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Posts posted by Stridr

  1. Pinnacle Studio is something affordable and easy to use, I have used it to edit a couple of Full HD videos I took with my video cam and it does retain quality well after editing and conversion, and many great features. It is also compatible with a reasonably wide range of fomats. Sony Vegas Pro, like the name suggests, is far too 'pro' for a simple project like this.

  2. This totally depends on the type of gamer you are. If you are hardcore, go for Xbox or PS3. If you want something different, and do not mind less choice of games, Wii would be good. So far, in my opinion the best Wii games are those Wii Sports games, such as tennis.

  3. PC definately. A mouse responds with the quickest agility, and you won't want to have an enemy shoot you down while toggling your controller. For other games such as racing, Xbox would be better with the graphics, compatibility without having to check specs before buying, like on a PC . And a game console will always be better, long hours of uninteruppted gaming. But this is an exception with shooting or FPS games.

  4. I always agree that Microsoft is known for compatibility, ease of use, and being universal, and Macs on the other hand very simple and graphical, almost stunning. But now with Vista and the upcoming Windows 7, the gap of good graphics is closing. And also Apple has 'gave in' to Microsoft with Boot Camp. They might be equally prefered in a short period of time, and Apple has to have something to show. Personaly I dual boot, with the best of both worlds.

  5. I am also a user of Vista and generally speaking Vista is just unstable. Your best bet may be stopping unneeded programs or patching as frequently as possible, always check for patches. If not, some programs or unneeded drivers may be causing this. Do not overload your computer with unneccessary applications too. The programs you have listed may not be fully compatible with Vista and could be causing problems.It could also be a hardware issue, or if your hardware does not support vista well, problems could surface, such as the processor or a slow writing HDD.

  6. Adobe Premiere Pro would be the best around, and trusted by many professionals and supports many functions. But of course it would be 'dumb' to invest in such a costly software if the person only uses it for a video or two, and if the person only needs a home made video. I would say Windows Movie Maker is no match for Adobe Premiere Pro, and they are targeted at different users.

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