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Everything posted by BuBBaG

  1. Nice tutorial, I'm going to try it out now. You should close your last code tag though. I'll repost when I finish.
  2. Thank you guys. ;)I don't wanna do buttons or anything cause I'll like get confused. lol.I'm not too good with html.
  3. They just grew Asperigus or however you spell it, there. In reply to bolded text. For the non bold, we can just take carbon dioxide, our bi-product of using oil, there, in turn, feeding the plants, which produces Oxygen, if we put an animal there(won't happen lol) breath in the oxygen, creating more CO2, which makes the planet hotter, melting the northern ice glaciers of mars, leaving water. That is harder than it sounds.
  4. Yes, I made some basic calculators to use for simple math problems, nothing big. I'm a newbie at php, so if I made something that could be short, long, I am sorry. lol Here is one for adding two numbers. <html><title>Adding 2 numbers </title><body><h3 align="center">Type in the two numbers you'd like to add together.</h3><form action="add2.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="number1" /><p>+</p> <input type="text" name="number2" /><input type="submit" value="Add!" /></form></body></html>Save that and name it add.php or add.html, it don't matter. In that page, it is simply asking for 2 numbers to add. Next, create a page called add2.php, can't make it html. <?php$_POST["number1"];$_POST["number2"];?><html><title>Answer to <?php echo $_POST["number1"]; ?> + <php echo $_POST["number2"]; ?></title><body><h3 align="center">Answer to <?php echo "$_POST["number1"]; ?> + <php echo $_POST["number2"]"; ?></h3><p> The answer to <?phpecho $_POST["number1"]; ?> + <php echo $_POST["number2"];?>is <?php echo $_POST["number1"]+$_POST["number2"];?></body></html>Php files can have html in them.lol What this page is doing is adding the two numbers that were inputed on add.php(what I used). Simple right? Here is subtraction, for this, I copied and pasted the adding script/pages and made new ones called subtract.php, for the first one and subtract2.php for the second. I changed the adding to subtracting and yeah. <html><title>Subtracting 2 numbers </title><body><h3 align="center">Type in the two numbers you'd like to subtract.</h3><form action="subtract2.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="number1" /><p>-</p> <input type="text" name="number2" /><input type="submit" value="Subtract!" /></form></body></html>And <?php$_POST["number1"];$_POST["number2"];?><html><title>Answer to <?php echo $_POST["number1"]; ?> - <php echo $_POST["number2"]; ?></title><body><h3 align="center">Answer to <?php echo "$_POST["number1"]; ?> - <php echo $_POST["number2"]"; ?></h3><p> The answer to <?phpecho $_POST["number1"]; ?> - <php echo $_POST["number2"];?>is <?php echo $_POST["number1"]-$_POST["number2"];?></body></html> yeah. I also made a calculator for finding a circles area and circumference with just entering the diameter. First, make a file called circle.php, copy and paste this code in it. <html><title>Enter the Diameter </title><body><h3 align="center">What is this circles circumference and area?</h3><p>Just enter the diameter.</p><form action="circle2.php" method="post">Diameter(d): <input type="text" name="d" /><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form></body></html> Next, make a file named circle2.php. In it, it will solve for area and circumference using two formulas. Where D=diameter R=radius C=circumference A=area. For circumference; D*pi=C For area; pi*®^2=A Unless I'm horrible at math, those are false, but I'm excellent at math, so no worries. Now, to make that file. <html><title>Area and Circumference </title><body><h3 align="center">Answers to Area/Circumference</h3><?php $_POST["d"]; ?> <?php$d=$_POST["d"];$r=$d/2;$r2=$r*$r;$pi=pi();?><p>The aree and circumference of a circle with a diameter of <?php echo $d; ?> are<br />Area:<?phpecho $pi*$r2;?><br />Circumference:<?phpecho $pi*$d;?></p></body></html>Now, just copy and paste, and it works. For multiplication and devision, change the + or - to * or /. Adding is + Subtracting is - Multiplying is * Dividing is / If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll also make a calculator at request, just post the formula for it, I'll make it and test it first, then give you the codes. Yours truly, Bubba.
  5. Your purpose of life is to live a good life for you. Not to ruin it for others. Many people, including myself enjoy Runescape. If people like me didn't play it, it would probably be another dead RPG game. And since you hate it so much, why don't you make a better one? Eh, if RS put their game on disk, like WoW, it would have better graphics, RS is not a download game, you download nothing to pay for free. I mean they egg you to become a member throughout the game, but that's the same with all RPG's, like AQ for example, they always try to get you to be a Guardian. Runescape is not a bad game, I mean c'mon, it has so many things that can teach you something about life. You could meet up with a friend, or build a house, kill someone, save someone, things people do daily. In the end, I will let you choose how you feel about this game, or any other game. And by the way, you and like 500 people, not even 50000 people, could change RS, it has over 1,000,000 members. And I shall end this with a 'good luck', as you'll need it to 'shut down' RS. Farewell!
  6. Did you ever want to take surveys for money? But don't want to be hassled by scam sites? Then A.W. Surveys is for you! All you do is take web site evaluations, just write a three sentence summary of a site they link you to. Simple, right? Well it gets even easier! There is this referral part of the site, where you give your friends your link, they sign up under it and you get $1.25!! I got bored so I made this, it's also something good to put on your site's as ad's. *click here to sign up for A.W. Surveys, you're helping the site if you do.* Simple. A.W. Surveys.com
  7. I don't think they have 'Makers', where you just type in info. I'm pretty sure you'd have to learn PHP and combine it with Mysql to make a text based RPG. Like, you'd have to make battle scripts, login/register, all that stuff, and if you want to make it so players can trade/buy/sell, you'd have to make scripts for that as well.
  8. Being the fact I'm 14, you have to be 16 to drive in my state. The scooters cost $40 each. I contacted Razor and Mongoose, Razor gave me a 50 year subscription to their magazine and paid for my medical bill. Mongoose gave me a bike.
  9. One day, i was riding my scooter to work(volunteer bingo, so not really work, unless I got tipped). And I was going down the street and the bar that connects the handlebars to the platform, BROKE! So, I went flying and messed up my shoulder, found out 24 hours later that I chipped my collarbone( I had to stay at the hospital for about 28 hours). And another scooter I had, the handlebars broke off, so I had to jump off real fast. That was my second scooter this year!On third scooter, it kept folding while I was riding it. So I trashed it. Then I got this Mongoose Scooter, I always thought Mongoose only made bikes. lol. But this had to be my best scooter ever! WRONG. the tire fell off in the front. So, now I'm on my 5th scooter on 2008. I'll fill you in on what happens with this one.
  10. I go to the doctors to get a physical one day, and this doctor had no idea what to do. So I was sitting there while he kept going back to the main desk thing to ask what to do, or what something was. It ended up taking me 4 hours to get a dang physical. And my Aunt got SJS(Stevens Johnson Syndrome), she is in the hospital now. And there is not a single specialist at any local hospital, so she is just laying there in a bed, hooked up to a Dialysis (does the work for her Kidneys). And yesterday the doctor's told us her heart was failing, but she is still alive and it's been about 36 hours since then, and they said it was going fast. But, my cousin(her daughter), asked her if she wanted to come home(my aunt can't talk or anything, basically she's asleep), and her heart rate went up and stuff and it looked like she was going to wake up and say something, but she didn't. So all we can do is pray for her. She's fighting it. To get back on topic, the doctor's told us 3 day's ago she was going to die in a little bit and made everyone go back and say goodbye, but she is still alive. So that just shows how much that doctor knew. Let's hear your stories why you hate doctors. EDIT: My aunt passed away on June 16 2008 at approx. 2:20 AM. She is with God now.
  11. I'm against it. What if you were that baby that was being killed?
  12. Maybe you people aren't addicted to anything. You are just trying to live life the way you want to live it. "Live life to the fullest or don't live life at all," right?
  13. An addiction is a problem that people have within their minds. Say there is a man, who smokes cigarettes. He smokes 10 cigarettes per day. He is used to smoking 10 cigarettes a day. If he suddenly stopped, he would panic. He would feel he would 'need' the cigarettes, that is when you are addicted to something, such as cigarettes.Now say there is a kid, who loves going online, and his mom smokes. He makes a bet with his mom. "Mom, I'll stop going on the internet all day if you stop smoking!". Then five days in, the mom decides to have a cigarette, losing the deal. The boy was not really addicted to the internet as his mom thought.
  14. Congrats! God tends to help us in unimaginable ways. You must have had a reason to stay, or else he would of taken you. my father had an accident and died twice in one day, he is alive now, thanks to God. I never believed in God until then.
  15. Almost everyone in my family smokes. I try to get them to quit or slow down. but they tell me to quit with the internet. So yeah, telling a smoker to stop, is like telling a nerd their internet is getting turned off.
  16. Ouija boards are fake. Some college in the U.S. did a study on them. They had a group of students participate in a 'game' with the board in it's normal position, with the 'yes' in the top left, 'no', top right. After several minutes, about ten, they put blindfolds on the students, and flipped the board. They asked the 'ghost' a question, I believe it was "Are you real?", then the piece moved to the top left, where there was no yes, nor no. So yeah, they are fake.
  17. Hello. I am BuBBaG. You can call me Bubba for short. I'm going to show you how to make an Ultimate Game List. First off, we need to make a database, we are going to call this database `my_db`, leave out the `'s. Inside that database we will need to create a table called `ugl'(Ultimate Game List, duh). To make the table, simply enter this in the Syntax. CREATE TABLE ugl(System char(50),Game char(50),) In the above code, it is stating we are creating a table called ugl, with two columns, System, and Game. Next, we will need to make a form, to submit Games to the list. <html><body><p>Here you can post a game you would like to see on The Ultimate Game List!<br>Just fill in the corresponding boxes with the correct information, please.</p><br><form action="insertgame.php" method="post">System Game is Made For: <input type="text" name="System" /><br>Game name: <input type="text" name="Game" /><br><input type="submit" /></form></body></html> In the above code, HTML is being used. The action is post. This sends the information to the page `insertgame.php`, that we will be creating in a moment. On the `insertgame.php` page, the information connects to the database, then dropping the info into the table `ugl` we creating a few minutes ago. Now, we must create the `insertgame.php` file. Open up notepad, or anything else you can paste this code into and save it to `insertgame.php`. <?php$con = mysql_connect("localhost","your_username","your_password");if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }mysql_select_db("my_db", $con);$sql="INSERT INTO ugl (System, Game)VALUES('$_POST[system]','$_POST[game]')";if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); }echo "Game Added! Click here to get back to the game.(put a link back to the page where you submit the game.";mysql_close($con)?> That is `insertgame.php`.That connects to the database we created earlier, `my_db`. Then it connects to the table `ugl` that we also created earlier. Now, we are almost done, just one more code. This is the code that displays the information of the games in the list. Would look like this... -----------------+----------------- -System + Game - Playstation 2 + Demo Disk - blah + blah blah - etc. etc. <?php$con = mysql_connect("localhost","your_username","your_password");if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }mysql_select_db("my_db", $con);$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ugl");while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['System'] . " " . $row['Game']; echo "<br />"; }mysql_close($con);?>In that code, it is telling the database to display the table `ugl` with the `SELECT * FROM ugl`, statement. Now, you put that on whatever page you want the list to be on, I would suggest the page the submit form is on, but that's my choice. If you do do that. That page should look a little something like this. <?php$con = mysql_connect("localhost","your_username","your_password");if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }mysql_select_db("my_db", $con);$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ugl");while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['System'] . " " . $row['Game']; echo "<br />"; }mysql_close($con);?><html><body><p>Here you can post a game you would like to see on The Ultimate Game List!<br>Just fill in the corresponding boxes with the correct information, please.</p><br><form action="insertgame.php" method="post">System Game is Made For: <input type="text" name="System" /><br>Game name: <input type="text" name="Game" /><br><input type="submit" /></form></body></html>. Well, thank you for your time, if you have any questions, feel free to post them here, or PM them to me, I'll gladly answer them.
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