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Posts posted by williamm

  1. I suggest read first before looking around!!!

    When i start building computers i look for the case to start off. Once i find the case that i like i look at the specs of the case to see what kinds of motherboards that it can hold.


    Then i Look for the motherboards that can fit in the case. I prefert the AMD motherboards.


    Then after i choose the motherboard i look at the specs to see what of processors it can hold depends of which kind of processor you like there is Intel and AMD.


    Then i look for the type of processor, you want to make sure that you get a motherboard that will allow you to put in a duel Processor if you want to now or you can get a single core processor then upgrade later.


    Then this is where i look for the type of ram that the motherboard that you chose can handle. You want to find a mother board that can handle at least 3 gbs of memory.


    Then i look for the types of video cards, now this is a broad hardware, depending on what you are going to use your computer for. IF you want a gaming computer you would want to go with a higher Nvidia Card. If you are just designing, then you don't need to go over a 7000 Nivida. It just depends on what you are going to use the computer for.


    Then i look for the hard drives. This is where a lot of people ask what size should i get. well as i have done with my own computer i would get a 160 gb then later on if you decide you need more room you can always get another internal Hard drive or you can just pick a externeal from a local walmart or any kind of store like that, that has an elctronics center.


    Then this is where you get to choose your kind of optical drive. Such as a CD burner or DVD ROM/RW it depends what you want to use your computer fore. Personaly i would get a CD R/RW DVD R/RW combo drive, they are not that expensive.


    Now at this point you have selected all of your main parts of the computer, you can find what kind of keyboard, mouse and monitor for your computer.


    This is where you would look for a fan if the case does not come with one. After looking at all the Hardware look for the watts of every piece then look for a fan that will support more than what is added up.

  2. I'm not big on Intel. I'm more of a AMD person. I would think that the kind of computer i have would suit anyone but no most people have to get more for what? I need more ram. Most people say, well Windows it self will not reconize over 3 gbs of ram. In need a better processor, really all you need is a low dual core amd which is nice, now the video card is what you need, a nice video card solves almost every issue in gamming. I want to play crysis but my on board video card is too low. i have a 6200 Nvida, I need a 8800 max. Nvida and a min. of 6600. Now like i said video cards are the hardware that you need to worry about spending money on.

  3. I have went with 110mb, and 000webhosting, and zymic and i didn't like either of them. they started changing their things, like 000webhost. use to be cool i liked them even though i was limited on emails and ftp accounts ex. but then they changed their system arounds and screwed me up and i lost my email, which i use for my business.

  4. I have always like PS When i got my PS1 they were coming out with PS2 and I wanted to get it, but there were more games on the PS at that time then the PS2. When PS3 came out there were a lot of bugs wrong with it just any Gaming system.

  5. I just recently bought a nintendo 64 again. I use to own one but i sold it so that i could have some money to get a PS1 when they were still popular. lol can someone tell me what does the expansion for the N64 actually does? I know that not many people play it anymore but i have always liked N64 and could someone tell me where i could get games and accessories for it on the internet for cheap?

  6. When it comes to security, which operating system would you think a business would get to keep everything safe. I know when i get my web design and hosting business going later in my life I will choose Unix OS. Any busisness or hosting company will choose Unix to base my security on. Most "Windows Users" will want to use Windows Server. I mean thats an ok OS to start out on but Unix is basically free and open source and has a better security than Windows does. When i get my own hosing server set up i will use Unix to base it.

  7. I don't know what you mean by Windows Vista is stable. Please i have Windows Vista and it freezes on me when i'm just in internet explorer. Last time i looked thats not stable. Mac, is a big diffrence from Windows. From when some of you say that you don't see a diffrence between the two. You obviusly have not spent time with MAC. I have worked with MAC, Unix, and Linix. I know that there are big difference between MAC operating system and Windows operating system. I will soon start a topic about the security features of windows and unix base os. There are diffrent thing each operating system has, i agree with that but when it comes to stability Unix which is the bases OS of MAC. Windows has never meet the stability that Macintosh has.

  8. I like playing alot of rpg's it jus depends whay kind of mood i'm in. I plat WoW most of the time, but i hate paying for it. Thats why you should check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you will be happy cause i know i am . Me and my Girlfirnd play it all the time. I play go to college, build websites and be on here and post still make time for my friends. I do alot, and still have fun playing wow on a free server. IF any of you go to it let me know look up the Charcater sgthayoken, corphayoken, or pvthayoken. I will help you out in the game. they have diffent realms. they have a fun realm where you can level pretty fast or they have a realm on there where its bliz like. thats the one i play and the realm name is wowleagion. very nice and there are helpful people on there, not like on the real server where they are up tight and dont want to help the new players. Thre are alot that will run you through instances if you just ask. Very nice community, just like this one. I'm prett sure you will be satisfied if you go there cause i was and i hated paying for world of warcraft.

  9. I prefer wired over wireless. For a couple of reasons. You get a better connection when you are on wires. Of course you would be a little organized instead of running wires on the floors. you would take the time and drill the holes and run the wires through the celling and drop them down the walls and install out lets for the cat 5 cables. I like installing Networks. I install and fool with mine all the time. Now when it comes to wireless yeah i like using it when i have my laptop when i'm laying down in bed working on an assignment for college i like to bring it in with me and be able to do that, but when my laptop is docked i use a wire, that way when i use it there i get a faster connection. Things also intefer with wireless. Most of the time its flawed. I would not recommend useing wireless full time. If you are to lazy to run wires you shouldn't be fulling with networks, how else would we be able to run our internet, there has to be a wire in there somewhere.

  10. The best router that i have came across and i'm using it rhight now is Netgear. I had linksys and belkin routers, they didn't do what i wanted them too. they slowed my connection and made me disconnect alot. I got fed up with them so i found a Netgear router and i love it no slowing down no disconnects and it takes in more bandwith than those routers. I couldn't be any more happeir with any other router.

  11. Well Apple wanted to see where they stood when they brought out the iphone. If people liked it they were going to make it better and sell it cheaper. most companies do that you just don't pay attention. They want to see if they price the items hight enought that people would spend their money on it and if they do and they get more people than they expected then they remake them with more features and bring the cost down. Thats how any one makes their money and sell their products. It's how the world goes around.

  12. I'm having an issue and i don't know i'm having so much trouble with this it never does this to me, but i went from the host 000webhost.com and i set my domain name at dreamhost.com to you point to your nameservers. and for the longest time last night it was still pointing to their servers and then finally when i got up this morning its saying that domain doesnt doesnt have a nameserver. so what can i do to correct this?Hello, my name is William. I recently started hosting with you, and i was switching my domain name to point at your name servers, and i was switching from 000webhost.com when i did this last night it was still pointing to their servers. Then finally this morning when i got up it went to a yahoo search when i typed in my domain name. The domain name i'm trying to switch over to your name servers is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ could someone tell me how i can resolve this issue?

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Merged two postings together

  13. If you want a free World of Warcraft server try going to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ really nice. they have about 4 or 5 realms. It has a nice population. Helpful people I play on that realm still if you want to go there go to the realm wowlegion, and some of my characters, are: sgthayoken, corphayoken, pvthayoken. look those names up if you are ever on and i could help you get going. if you need to get ahold of for help my email is william_mccauley@hotmail.com let me know.

  14. little FYI: Macintosh IS the operating system. Apple is the company that makes it.
    Vista is pretty unstable, that's why they started making 7 so fast.

    But you can't say Windows XP doesn't work well. Vista is quite not so ready to be used so much.

    Well I know, but windows XP has its moments. I'm still a full Unix/Linux person, but i'm not dawging on windows xp, i'm just saying that microsoft should have done what they did with Vista, and how they can control the computing world. Its not really that fair to any other OS. or who makes the OS. I li ke to use Windows XP Pro when it comes to hosting game servers. and makeing it copy my folders and making copy to several diffrent hard drives including one online for my backup websites incase something happens to any of the other hard drives.

  15. the Problem is the design,
    When the Intel invented its 4th generation processer, they thought that speed is better, so people bought the new cpu because of its speed, but its heat was a problem and was written on its spec, but never addressed untill they invented the pentium dual-core processer, That processer was better at speed and at heat because of what it was made out of and the heating and colling fratures. You should either upgrade your processer or buy the new thermal water cooling system using water to cool the cpu down and fans. Going at 6000 rpm thats some cost but it would prevent a over heat. and thats in turn will help you out a lot, better than what your can get by cleaning dust and others things, also depending on who clap the inside of your hard drive you should get a lot of fans on the inside as well as some more ram if its slow. But in turn the colling system you have on your computer is bad or not working, i have a computer like that and i fixed it up with a 5 fan system for the most heat generating items and more fans blowing air into the hard drive as well as a better cooling system, water heats up the slowest so its the ideal thing to use for a cooling system and some more fans arcound the computer will also help to despence the heat.

    Personaly i don't care for Intel, I'm an AMD fan. i have never had any over heating problems with AMD, if i were you i would think about getting a new motherboard, then get a dual core amd, you will be much happier trust me, i just recently upgraded my AMD Athalon 64 to a AMD Athalon 64 x2 i am much happier with the performance that i get out of the computer, plus you can over clock the computer more and play faster games.
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