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Posts posted by Accure

  1. I was wondering.. I love Xisto and its a great way to actually host a decent forum.. but.. would it be possible to also host gameservers? they shouldn't be that big and it depents on ur credits how many slots you've got.. for example: I've got 49 credits, and a regular slot for a random game costs 7 credits. Do the maths, its a 7-slot gameserver. If u want a 30 slots gameserver, you'll need 210 credits for 1 month.. I can promise you that hosting gameservers will gain Xisto loads, and i mean loads of new members. I know, its more expensive, since it takes more of the internet connection.. but you'll also gain more money by the advertisements u can make on the servers, and more members on the forum. Since it requires a high creditamount per month alot of peeps will be very active.Please tell me what you think about this idea,Greetings, Accure!@

  2. I'm a fan of pretty much anything that's related to comedy. I personally prefer SouthPark over Family Guy, but I heard there are alot of fans of Family Guy..


    For the ones who dont know what what is:


    Family Guy

    Family Guy is an animated American television sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane and airing on Fox. The show centers on a dysfunctional family that lives in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island. The show uses frequent "cutaway gags," jokes in the form of tangential vignettes that do not advance the story.[1]Family Guy was canceled once in 2000, and again in 2002, but strong DVD sales and the large viewership of reruns on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim convinced Fox to resume the show in 2005. It is the first canceled show to be resurrected based on DVD sales and the only one to be resurrected twice on that basis.

    South Park

    South Park is a two-time Emmy Award-winning, animated American television comedy series created and written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone for Comedy Central. The series has been distributed and aired by Comedy Central since 1997. The show is well-known for its pop-culture parody, scatological humor, and satirical handling of current events.


    Since its debut on August 13, 1997, the show has aired 174 episodes over 12 seasons. The twelfth season began airing on March 12, 2008, and the second half of season 12 will premiere on October 1, 2008.[1]The show is contracted to produce new episodes through a fifteenth season, until late 2011.[2] In 1999, South Park was made into a feature-length film titled South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.

  3. I agree with your view on the Sony Ericssons. I used to have one, and when i needed it, it turned his back on you. I personally have a Samsung now, its not a beauty, but it does what it's supposed to do. About the Nokia's, I love the Nokia N95. It has pretty much anything you need from a mobile phone. Also, the Nokia 6300 has a smooth design and as far as i know, no complaints. I'd personally go for the Nokia N95 if i'd have to money.

  4. I've currently got $60.00 on pay2surf.. I'm trying to payout as soon as possible. but sadly I haven't got a paypal account... So, i'll have to wait for thatone first. Anyways, I'll post the proof up when I got it on my paypal account~

  5. Hi friends, I herd that we can install OS with in 15 minutes is it possible if yes please explain and tel me the software name
    -question by abush72

    It's possible to installing e.g. Windows XP Prof. in 15 minutes.. the thing you need to do is shrink it, downsize it, crop it, delete parts.. You can remove things from windows XP Prof's installation disk by using nLite. I tried to shrink it as much as possible, but keep the usefull stuff (drivers, programms), and i got XP from 650mb to 400mb.. So, simply, you cant fasten up your XP installation, although you can remove small parts of the installation so it takes less of your time. For all basic information about shrinking with nLite, simply use google. Ps: I dont recommed you to shrink too much, and try your shrinked version on a virtual PC before actually using it.. Because it might have so unfixable errors.

  6. To me, music and lifestyle aren't the same. I dress like any other regular teenager. I walk normal and dont got any tattoo's or anything similair. Although, i listen hardcore, speedcore, anything rough actually. I dont see why people need to dress evil because they like a different style of music? I think its more the lifestyle that makes the music, not the music that makes the lifestyle. And, btw, I don't hate electro-guys.. Its the way a part of them act, if the use offensive languages...

  7. Well.. MMORPG means its online (o stands for online). That means it needs stuff from internet, it should be connected to a network with internet possibilities. The files you need are called serverbased files. Means you need be connected to the server to read the files, and be able to play. The files you have in your map where you installed the game, is called clientbased. So, in fact, you cant do without the serverbase, but without a clientbase you cant even connect. You can manage, change and edit the clientbase files, those are the files you got on your computer.. Although, you can't edit the serverbased files.. The serverbased files are readable only, and cant be edited. That means u cant edit your stats, moneyamount or anything similiar.Greetings, Accure.

  8. Ubuntu is a great alternative for Windows if you want a cheap, solid OS that support alot of files. it's great for students and has alot of features. Although, im staying with XP simply because I'm happy with it right now, and never found problems that would actually stop me from using it. Ubuntu, is the best linux version if u ask me.. I might even download one of these and make a dualboot on my PC.. thanks anyways!

  9. Best way to earn money, in my eyes, is the use of auto's.. find a good auto-script with antirandoms and antiban.. let your computer on at night and let it mine.. When you got around 20M from mining, start training your character with the money you earned. Another way to 'earn' money is basicly selling your current account and buying one with enough money.. and, merchanting if you want to keep it legal.. but to merchant, you need a big pack of money first, wich wont help.. if you need like 50K, go run ess (or w/e its called :))

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