiquitous Os, Windows. Now I am going to challenge us though and ask a tough question, what does Microsoft do right?

    I would have to start with their website. Support.microsoft.com is a remarkable source for any issue you might be having with windows or an MS product. Also MSDN.microsoft.com and their technet are a vast source of knowledge for just about anything you may need. There are articles for everyone from PC beginners to advanced programmers available. It is not always easy to find what you are looking for but just plunging into the knowledge base at random one is bound to learn something new.

    The free stuff they offer: Ms actually does have a decent amount of free products available to the public. the VB .net express as well as the C# and C++ offerings for free are good tools for learning and making lightweight applications. With the free SQL server express you can make client server database applications as well. Good stuff for no cost.

    Lastly I will mention MS Access. I know that Access has many detractors but as I have stated before I can make a decent living from developing with this one application. Access is able to run the gamut of being a single user database to splitting the data and running it as a client server application. When the Access database functionality reaches it's limits Access still makes a great front end for data stored on larger database management systems. Access functions well as a rapid application development tool and all the code from an Access program can be compiled to an executable to where the user never even sees the normal access window.

    There may be other things that Microsoft does well. Thus, now it is time for the communities input. What do you think?

  16. Lets face facts Windows is currently the most used operating system in the world. That said, let us also admit that Windows is not the greatest OS out there either. (that would be Unix) So ignoring completely ones opinions of Windows let's imagine we had the power to chance Windows completely and were able to disregard previous Windows implementations (if you so choose ie the start menu) and Microsoft marketing techniques. How would you change Windows to make it better? For me the most fundamental change would be to make it more like Linux or OS X and have the kernel separate from everything else. Thus the Gui would be separate. Additionally any program that ties into the OS that really has no reason to would be separate. Removing explorer and media player from the OS would go a long way to making a better more secure OS. Next I will kill the registry. Tome the Windows registry is completely antiquated and the source of a majority of Windows' problems. How much harder would it be for malware to tuck itself into hiding places with out the registry. Installs and uninstalls would be so much smoother as well with out remnants of stuff bloating it. The registry has to go. There are other ideas, of course, nut I'd like to hear the communities.

  17. I enjoyed the movies quite a bit. They are rather good, especially for children's movies which I tend to loathe. (Really bad acting and poor writing, no thanks.) The first couple of the movies are rather faithful to the books as well. The first is almost verbatim. After the third, I believe, I started to read the books as well. and found them to be very entertaining. Rowling writes teen aged children very believably, especially where their romances are concerned. I am able to enjoy both the books and the movies for what they are. I did think Order of the Phoenix felt a bit rushed, but it is a decent sized book. To dismiss the books, as one poster indicated, based on the target audience is severely limiting yourself. I found the potter books to be just as entertaining as an of Brooks' works. (Really, I think Brooks has been rehashing the same story and characters since "The Elfstones of Shannara".) Works like "Bridge to Teribethia" (the book) or "A Fine White Dust" are excellent. Then there are the works of Judy Blume or A.A. Milne even Shel Silverstien and a load of others. Read any Newberry winners winners and your in for more originality than latest Court room drama or Clancy novel.

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