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Posts posted by arens

  1. Netscape Communicator 4.Yes it's old, but it's also fast & reasonably safe. Stuck with it since it is the only mailclient I want. When the browser does not display a site, I copy&paste the URL into Exploder 6, which is like an MPV. Bland & boring, but caters to everyone & everything. I'd like to try Firefox and such, but I just haven't the time or energy. What I have now, works, & if it ain't broke...

  2. I use Kaspersky.Don't like the newest Mcafee and Norton, to much luggage included. I already have a firewall, so don't offer me one when I want a simple but effective anti-virus program. I already have Spyware protection, that's not what I look for in an antivirus program! Stop loading all these icons & shortcuts & add-ons & start-ups & automated tasks, I JUST WANT VIRUS PROTECTION!So, uhm, yeah; Kaspersky. Hourly updates over the net, active-scan, scheduled scan. Simple, effective & not too expensive. Or bloated.

  3. I actually dowloaded the demo. Couldn't even get through the first minute without it freezing my computer, which is not totally useless. It plays Call of Duty no trouble. Sick of spending $ 2000 in hardware every year to play the latest $ 50 game. Loved the first two, will play three probably in another 18 months as I slowly upgrade. It won't be $ 50 then either, but more affordable.And I LOVE FPS, screw multiplayer...

  4. No pets here.Pets annoy me. A dog humping your leg, shitting everywhere and slobbering your face is even more annoying than a cat that ignores you except for when it wants something FROM you.Animals that really belong in the wild (monkeys, tigers, birds) shouldn't be subjected to being locked/kept by humans. Animals specifically bred to be pets are just pityful. Meager extracts of their wild ancestors, deformed into our image of what suits us, sickly and unnatural...Sorry, going off on a bit of a rant there.Uhm, so... No pets here!

  5. Has to get my vote too, LOTR.I was sceptical at first, been reading the book every year since I was 12 (which is 24 years ago!) and just hoped the film(s) would not polute the images I had created for myself.Was a bit dissapointed with Elrond, but the rest of the cast was great, the whole production was awesome. Peter Jackson is a genius, the way he handled it, surrounded himself with the best actors, craftsmen, writers etc. I've got the extended (4 disk) DVD's from the first two movies and wil get the third. The story behind the moviemaking is almost as fascinating as the movie itself.

  6. Oh and Call of Duty indeed kicks booty aplenty. Haven't done the multiplayer thing since I completely ruled Quake II for months at a time and developed a bit of RSI and a serious aversion to cheaters, lamers, campers and oblivious noob's.But CoD at max difficulty makes me glad I wasn't alive during the IInd WW.Oh, Y'all did know that the first level for the Russian player came straight out of "Enemy At The Gates"?! Very nice movie, go see now if you like CoD.

  7. I still think no console can beat a PC (for long anyway). Controls for one, never could get used to the console paddles. Keyboard & mouse all the way! Scalability is another, apart from hacks & breaks there is none. If you do it right you never have to buy a "new" PC, just make it one long drawn out upgrade.

  8. Ouch, some of you guys have seriously heavy stuff.


    Only thing impressive about my system is it's got 5 Hard Disks. They keep suviving the upgrades, I have a 8 Gb system, 30 Gb Appz, 80 Gb Odds & Ends, 120 Gb Mp3 and 200 Gb Video disk. Two of these are on the RAID IDE.


    The rest is quite old; Atlon 1800+ on MSI K7T266 Pro-R, 640 Mb Ram, GeForce 2 MX400, 19" Digital monitor (Now THAT is Heavy Stuff!). Still Using a DVRaptor for Video.

  9. Best movie soundtrack, LOTR no doubt. Epic. Seamless integration with the "size" of the film itself. Completely over the top if heard outside the movie, but in conjunction with it; can't be beaten.Game soundtracks for some reason don't stick in my head. Seem to recall that Max Payne had some haunting pieces...

  10. If I can't throw in his whole album "Sign 'O' the Times", which is really one long, everchanging, superfunky orgasmic song, I'd have to say "Sometimes It Snows In April" from Parade. Still brings a tear to my eye.Yes, I'm talking about Prince. Again.

  11. Holy Toledo Batman, I must be getting old. Not really into the whole new scene, but Prince was my favourite since "When Doves Cry", and he's still going (somewhat) strong. Very versatile and, different from the latest band "The One-Day Flies" or whatever, has the ultimate staying power.For me it was never an issue, but I'd still like to flip off the Whacko Jacko fans that thought he was bigger than Prince. Hide in your dinky cellars, you cockroaches!

  12. I once convinced 6 of my friends to walk out of "Boyz in the Hood" with me during intermission. We had better things to do. Like hang on a park bench shooting the breeze. Or picking our noses. Hell, punching each other in the face would have been a "better thing".


    Now I regret it, because half the time I miss the references to it in spoof comedy movies. It really was all about edumecation...

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