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Posts posted by -Sky-

  1. Well, I suppose I do like to use php, however it does annoy me when I try to include a file...it just annoys me when it gives me an error. :D And when doing a cache/lang_ file when I put for example:

    'example'					=> "Ex: Example page",
    Sometimes I forget to end the line with a ",". :( I really hate doing that. :)

  2. Totally agreed. It also takes there crap Support Team like 1 WHOLE week just to reply to your support tickets..or even over a month when our accounts get hijacked. Their support sucks, and it's terrible...yet they do bugger all to improve it...They think they know best - well to be honest, they know jack sh*t! (Sorry for the bad word Mods/Admins) but it's totally necessary for these conclusions.

  3. Thanks anwii.

    i have replaced a couple in the past and all i did(aside from the cpu), was go out and buy the cheapest thermal paste i could find. heck though sky..you don't even need that unless you don't want to start a fire.

    At the bold text...what do you mean by that? I didn't understand.


    I am replacing my current processor when I get this new one. My current processor is an AMD Athlon 64 3200+, single core. And yes, my socket is 939.

  4. Hey Guys. Well the Processor in the Title is what I am getting, since I am not one of them Intel nubs like most of you are. :P Before I start the topic, I'd like to ask that NO ONE insult me or the processor I am getting, since we all don't have both parents as Lawyers (ASH...). OK? I do not wish to here criticism for this, I am being serious.


    The Processor I am getting I have won from eBay. It has a heatsink included (obviously), however I do NOT have any TP, Alcohol or SGP (Static Ground Protection) and need advice on WHERE and WHAT products I should buy for this operation. No doubt my current processor has Thermal Paste on it, and if I take my heatsink off I'd need to clean the Thermal Compound off and stick some more TP on, but the main thing is, I DONT want to find out it has TP all over it right now, since I am not buying the processor yet. I have spoken to the seller on eBay and he's fine with the payment delay and has agreed to save it for me.


    I just need to know what products I need to purchase for this processor replacement. For example, Arctic Silver 5 etc. Thanks.


    Note: Please give a positive reply, not some pathetic reply that does not help me. If your going to post some crap that does not help (but just to get you some MyCENTs) then don't even bother.

  5. Ahh yes. Christmas presents. :D OK, well heres my list. :D


    More Chocolate

    Soulja Boy Hoody (Yay Ash. :P)

    Alot of cards (same as you Ash)

    New Mobile Phone

    Remote Control Car and Helicopter (My family have FUN when we go out)

    Deoderant (My mother says I smell. :P)

    Some new components for my Computer)

    And some other stuff. :D Quite good actually. :D


    Anyone else?

  6. Yeah..I get alot of these. It drives me crazy since I cannot block them. :P Just delete them, however some are just to stupid to realise it's scam and spam, so they register on the site and try and get it...next thing you know, you have dozons of viruses and money taken out of PayPal or what ever they use to try and get it. :P

  7. Ouija Board (Wigi Board)


    Hey guys. I just watched Paranormal Activity and...omg, I can say I've NEVER watched anything so messed up in all my life! Some people (like anwii for example) might say these are not even real, or I am stupid or what ever (what ever he says to try and offend/insult me...) with. Well, I watched this movie, about these 2 couples in a big house based in San Diego, CA United States of America (USA) with a Demon entity continuiously after Katie (the girlfriend of Micah).


    I say it was the most disturbing horror movie I have EVER watched...seriously.. Please don't insult/offend me for this thread, I am only letting out my opinions and thoughts, it is not against the rules (right?).


    Parts of the movie "about" credits:


    After a young, middle class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban ?starter? tract house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly most active in the middle of the night.


    Especially when they sleep. Or try to.

    But do Wigi boards actually exist and is it true that it opens a door for the evil entities?


    Wigi Board:

    By Long John Silver from Yahoo Answers

    There is a popular belief that an Ouija board has some inherent power, or that spirits live inside the board or planchette. This is not correct. The Ouija board is simply a board with letters, numbers, a few words, and copyright and/or patent information, and the planchette is a small inert device that has been designed to move easily across the board. There is nothing magic or mysterious about the board or planchette themselves, and the mere presence of such devices will not cause paranormal events to occur.


    The board's power comes from the calling forth of spirits. The participant(s) get(s) the attention of these spirits and ask(s) them questions, whereupon the spirits respond by moving the planchette around on the board. Many people believe a person can call forth the spirit of someone who has passed on, or some other specific entity, but this has never been proven, to my knowledge. The spirit(s) who are summoned will often not have any singular identity at all.


    There are those who do not believe in spirits, and some of them have come up with the ideometric theory described above to try to explain that which obviously transcends the natural laws of our universe. The ideometric theory has never been conclusively proven, and cannot be, since it assumes no influence outside of our universe can affect events within it. But you cannot prove a negative, unless you make certain assumptions first. A scientific theory based on assumption is no theory at all, and should be summarily dismissed. But that is just my opinion.


    Those spirits who do have identities will usually be vague, evasive or misleading about their names. This is because knowing their names can give the experienced summoner power over the spirits themselves, and the spirits can then be forced to do things they don't want to do. This is very undesirable to the spirits, of course, who want to keep their liberty and freedom intact.


    The spirits who are summoned in this way are never good ones. Good spirits will not respond to this type of summoning. Sometimes the spirits who are summoned are neutral or mischievous, and will often simply give random answers to participants' questions.

    Other spirits may be more powerful than these, and may actually have limited knowledge they may impart. However, these spirits are nearly always malevolent, and when summoned they may decide to take residence in the room or household where they are summoned. Sometimes they will even take residence in the participants themselves! Once they have taken residence, they can manifest themselves in our world of reality in real and very frightening, and in some cases very destructive, ways.


    Depending on the power of these malevolent beings, one may be able to drive them out in a variety of ways. These spirits are very legalistic, however, and some of them may have the power to take up permanent residence in the room, household or person they have elected to haunt.


    These spirits can only be gotten rid of by identifying the source of their right to be wherever they are, renouncing this right, and flooding the host with good spirits. They can then be forced to flee. Very powerful evil spirits may be difficult to exorcise even in this manner, but it is the only manner that has been proven to be successful.


    Keep in mind that this is the way you get rid of the malevolent spirits once you have them. You cannot prevent their permanent residence by any means, whether by religious prayers, icons, garlic, holy water, or whatever, because the actual calling forth of spirits is what gives them the right to stay. The calling of the spirits will override any preventive measures you could use to prevent their permanent residence.


    If you do call forth spirits to manipulate objects in the real world and divulge information, you are asking for trouble. My advice is, DON'T! No information received in this way is worth the potential risk of possession by evil spirits. Many lives have been completely destroyed in this way. Please, don't let this happen to you. If you are tempted to use divination devices to call forth spirits, get rid of them. Your life will be much better for it.

    What do others believe about these evil Demon entities etc?
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