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Posts posted by allabout42

  1. Yea, I heard of netbux a while back at another forum....but could not sign up because I didn't have a paypal account. My friend signed up for netbux a long time ago and stop using it because he couldn't stand it anymore. Oh well, I'm glad I didn't sign up for it

  2. 1. American flag flaping on the moon which everybody knows has no atmosfere.

    2. Photos made by the astronauts in (NASA says) different locations seem identical.

    3. Shadows in the same photos suggest 2 different light sources, but on the moon the sun is the

    only light source.

    4. No dust present on the moon lander.

    5. If you double the speed of the tape with the astronauts walking on the moon, you will see


    Wow I never thought about this. It kinda does make you wonder though....

  3. I never have tried bearshare before, but I have used limewire and Kazaa. I think limewire is better than Kazaa because Kazaa has so many currupted files and adware (unless you have Kazaa Lite). My expierence with limewire is very positive so far. I would recommend Limewire to anyone.

    If anyone wants to download limewire, heres some links:

  4. Here's my results:My age: 16Gender: MaleBlood Pressure: Blood pressure checked regulary and normalHeight & Weight: 15.947069943289225 BMIFamily History: Family member lived to the age of 70 with no cardiovascular problems before the age of 55Exercising: Somewhat activeStress: Stress is a positive influenceDriving: No accidents within the past 3 yearsSeatbelts: YesSmoking : NoDrinking: Never DrinkDrugs: NoneDiet: AverageYour longevity is: 86 :P Wow 86 years, that's pretty good....maybe I will live to 100 :(

  5. Firefox is better than Internet Explorer in many ways. Internet Explorer is very outdated for its time. Firefox offers an excellent popup blocker and seems to be 3 times faster than internet explorer.

    For those of you who do not have firefox v1.0.4, you can download from here:


    Also Here's something for broadband people that will really speed Firefox up:

    1. Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit 'Enter'.
    Scroll down and look for the following entries:

    network.http.pipelining network.http.proxy.pipelining

    Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.

    2. Alter the entries as follows:

    Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true" by 'Double-Clicking' that line.

    Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true" by double-clicking that line.

    Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like "30". This means it will make 30 requests at once.

    3. Lastly 'Right-Click' anywhere and select 'New' --> 'Integer'. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.

    If you're using a broadband/DSL connection you'll load pages MUCH faster now!!

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