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Posts posted by -Sky-

  1. Oh, so you think your all this, thinking you know everything do you? You obviously don't have a clue about Demonic Possession weather or not it's real or not. You think it's fake, OK well that's your problem, not mine. But you wouldn't be mouthing me if it happened to you, so I think you need to watch your mouth.Just because you've been here longer then does does not give you the rights to authority to act like your an admin, so shut up.

  2. sky...sorry bud.....you are full of *BLEEP*. either you really feel what you feel is true and you are believing what others have seen, you you are just amking up lies. eitgher way, you are full of *BLEEP*. i believe in demonic possession. what i a have a hard time understanding.....is that you believe in the evil inside you......but you don't believe in any good that can overcome it. you are contradicting yourself right now and you don't even realize it. why don't you grow some balls and start speak some REAL truth......

    OK, this is why I don't like you anwii. If your going to keep being insultive, then get the hell off this forum, you should get banned!

  3. What, felt the demon? Last night. I could hear him talking to me saying alot of stuff of what will happen the next day etc. I didn't listen much though, since I was tired. :) He doesn't try to harm or put me in a position that will cause danger to me and others around me either.


    By of what you say "the shield" thing, if I'm correct, this would cast or make him leave me causing him to dislike me, right?.. :D

  4. That depends on what kind of demon it is. I agree, demons are not to be trusted, and some are unfriendly. But I know it's not a ghost or what ever, since ghosts do not have the power to possess and make you levitate like demons. Demons have feet, ghosts do not.I don't want to cast him out of me, I like him. He's not harming me, so why would I scare him away and make him leave? If I turned to "Gods" faith, then my demon would turn against me. And that's not a good sign. I must respect my demon so he respects me.

  5. wooo xD this sure is a large topic and I enjoyed reading it, first of all I want to ask something, you don't believe in Christ? mm well, that's why.. anyway this experience was cool xD I mean terrifying and your story makes me afraid of you xD is that Demon still inside of you? well don't eat me kay? aha kidding.. just trust and believe in God my friend :)

    Well, I think the demon is still in me, I mean, he communicates with me at night telepatically. Sometimes when he's active he wont let me sleep... he keeps talking to me. If I drop off, sometimes he sleeps/goes inactive or he'll wake me up by phisically touching me.. No, I don't believe in christ, since no one at all has ever seen "God" or what ever. Evil is real, no offence to christianity, but I think this whole holy spirit or "God / christ" thing is fake.
    I'd rarther not make my demon aggressive and hate me. He's been friendly since eairly 2002-2003.

  6. Hey guys.


    I know most of you active members here on this fourm are most probably "Christians" or ones that believe in God and Jesus, so you may not believe me at all. I don't want members to reply only for insulting me because of my expierences or my belieafs.


    OK, so it all began in 1997. I was 5 years old, living with my parents in Coalville, UK. One night something strange happened to me. (everything you read from now, was told to me by over 5 of my familly members as they whitnessed it!) Both my Mom and my Dad, my cousin and my 3 uncles where watching Television in the front room (lounge/living room as many people call it) and so was I. Being in the front room for 2 hours we all was watching a movie (I don't know what it was, I was too young to remember) but after an hour and 20 minutes of the film, my mom noticed I was just sitting still with my eyes constantly stearing at them. My mom said to my Dad, "Kev, there's something wrong with Kel. What's wrong with him?! (Kev, being my dad, and Kel obviously being me). My cousin said "he seems so..zombified"...my mom told him to shut up, and then she said I turned around and looked at our dog (Chippy), our dog started growling at me, barking for no reason at all... :)


    After a few minutes of the dog barking, my dad said I was saying something in a different language. He said it was like Latin or something. My mom said, I was saying "The Devil is in me. I am strong and you are all going to suffer". I couldn't believe what she said I was doing, it all sounded so..familliar. My uncle phoned the Paramedics to see if they could see what was wrong with me, they said to phone a psychiatrist. So my Dad rang the psychiatrists and they came over to see what was wrong...they said they've been called many times about these issues, and he said to call a Demonologist, so my dad called a demonologist. The Demonologist came over and checked me out. My dad said I said in a deep demonic voice "The Devil is in me, leave now or you will die". :D


    The Demonologist asked this entity his name. The entity said his name was "ZOZO" and that it was going to kill the Demonologist. So the Demonologist asked why it was here, who or what summoned it, and "ZOZO" said "Satan". The Demonologists name is "Andy". ZOZO asked Andy "why are you here". Andy said "I was called here by the sons parents you have possessed". ZOZO said "Tough..he's not coming back, your wasting your time. F off". Andy said to ZOZO "that's not nice. Why are you so aggressive?"..ZOZO said "Because you and your god are pathetic".


    At that time, my Dad said my body started to "levitate" and lift up to the ceiling and started hovering in one spot then gradually de-levitated and sat back down...then my parents said i started to say strange words like something in a different language fast. I had never been so surprised to hear something in my life! Andy suggested to my parents to call a Preist. Unfortunately when they where whispering (my parents and Andy) the Demon heared them and said "If a lame priest comes you will die". My mom called the priest, and the demon overheared the conversation of the phone call. The Demon started screaming and shouting foul swear words. and it got worse. I was possessed by this demon for 2 and half weeks...and after calling a preist on the phone, they never turned up. I was constantly under possession for 2 weeks, and my mom began to get very worried and paranoied because she hadn't heared from me at all for 2 weeks.


    My mom asked the demon if she could talk to me..(me not the demon), so the demon said "be quick". So he released me. My mom asked "are you ok, what's wrong, what's happening". She said I said "I don't know..it's dark..very dark..." my mom said he was going to help me, free me from this entity. Then the entity took over me again and said "pathetic human. this human is mine. you will never see him again!" Andy said it is imperritive that my parents should get this demon out of me. But they never did. The demon was in control of me for over 2 weeks, non-stop possessed. then after nearly 3 weeks, the demon de-possessed me or what ever its called and removed control. It didn't get annoyed and say "this is pointless" or what ever, but from when he possessed me, I've always felt his presents..


    1999 (7 years old): the same demon came back. My mom said "oh not again" because he came back, but this time started talking with my voice, but it was a deep demonic sort of voice when he spoke. The demon let me talk aswell, but some how I had learned to control him from talking in my voice. When he came back, he said in my voice, but a demonic deep one: "Guess what....I'm BACK!" and then started chuckling like an evil laugh kind of thing. Again, my mom got scared and said leave him alone..not a good call, but OK..my mom told the demon to leave me alone, and he made some glass cups break and said "NEVER". a few hours after saying he was back, and after he was talking, he took half control of me..(first time was full control, a full possession) but this time I was able to speak myself aswell as the demon. he only controlled me for 10 minutes and started making me say strange things and levitating etc.


    After 10 minutes he released me again and said he'd be back, but didn't say WHEN he'd be back..my mom was terrified when he said he'd be back. This is the thing though...he didn't possess or take control of me from 1999. He'd accasionally use me to talk or to say strange things like "Ouija" or "Satan" or something. After this ZOZO never possessed or took control of me again without permission by me first. At the time he possessed me, I wasn't scared at all, I didn't feel any fear...I could hear him trying to communicate with me in my head like he was talking to me telepatically. He could understand and hear my thoughts, aswell as I could hear his. But something blocked me from listening/reading his thoughts, I was trying to read his memories or something from back in 1986. It was dark and evil. That's all I could tell.


    I don't think has ever left me..when he says he'd be back, he never actually left me..he just released control...he's always been inside me, I can feel and hear his presents. I can sense him too, but no matter how my mom told him to leave, he wouldn't. When she said words of "God" or "Christ" it caused this demon to get aggressive..it pushed my mom away from me..like a pulse kind of psychic wave.


    But as I said, from 1997 he's been with/inside me all my life, doing who knows what in me. Normally demons take your souls...well this demon didn't touch my soul nor did it want it for that matter. You can go ahead and criticise me all you want, in this topic, but all whole story is neather fake nor made up. It's not a dream nor a daydream (same as dream). This experience was real, and it did happen.


    Accasionally at 12:00 AM I can hear him in my mind..wanting to talk to me or play little games with me. I play his little games by communicating to him telepathically...I hear him laughing, giggling and stuff like that...and it's pretty obvious that he doesnt want to harm me in any way, since he's been with me since 1997 to now in 2010. In 4 days (on 2nd of Febuary) this demon would have been with me for 12 years.. nearly 5 of those years I have had to put up with this demon, and for the first to the first 2 years it has not been easy.


    Many of you may suggest getting an excorcist to perform an excorcism on me, but that would be disrespectful to the demon. I feel he's now my guardian since he's been with me for so long...and to be honest, no matter how much people say demons cant be trusted, that they trick you etc, this demon has never been like that. He's never hurt me like most demons would hurt their victims. Most of you members on this forum may tell me to get rid of him, that it will ruin my life, or that it's dangerious to have a real demon being with me. Over these years of having him, he's been friendly (he can get aggressive and start saying he's going to kill me or hurt me) but he never actually does what he says he will do when he's annoyed. He's only fully possessed me twice. Him taking control of me sometimes, I cannot stop or control him from doing, but he lets me control him from talking through my voice, and he doesn't mind that. But if I told him to leave, he'd either leave, or not leave. For the years he's known and been with me, he probably will refuse to leave.


    I don't mind members here advising me to tell my demon to leave me alone, or giving me advise saying to get rid of him, that it's dangerious, but what I will not allow is members here criticising me, trying to "insult" me because of it. I appreciate your concerns and advices, but I will say this once and once only - I do not want him to leave, I don't want him to go.


    If you have any questions or what ever, please feel free to ask me.

  7. Now just because your CPU looks fine it might not be the thing is it sounds like your Motherboard has not been able to deal with the voltage and other things. When my motherboard became faulty this was happening to me, Do you have a spear motherboard around the house so you could try this.

    It's not my motherboard Ash. And certainly is not my CPU that's died. :(


    Definitely. Unplug the computer from the wall socket and take the CMOS battery out of the motherboard. Keep it out for at least a minute. This should cause your motherboard to forget all of the BIOS settings and revert back to the BIOS defaults (not necessarily the same as the manufacturer defaults). Place the CMOS battery back into the motherboard, reconnect the power supply and switch on. As soon as you can, get into the BIOS. You will need to reset absolutely every setting to exactly how it was before, including CPU speed, voltages, RAM timings, system clock... everything. Before you started overclocking you should have noted down what all the values were so you could easily change them back. If you haven't written them down then you'll need to use your CPU and RAM information to find out the required voltages, speeds, etc. and use those. Check your PC boots after correcting all the settings and saving.

    Thank you rval thank you!!


    I did exactly as you said, and now my computer loads/boots how it should. CPU temperature is back to normal (20-30 degrees C) :) That's the last time I overclock my *BLEEP* CPU until I get a better and faster one of course! :D


    Did you even get extra cooling? and it would have helped if you would have read a few articles.

    Even with good cooling systems overclocking by that much will not work. your better off buying a faster CPU.

    It's not the cooling nor is it because I have a slow CPU.

  8. agubadu, I have disconnected the heatsink from on my CPU (on my PC) and the CPU chip seems, feels and looks fine. There's absolutely no markings on it of where it could have fried or even melted. The CPU seems to be in good condition. I read on overclock.net that if I took out the CMOS battery and put it back in, it'd reset to factory settings..should I try this?

  9. When overclocking (otherwise known as OC'd) you are like..pushing your CPU CLOCK to a point where it can speed up your system (sort of) but it increases your Ghz amount.

    I overclocked it by 3 levels, it is at 4.02Ghz atm when originally it's 2.01Ghz.

    Overclocking a computer's processor or memory causes it to go faster than its factory rated speed. A processor rated at 2.4GHz might be overclocked to 2.5GHz or 2.6GHz, while memory rated at 200MHz might be pushed to 220MHz or higher. The extra speed results in more work being done by the processor and/or memory in a given time period, increasing the overall computing performance of the PC.

    Source: http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=1804

  10. Hey guys.I need some help. I sort of "over-over" clocked my computers CPU a little too much and now it wont even boot.:) I am having to write this on my Laptop fornow. I'm not sure what to do as I cant even get onto my computer, it just overheats in seconds of booting up! :D I use:AMD Athlon 64 3200+ ProcessorMemory: 1.25GBCould I get support with this computer related issue please?Thank you.

  11. Hey guys..


    For some time now, I've been wondering why my GTA IV holds on "Loading..." for IV Multiplayer. I have played on Multiplayer before now (on the same PC), but recently had a reformat issue. When I tried installing Windows 7 on my 500GB External Hard Drive (USB2) in the setup I chose to install Windows 7 on my External HDD, but for some reason it installed it on my Internal HDD then reformatted. (like..what the hell..)


    Anyway, when I ran the Windows 7 Installer from XP it started copying files...prepairing installation etc etc etc...rebooted for the BIOS check and for the main installation then all of a sudden..my PC restarts several times.. (it's like my HDD cannot find an OS). It didn't restart 7 times (like it says it may on installation) it restarted over 50 times or so..I left my computer for an hour and a half for the installation...when I came back (after nearly 2 hours) I got back, checked my computer..and it's still restarting..restart after restart after restart...


    The disk I was using is bootable, so I don't know what the issue is there...anyways, so I came to the conclusion of reformatting my whole HDD (again, this time I did it myself, not the computer/installation) and reinstalled Windows XP, installed all latest Microsoft Updates, drivers etc blah blah, installed GTA IV (unfortunately I had to make a new LIVE account and new game since my original "ComRadKeL" gamertag said incorrect password {even though I changed it after saying it was incorrect}..so I changed it to "iComRadKeL" (for those who'd want to add me, since I am just awesome :D} instead.


    I exterminated all 200 pigeons (horray! They are all dead and I have my archivement) however..."Off the boat" archivement is f***ed since I wasn't logged in to LIVE when I completed it..so :( Yeah, after exterminating the pigeons, I started the missions.


    The main issue now is, I cannot get on multiplayer..not even on the lobby. My GTA IV hangs on "Loading..." then like..fails to respond or some crap. I was able to play Multiplayer on the same specifications as I still have now...


    My Specs:

    AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (2.01 Ghz)

    RAM: 1.18GB

    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT (1GB) + NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS (512MB)


    I know my RAM and Processor suck for requirements, so please DONT bother criticising me. I know they are bad. I am getting a 2GB RAM card DDR2 hopefully in a couple of weeks.. Above all, my processor really is not (at all) a problem fwith my IV. It's doing great saying it's not overclocked. I am not an overclocker since I think I'd kill my system if I did overclock it! :)


    Could someone help me? Like, is it the RAM causing this? or something else?


    REMEMBER: My IV ran Multiplayer perfectly before (and I had 1GB RAM still)



  12. Firefox 3.6 was just released. Here's what Mozilla put as the main release notes.

    Support for a new type of theme called Personas, which allow users to change Firefox's appearance with a single click.

    Protection from out-of-date plugins to keep users safer as they browse.

    Open, native video can now be displayed full screen and supports poster frames.

    Improved JavaScript performance, overall browser responsiveness, and startup time.

    The ability for web developers to indicate that scripts should run asynchronously to speed up page load times.

    Continued support for downloadable web fonts using the new WOFF font format.

    Support for new CSS attributes such as gradients, background sizing, and pointer events.

    Support for new DOM and HTML5 specifications including the Drag & Drop API and the File API, which allow for more interactive web pages.

    Changes to how third-party software can integrate with Firefox in order to prevent crashes.

    I find the Personas actually kind of cool. Makes using the default theme a little better anyway. There's no way to use them with third party themes though, which is fine in my opinion. It looks like most of the changes were under the hood though. I just installed it about 10 minutes ago so I haven't really had a chance to notice if it's any more snappy or anything. We shall find out over the next few days though.


    https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ to install (or just update from within the browser).

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