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Posts posted by liod

  1. I like Opera for browsing, I think it is the fastest browser and you can browse mobile page without installing any plug in.I like Notepad++ too.It`s a great solution for a script writer.I like Flash MX 2004, though it`s an old schooll version of Flash i like to play with it.Making game and animation

  2. Compared to Xisto - Web Hosting, we knew that freehostia is cheaper.But you wont get cPanel as your web control panel. Quite a pain. I personally think that a great host should use cPanel or Plesk control panel. :lol:Xisto - Web Hosting is greater tahn freehostia in feature.Freehostia`s free host is very bad, tons of downtime.I prefer to get hosted with small link ads by qupis than having tons of downtime of freehostia.

  3. Hello Friends, i would like to share you my experience about ej.am free web hosting service.
    This is a good free web host compared to others. They give no php restriction for us with standard cPanel feature.
    They are post 2 host web hosting. To make a host, you must register at its forum and make 10 pst.Then you can create your web site by yourself, don`t need any posting application. In basic plan, you`ll be given 300mb space, 3GB bandwith, and 3x of cPanel feature.
    To keep your account active, you must log in at least once in two weeks, only log in, no need to post, isn`t that great?
    But the problem is.....
    If you want to upgrade your account, you must post at least 30 post a month ^_^ . Too bad

    That`s why poeple didn`t choose it. But if you need small host with no restriction, get hosted here.
    If you need bigger plan, host your site in Xisto.com The best free web hosting ever :lol: .

    Sorry if my grammar is bad

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