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Everything posted by CyrusX

  1. CyrusX

    Joomla Help

    [in response to : The admin password is not working anymore.../ in Joomla help topic Anyone of you are knowing joomla ??? It is a CMS (content management System..) I have a problem. I Install joomla and all works fine then i try to login as admin, but i can`t login Evil or Very Mad] Hi, With all the respect for the member who said "Fantastico just have mambo in its list..." I have to say that recently I checked out freehostia and byethost free hosting providers and the Fantastico they had, was a newer version with Joomla 1.5.x and 1.0.x installed along with many many other CMS solutions. I suggest you to: 1- Keep your password somewhere secure like an old e-mail which you have no problem to remember its password again. I mean when you save it somewhere that you lready know for years the access to recovery options will be more possible. 2- Have you tried the "lost password" feature which is of course included in Joomla login form? If not enter your e-mail and recover your password. 3- Does anybody other than you or designated super-admins had access to your Joomla installation or your MSQL database? 4- Check your MYSQL settings and if you can check the MYSQL username, password, and database name with those in the configuration.php file in the Joomla installation root. 5- Make sure that you or other super-admin did not change the password you used for the Joomla administration page. Good luck and have fun, CyrusX
  2. Dear friend, Thank you for your care. I said as the last chance to bring the website back to life with some CMS software I decided to modify the configuration.php. But the modification can easily be undone, either by a clean installation (including deletion of database) or by simply uploading the original configuration.PHP-DIST file to the root and delete the old version. But the problem is still there. Thank you again. CyrusX
  3. Thanks all for their care and their active manner, As one of our dear friends described above, the problem was in in-completeness of uploaded files to the destination directories. But now I have another problem, which may be considered as a suggestion for Qupis administrators to provide access to Fantastico for a better installation quality. The problem is when I started to install sample data on the step 6 (configuraion) of the Joomla 1.5.x software, it failed due to the following error: Error: the XML response that was returned from the server is invalid Solutions I tried include: 1- Checked the home directory to see if it have the correct permissions, I try to install Joomla in root directory, and now public_html has 755 permission. 2- Retried and failed. So, I uploaded a blank PHP file by the name of: configuration.php to the root, set the permissions to 755, 644, 777 and tried each time. Again failed. 3- I deleted the configuration.php file from the root and manipulated the file: configuration.PHP-DIST in the root and filled the empty spaces with the following data: My site name, mysql username, password, and database name. Then I tried again with every set of permissions you can imagine and failed. Unfortunately there are no reasonable amount of help accessible for this problem even on official Joomla forums located at their website. I tried to search the problem in Google. All I got were those solutions that you kindly read above. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Regards, CyrusX
  4. Hi, Recenrly I decided to install Joomla! 1.5.x manually on my website. The website is hosted in Qupis and there is no way for an automatic installation of CMS software like Joomla!. I Unzipped the folder, uploaded it to my root and then proceeded with the main installation procedure. I had all the directories, sub-directories, and files in my root. Then I created the database needed to run Joomla!. But the installation page cannot be loaded. There is an error like this every time I try to access index.php to start installing Joomla! 1.5.x: Warning: require_once(/home/toumajx/public_html/includes/defines.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/toumajx/public_html/index.php on line 21Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/toumajx/public_html/includes/defines.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php;/usr/local/lib/php&%2339;) in /home/toumajx/public_html/index.php on line 21 I can appreciate any help. Thank you.
  5. Dear Qupis admins, We have a few words to say tonight. Well, we own a small website for our chess club hosted kindly by you which is: http://veins.qupis.com/ Everything is great and works fine but a few problems still are in the air that we want to discuss them with you. *- You said in your terms and conditions that "place no files to be downloaded from this site except for a few Kb"! OK! We have some .xls Excel sheets which are over 300 KB and we want to put some chess e-books for download there which will never exceed your designated space limitations. What is wrong with that? We want to install some services like PHP blogs. To install these we have to upload sometimes a file which is 600KB on the server. Without them we have nothing to offer to our visitors (our team members). It is a good question to ask why people like us choosed you as the hosting providers. Wrong answer! Not because you kindly offered us a FREE account with amazing tools and other toys. No! That happened because we felt more "secure" here. What is at most 100 $ to pay (when we are more than 10 players in the team, which is less than 10$ a year for each one) to have an ad free, reliable, non-threatening host package? Not everything in the world begins and ends with money. Consider someone does not exceeds his bandwidth / space limit and his site is dedicated to chess but he has provided his friends a few chess e-books to download. Will you terminate that? Consider a fella has uploaded his little daughter's photo in his personal blog page which is near 1 MB in size. Will you terminate the account for that reason? When there are zillions of porn-star dedicated websites out there all provided with big moneys out of their corrupted owners' packet and nobody, I said nobody terminates their accounts because of money. Is that all the human relations is based upon? My team-members love this site and its blog: V-FEC Diaries. And as you can check out on the website they are from all over the world, from Africa to North America, Brzail, Iran, France and many other beautiful zones. Will you terminate this if you "feel" like that and "without any notifications" or giving the poor webmaster to prepare a backup? Just because a file over "a few KB" has been uploaded there which will never ever over-flow your specified limitations? Let me know. Let me know now before one day I log in to FICS (our chess server) and see tons of messages complaining about a "Page not found" problem. Let me know it now and I will re-consider my account after your confirmation. regards, V-FEC Home Webmaster
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