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Everything posted by amrit

  1. soooperb , but i guess that it will be saved in history and all dat. best to use lynx
  2. have any of you been cured of any diseases or liabilities by meditation or other spirituality ways?? just curious, i am indian and have heard of many and am wondering if it is the same in the west.
  3. i am under 18 and there is no way any elder will help me getting money for domain.
  4. i was just trying to make a small registry tweaker with a simple menu. like press 1 to do this.any better ways to do that??
  5. actually if you see below (in my site), i am using the fuzzylime cms.it has an option of changing the templates. if i use pits.css, ther should be a pits_h.php(header file) and a pits_f.php(footer).other than that the cms says there should be a styles.css and styles_ie.css(for ie)by default.tell me how to clean up , and how to get that menu to work. also i am using swfobject to place the above swf header. heres the link ti the main css, i cant seem to place the properswfobject code in it , and need the menu changed as u know http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. i dont have any idea about css but tried meesing around. here is the code . please tell me how can i make the background appear and how to get the menu in full length and buttons in centre. i got this frm somewhere and messed it up slightly /* menu*/#bottom_div{width: 520px;height: 150px;background-color: #b9d1ea;clear:both;}#vista_toolbar {font:normal 12px 'Trebuchet MS','Arial';margin:0 auto;padding:0 auto;}#vista_toolbar ul {background-image:url(images/back.gif)center center repeat-x; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/ width: 100%;line-height:32px;margin:0 auto;padding:0 10px 0 auto 10px ;text-align: center; /*set value to "left", "center", or "right"*/}#vista_toolbar li {display:inline;padding:0;}#vista_toolbar a {color:#FFF; /* need because it will use default link color */float:left;padding:0 3px 0 3px; /* left 3 px because of left.png image */ text-decoration:none;}#vista_toolbar a span {display:block;float:none;padding:0 10px 0 7px;}#vista_toolbar a span img {border:none;margin:8px 4px 0 0;}/* show picture when mouse over link */#vista_toolbar a:hover{background: url(images/left.png) no-repeat left center;}#vista_toolbar a:hover span {background:url(images/right.png) no-repeat right center;}#vista_toolbar a.right {float:right; /* for help button - just add class "right" -> <a class="right"... */}/* ######### end Menu ########*/ result here http://sparkfx.co.cc/a/index.php
  7. i wanted t build a second website for my friend and use the domain i would get with my friends's host.thats all.
  8. no noh not at all lyon2 no probs. tks innosia , but i stilll might need help figuring out what you said. waiting for the magician to post to explain me...
  9. no no i have no intention of moving guys... just asking out of curiosity , and i was thinking of making a website with some paid hosting and get the domain from here. plz dont misunderstand me.
  10. i have a question here.sorry to bother but can we use the domain from Xisto(250 credits thing) with some other host?? i mean do we have control over the nameservers????
  11. hey i already know all that stuff man..... i wanted to know if it is possible through some c++ commands.
  12. thanks but i still dont understand, can some one please explain as i am new. can ou specifically write the program??
  13. well duh , he is obviously using adobe phkotoshop, and the secon image isnt glowing because thats the way it is before the effect is made. is it just me or .....
  14. i usually reinstall once every 6 months . that is for performance and for removing unwanted stuff and viruses etc, yeah i get a lot of viruses due to my habit of messing around with stuff i shouldn't.
  15. i have just started learning c++. i am currently using turbo c++.is it possible to edit windows registry in c++(not vc++). i am just a beginner . would be glad if you gave examples.
  16. yeah i know its good. but the disk space is a bit low. it should be atleast 500mb like Xisto.
  17. yeah its pretty exciting to go to get injections but really painful after you get one. but theree are some injections where the pain lasts for a whole day. that is what i hate, makes it impossible to move your arm.
  18. i use google chrome , the best browser according to me, actuallythe only thing more i want is plugins support.i mean firefox gets damn slow for me, plus it crashes daily atleast 2-3 times for me, google chrome has never yet creashed, is much faster and i like the incognito feature vy much. the only thing missing is the plugin support which i hope will come out soon. thats the only way by which firefox beats google chrome. but some day that may come out too!!!What was impressive is after opening and closing tabs on both (all afternoon) and ending up closing all but one down, Chrone was slimmed down to 42meg, while Firefox was sat with 110meg. I then closed and re-opened FF and it came back with 48meg, so it does look like Firefox?s memory management is worse than I thought.If browsing is all a user requires from it then I recommend Chrome, simply because it?s faster and handles memory management more efficiently.Chrome is well positioned to take a sizable chunk of the market. I await to see how much it can. Firefox is it?s immediate competitor, then once that?s been conquered the mighty IE is next, though it stands high and proud on it?s 80% market share, facing a potentially hefty vertical fall from grace.
  19. yes i mean heal myopia through yoga , exercises and any other natural means, if you have seen proofs or experiensed it yourself , please let me know here.
  20. definitely firefox mahn , it rocks. i have been using it since version 1.0. and i just love it.its so cool , internet explorer totally sucks , with firefox there are somany cool add-ons and excellent themes, its also a bit faster plus it feels more powerful and mighty to surf on firefox than internet explorer.the only catch is the long time it takes when i first start it.
  21. cool rvalkass!!!!!! it really bounces if you throw it!!!how much did u buy it for anyways???
  22. hey any one tried kgb archiver yet?? some people out there say they have used it to compress entire windows vista into jus 4 mb!!! and other softwares to less than 1 mb KGB Archiver is a free, open source and cross-platform file archiver and data compression utility developed by Tomasz Pawlak based on the PAQ6 compression Algorithm.[1] It achieves a very high compression ratio at the cost of time and memory consumption. i downloaded it and tried but i hav just 192mb ram and i coulnt use it. lemme see what you guys have 2 say about this one. http://www3.kgbarchiver.net/
  23. you said it , we rely on it a lot. and it is impossible to live without it...
  24. well a friend of mine had a 4 gb kingston but it got corrupted in just a week...
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