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Posts posted by kelvinc2

  1. I definitly use imagefilez. It is convieneint because it is located on the page, and whenever I need to upload a photo, I can do it quickly without going to other sites. This is also considering that I just need to temporarily have the image, for instance if I am simpily showing someone a photo, posting a picture that I plan on updating, or if I am just posting a picture that will probebly be viewed only within the next few days, I will use imagefilez. If I want to keep the photo for a while or if I plan on posting it for everyone to see over a long period of time, I use Photobucket.

  2. % By Kelvin Chuvar username: stringvar yearofbirth: intput "Hello, What is your name?"get usernameput "WOW,", username,", I love that name!! =)"put ""put "Whats your year of birth?"get yearofbirthput username,", you are ", 2008 - yearofbirth, " years old!"

  3. I'm currently a Christian. I believe the classical interpretation of it according to evangelicals: Jesus Christ crucified, raised again, bodily, for the remission of sins. Aside from this, my interpretations of the Bible are quite open compared to most Christians. My advice to you is that if you wanted to ever study Christianity in-depth, is that you should take a look at some of the older documents relating to Christianity, that is, what the church fathers and so forth have written. This should take some of the modern slant out of what modern Christians posit about the Bible. It also helps to check what it says in the original language, because translators don't do good jobs sometimes :D . As far as the proof of the existence of God and Jesus Christ, I believe based on faith, and just because I see order in the universe. I used to rely a lot on logical argument and "evidence for Christianity," but I found this could often be refuted in endless loops, back and forth. Not very reliable in my eyes. As far as a mystical interpretation to the Bible, I'm also open to sort of "hidden" meanings that underly the scriptures, especially within the Old Testament and Torah -- which was supposedly given to Moses through something like automatic writing, if you believe in the existence of Bible Codes (also known as Equidistant Letter Theory). The religion itself to me is far deeper than what the preachers on television talk about, or what your average Christian knows and follows. As with everything: know it for yourself, not through anyone else.

    Yes, I actually talked to my Bible teacher, she is a strong christian. I asked her about almost every single detail, she answered almost all with bible scripture. I believe there is a God, and there is only one God. Yesterday she told me to pray with her, I did, with my true heart, Thanks!


    I have discussed with Amir about this in other topics. At last I got a warn because I continued to debate on religious. I gave a promise to a moderator that I will not debate on religious anymore,

    but I agree with Janissary, hitmanblood and KansukeKojima.


    Dear kelvinc2,

    - This is a truth that There is a God. And also there is only one God.

    - Believing in God, keeps you on the right way. Your life standard increases.

    - Do you know who darwin is? I think you know, so search in google darwin's mistakes. At last he also agree that there is only one god. Even this man agreed.

    - The science is finding proofs that there is only one God exists.


    You can trust me kelvinc2, The God exists.

    Yeah, thanks Erdemir,


    - Lord Jesus is the one who died for our sins.


    - Praying God strengthens me, our schools verse is:


    Isaiah 40:31

    "but those who hope in the Lord, will renew their strengh, (30)

    They will soar on wings, like eagles"


    Thanks to all of you, and God ofcourse, for setting me such a good path.

  4. Hey buddy! Thanks for the comments =)After looking at your comments, I feel like both of them sucks lol. Like seriously, you got a awesome points right there, ?play 2 hour and never play again,? and true, that exercise does not need wii, now I?m not gonna buy both of them, rather I am going to buy two PSP slim, one for me and one for my sister, and I still have a little? left, to buy icecream haha.Well, I?m still wondering if I should buy a psp slim or a ipod? I actually favours more on psp because:PSP slim can play good graphic gamesWhile ipod nano cannotPSP slim can be used as a phone through VoIP (Voice over IP)While ipod nano cannotPSP slim can play wide screen movie without using magnifiersWhile ipod nano cannotIf you have any comments about weather I should be a psp slim or a nano.. please post =)

  5. Creating a good website, How?!I looked at many forums, searching on now to create a good website, by good I meant good website interface. For example, Xisto have this amazing flash header, and nice design?I searched and searched, I found that many people started with a photoshop picture, then they make it come true by requesting a website coder (A.K.A. Programmer) to code the whole website for it.If, I said if, I were good a art, I can design a good nice picture off photoshop, and I know how to code, does that means I can make a good website?Please post any comments, agree, or disagree =)

  6. But, In the bible it indicated specifically what will be done, and it actually is.For example, Global Warming, looks like it is caused by us, but it actually indicated in the bible, which was written 5,000 years ago. I did a lot of research on this.Because it was my Bible ISP (Independent Study Project), and its worth 15% of the whole years mark. It truly amazes me how the bible shows phopheys and now we are fulfilling.Any comments?

  7. Anyone here owns a ps3 as well as a Wii? Can you please list up which one should I buy? I really cant think lol, because I think that ps3 has awesome graphics but Wii is more healthy for your body and interactive.Also, my sister will be sharing it, so what do you think as a girl would prefer to buy? (she said it doesn?t matter, but I can tell she matter)

  8. Lord Jesus and GodSo, I go to this Christian school called Peoples Christian Academy, located Toronto, Ontario? Canada ofcourse lol. Anyways, our school always accepts non- Christians to join and always make them believe in God.I am not a Christian, but I came to pca (peoples Christian academy) and my friends are all Christians. I go to bible class, and my teacher always teach me about the goodness of God, and always shows extra care to me. One day, she asked if I believe in god or not, I though it would be a offense if I said no, so I said yes lol.So starting then, she start giving me this Christian books (randomness).So, does anyone of you trust that there is a god or are you in Christianity?

  9. Hey guys lol… you probably don’t know me… anyways, so… in our class, there is this random guy called Henry. He likes to eat food and drink drinks. His favourite food is either chips or cheeseburgers. We always make fun of him… one day, our music teacher asked us to make a song out of a poem that we made. Here is mine:Limerick – style: A, A, B, B, AEarly to bed, and early to rise, (we have to start with this phrase)Henry wakes up and wants to eat fries,And there he goes,To Mc-don-alds,At last he slipped, with his bag of chips.The last one does not rhyme with the first two sentences, if any experts wants to fix it, go ahead =)

  10. just wanted to point out a couple things in this movie that were extremely dumb but funny...THE MOST IMPORTANT: when susan is in battle, she'll always have 5 arrows in her pouch thing, never 4, never 6, always 5. When she was in battle, it showed that she had 5 arrows, and she killed 7 guys... but somehow still had 5 arrows in her pouch... how amazing.as well, wen santa clause first gave lucy that magical potion thing in the first movie, it was like... 2/3 full... after reviving everyone in the first movie, and then using it so many times in the second, she still has it 2/3 full.. how amazing.the famous quotes of the finchley citizens:"Ow i think something just bit me""IT FEELS LIKE MAGIC""lets hold hands"Part of the story: The 4 of them were transported to a magical unknown world...they all take off their clothes and run into the ocean and start splashing each other... 5 minutes later they ask each other "Where are we"

  11. OkI'll start with "yes, I should be studying for exams lol, but I'm writing about this"...and now onto my argumentApple products are all the rage. Why? Clever marketing, clever Steve, clever gadgetsBut Mac vs PC? I mean, come onBASICSMac = * Expensive [twice that of a comparable spec PC] * Unexpandable [They squish stuff into the tiny Macbook air, of course you can't put your GeForce 9800 GTX in it!] * "Safe" OS [because nobody cared enough in the past to make viruses for it] * "one button for everything" [try playing any game with that] * Oh right, I forgot, you CAN'T play games on itPC * Cheaper [check the specs, don't just buy something without checking its specs * Near limitlessly upgradeable [new PCIe card? just slot it in!] * CAN PLAY GAMES * Safe OS [unless you're an idiot that doesn't know how to protect him/herself from virii and trojans on the net]I mean, Mac users, please stop crowing about your awesome Mac. You paid double the necessary amount for a tiny computer that can't even be upgraded, when you COULD have used that money to buy a sweet PC gaming machine. So have your Leopard, or OSX. Vista may suck, but it's certainly the lesser of two evils.So Mac vs PC? Macs can go die, and if you're just jumping on the Apple bandwagon because they have nice music players, or because you THINK you know computers but actually you just saw some advertisements bashing PCs, think again. You're being screwed by Steve Jobs - let's break the cycle of Mac ignorancePC FTW

    Notice from truefusion:
    Merging of topics started here.

  12. Julius CaesarHave you guys heard of the play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare?This year our school forced us to read mythology, animal farm and Julius Caesar, I think that Julius Caesar is the most interesting story of all because animal farm is all about this random revolution lol, I?m not interested in politics. :D Julius Caesar is a famous play? if you haven?t read it, you missed it? go to sparknotes and check it out xDThose who have read it, how was it? Do you think its interesting? Why or why not?

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