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Posts posted by williamm

  1. If you guys like first person shooters then you will like this one. I was looking on fileplanet and i wanted to find a free first person shoooter that was worth playing. well i can across this game. I don't know if any of you have herd of it but its called combat arms. the link is http://nximage.nexoneu.com/error/403.html?aspxerrorpath=/Intro.aspx download the game and make a account on the game and tell me what you think. Its got really good graphics and its really fast pase. I think you will like it, just post back on this forum if you do or do not like it, or you can email me at clubnet-gaming@live.com thats my gaming email. Thanks for looking at this topic.

  2. Well are the issues with dual booting. I dont think you want to pay alot of money so that you can partican your hard drive. What you are going to have to do is format your hard drive, then before you install windows get a boot up disk like a windows 98 will work and load fdisk on it. fdisk will split your hard drives into particians. Then you can install vista on one and xp on the other there for when you boot up you can choose the operating system you want. now there is something that can help you if you dont want to do that its called virtual pc 2007. its free google it, you can install windows xp on the virtual xp and complety run it as if you were using a windows xp. Try using Virtual pc if you want to.

  3. I find my self as a coder.For the reason is i am a Web Desinger. Therefore i code, i do it all day and get customers all day. That makes me a coder. I would rather code then program, because it think it takes more time and issue work to get a program running opposed to a web site. Yeah people say o a 10 year old can make a site. I dont know it depends if he is smart in computers to be honest lol. But it takes time to code sites as though you take time to make a program. everyone has their theroys. i have mine. IF you need help though on any website design let me know you can visit my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or you can e-mail me at webmaster@clubnet-host.com its my job to make sites so therefor is advertise my self as much as i can.

  4. The reason why people use meta tags is because they want to be found on search engines. They dont get you to the top of search engines thought you have to pay for that. I have had people ask me if thats how they get to the top. No its not, it just puts on their search engines. So that when something in the tags is searched it pops up. Although i do recommend using them. That way if someone does stumble upon your site and likes it they will reccommend it to everyone they know . And bam you get more traffic. Which is nice. But like i said Meta Tags are only for getting you on search engines.

  5. There are some basic ways that i have learned in the past to speed up your site. if you have graphics on your site use a program like photoshop to size them down. and bring the resolution down to about 72. Makes it where the site dont take ages to load up. Keep everything organized in the coding. Messy coding leave trails off to something that isnt there and takes that time to look for it. Orgainze your folders. make sure everything is neat and in order in names. No music its annoying and takes alot of time loading it on the server. NO GAMES. that takes up alot of bandwith on the servers there for slows your site down. I see alot of people asking how to put games on their site. you dont need them they are jsut a waste of space. You need information, small graphics. o and dont use images and backgrounds for site you have a desktop on your computer for that no need for it. Take this from a web designer its annoying rebuilding sites for people that have that crap on there.

  6. I learned it through an excellent book, and then basically taught myself. I really recommend w3schools.com, that is one of the best resources for web development ever!

    I have tought my self to. I learned from trial and error. If something didn't work then i tried to find a different way to make it work. But you do that reguarlay in life. Its always the same way too. But html is basic and there really isnt anything special to it. Just to create a basic outline to put your extra code in. Like PHP, or JavaScript. Thats all i use html for. Nothing really else to use it for. The internet world has evolved dreamatically and once we didnt even have the interent think about how it would be if we didnt have it. We would be bored out of our minds. not to mention how many games envolve using the net. It would be lke a big diseaster.I mean wow you could think of many ways that you could use it and not so many ways what you are going to do if you dont have it.

  7. I think PHP is the best coding language out there. For the reasons its safe. It's not to hard to work with if you know some basics of C+. Its a really cool lanugage to learn. Alot of people just don't want to take the time to learn new things so they have people like me design their website for them. But hey i'm not complaining lol i get money out of the deal. Plus i have always loved designing websites. Started when i was 13 and never got out of it. Just kept going at it and eventually i got really good at and people started helping me get business and i love it so much. My family couldn't be more happier with me and i found something that i will be doing for the rest of my life .

  8. I think pay pal is safe. I use is when ever i can on any site that i buy things from. for the resason i hate giving out my C Number. It doesnt, take to much time to set one up. I use it more than anything i use on the internet. I even got a C Card from them. its nice and its user friendly. I'm just glad that they made something like that people can have trust in. I mean you have to have a lot of trust in someone taking your credit card numbers. But over all i like it and the idea of it. It makes my life easier when it comes to buying things from it. I just wish that major stores accepted it. That would make me happy.

  9. Well I'm a webdesigner and it took me a while to come up with my business name. for some reason i like the word Club. well i was thinking for 2 days on something that i could put the word club in. well I came up with Clubnet then you know its to broad of a name and alot of people use it, so i wanted to add something extra on it. Which sonner or later when i get my busines bigger i will use the last part of my name lol. But he fill name of my busines is Clubnet-host. Which i thought was a catchy name. But in order for me to get to where i was on the name i added in some words that i liked. Its all about thinking about something that you are going to like for the rest of your lives. It just also be so lucky that clubnet-host.com was opned so i took it and now i couldn't be any more happier than i already am. Dont use someone else thoughts/ Use your own. you will respect it more and and be happier. Trust me. People tried giving me ideas but i didn't like any of them. So what if it takes you a week or so at least you will like it and respect your choice.

  10. It doesnt matter what game is for girls. Its lame o i need to find a game for girls, My girlfriend will play any game that i like. Such as wow. Not to many girls play the Lovely game of wow. She is on it more than i have and also a higer lvl than i am. which is sad. But let the girl ry out the game if she doesn't like it move on. its that simple. Don't force her to play either. She is just going to get upset and its a mess after that. You have to show an intrest in the game before she will even glimpse at it. Help out to it helps. She will like that and it will make her want to play the game more and more. Dont let her win it will make her feel like she has never accomplised anything. Letting her win doesnt make her feel better. Help her but don't let her win. Get that in your mind. Because it will help you later in the game when she does beat you and your going to be in shock and i know that the ego will go down but you will get over it, like any one does.

  11. Damn, where are all the GTA lovers? Grand Theoft Auto is amazing. It offers a variety of cars with different settings. So the steering feel looser on some cars then others. You can run people over, shoot you your window. Pop tires, both yours and others, hit spike strips, drive trucks, trailers, RVs, fire trucks, cop cars, army tanks, regular cars from good to bad. They have jumps, bikes, mopeds, dirtbikes, ect! Plus you get to drive around a city that seems realistic and when you get bored of that you can EXIT your car... swim, fly, walk, run, kill, shoot, goto strip clubs, arcades, bars, resturants, ect ect.
    Oh yea, and you can, to some degree, modify your cars. Which is fun. not only that, the physics of the whol game, including driving, seem fairly well designed.

    I agree with you. I love the GTA series. Very fun games. Except i'm not to big on The 1st 3 games. Vice City and San Andreas were lots of fun. Even when i beat them both i would play them over and over again. Like i was addicted to them or something. On San Andreas i would stay up to 5 in the morning playing that game. It was so addicting to me at first. Then i sold them in a game exchange and after that i missed playing them. So i was saw the set at walmart for a low price of 29.99 for all three i went ahead and bought them. Now i dont really play them, but when i am in the mood to kill some people i have the games when i want to play. That is the only thing that matters. Is wanting to play a game and you know that you have it. Instead of you know, you get in the mood and then you realize you don't have that game anymore then you sit and look depressed because you dont have that game to play.

  12. I have to agree that wowscape is really a good server and thats the only WoW private server i played after i quit WoW for its childish community and wanting my life back. Though i was aware that some players just donate for the donation gears just to gank lowbies which is annoying.

    I agree with you i dont think anybody should be able to donate to get t1-6 armor nor to get lvl 70, i think they should have to work to get just like the rest of us that dont have the money to even think about spending it on something like that.

  13. I agree with Caveman, where is the Nintendo 64 , i just rebought that system and i love it. I need to get more games for it but The nintendo 64 was the best Nintendo out there,. i dont care what anyone else says. I do believe it was the longest selling system that was brought to us. I know when i finally got it i loved it and i didn't want to sell it, the first time i owned it now i own it again and i couldn't be more happy with it

  14. Well i think that when you get a website you should take the following steps:

    Get the call from a person that wants a web site


    Write down all their information including: Name, Phone. Email if avalaible.


    Then make a note of what they have an idea of, what they want on the site, Business name is there, and a slogan


    Then start a basic design after what they asked for, then call them up and arrange a meeting


    Edit site to what they want again


    then start up a domain name and ftp it up to it


    maintain the site as they request

  15. When it comes to web design i use flash, photo shop and dreamweaver. I have my own business its clubnet-host I specialize in flash. It's my favorite thing to do when it comes to design. If you want to you can check out a couple of my sites i have done with flash. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and mine that i'm currently working on right now http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I started doing web design when i was 13. I have had experiences when people didn't like my design so the left. I know how that feels. Being turned down, i was sick and didn't feel good but the company still asked me to do it. When i got done they loved it but the person that i was doing it for hated. so it shows how much people don't appreaciate what you can do for them. Now i run my own busisness at home and i couldn't be more happier. If you need some help on anything just email me and ill help you on any web design. Email: webmaster@clubnet-host.com

  16. I don't think anyone said anything about windows xp. I think what was said was Windows Server. Which i have seen to be a good security for some businesses. I mean really small ones, but if you have the chanve to download any kind of unix/linux then why not its free and its got better security than windows. For some reason unix came up with all to make security better than most. Unix which is backed by most companies would rather have that protrecting them than windows. I have found that using Unix as your router, you can protect better than using a reuglar router. For the reason that it has its own firewalls and you can use dhcp when you need to. Just put unix in a computer hook up to nic cards in there run you internet throught one of them and run another cat 5 through the other and hook it up to a hub. then branch off your network. When i worked at my old Web design web hosting company thats what they used for their router and you have more controls. Better conrol it than a regular router. of course you cant have a wireless point but when it comes to that ground wiring is better. Its more secure where wireless is left out ther floating.

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