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Posts posted by i_speel_good

  1. I can't believe how stupid EA can be. So if you buy a game and install it over 3 times, it locks up and you have to buy another copy.
    This is STUPID. I've read in a forum a post by someone who formats his hard drive every 3 months. He's never going to buy any EA game with that kind of protection.

    I think it's pretty dumb too. Imagine buying the game, installing it and having it corrupted after a month or so. You get to fix it, re-install the game then it breaks down completely. Then you buy a new HD and you install it.

    What happens if you for some reason (for example, not having much space on the HD) have to uninstall it? Or what if someone else uninstalls it telling you to install it later? EA was bad. But they just became even worse.

    (I typed this out by myself; the link below is where I read the news from)


  2. Actually it can be either right or wrong, considering how people take it. If people are all hardcore about straight marriage, they'll have a very bad idea about Homosexuality. People who are "free" consider both right.Some people are all like "EWW GAY". Well, that's how their minds changed due to society. If you think your kid is homosexual due to its dirty thoughts, you're wrong; it's due to the influence by society.

  3. There are different methods of lucid dreaming. My favourites are FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream), DEILD (Dream Exit Induced Lucid Dream) and DILD (I don't remember the acronym xD).

    Here's a good tutorial to FILD found on DreamViews.com:


    And a nice guide to most Lucid Induction methods:

    The world of dreaming is amazing, don't lose the chance to have fun with it.

  4. It is physically impossible for a man to become pregnant. We do not possess the organs necessary to even become pregnant, none the less to carry out a pregancy and even worse to give birth.

    The so famous Pregnant Man was just a woman that had changed her appearance but kept her female organs.
    It's not a man, it's a woman looking like a man. The media were dumb enough to actually believe it and show that... "man" on TV.

    Offtopic: While on stupid media, I was watching the news, they were discussing a murder of an actor, and they saw a comment of facebook saying "I killed him!" and everyone believed it and asked the police for more information... lol.

  5. This "internet" you're talking about.No flaming, no trolling, no racism, no people making other people's lives harder.Everybody being equal on the internet can't be achieved easily. You need to change the hearts of everyone using it. Their minds. Their beliefs.Sure, a forum can be equal like this: if it's famous for some reason, so much that people want to join it so bad, moderators can ban whoever break the rules. I'm not talking about temporary. I'm talking about Permanent IP ban. This will make everyone learn the rules. This way the community will form up nicely.Disclaimer: If I just described a forum that exists, I didn't do it on purpose.

  6. It works pretty well. Many add-ons ('read it later', 'greasemonkey') have been updated with Firefox 3 combatibility. My father installed Firefox 3 in the computer while I was away to come back and find Firefox 2 without any cookies, passwords, bookmarks, addons, search engines. That's a heavy bug, installing a version when another is already there. I had to remake/reinstall everything. Thankfully I had an old backup of my bookmarks.So remember, before upgrading to Firefox 3, backup your bookmarks (Bookmarks>Organize Bookmarks and export it as html or backup as json)

  7. Happy Birthday Xisto! It's really weird, seeing as I registered yesterday, and I feel like a deep part of the community. Like, wishing happy birthday for it.Reminds me of that Friends episode where Ross had just moved and the other poeple living in the building wanted him to give 100$ to the janitor, who didn't even know Ross. Or vice versa.

  8. Wii lacks in online play

    Not really, it's the fault of developers that ignore it. Loads of Nintendo games have online play. Even MoH Heroes2 does.

    Wii lacks in graphics

    Again, fault of the developers who say "OH IT'S A NINTENDO CONSOLE SO IT'S NOT POWERFUL"But some other developers...

    Most of the Wii games are kiddy games like Nikodeon and disney channel and cartoon network.

    Oh, sorry then, I'll go play my childish Manhunt 2 and Resident Evil 4.

    Now PS3 on the other hand
    Not only are you buying A PS3!, but your also getting yourself a bluray player which if you don't know what it is, read about it. It's 400$ by it self.

    PS3 has free downloads, crazy online, ALL the good games, and so on. It even does some control motion *BLEEP* like the Wii does.

    All the good games. You know why? Developers who saw the success of the PS2 think that the PS3 will have a bigger success. So they make more exclusives.

    Now you say you interact with the wii and get excersize...Lol. You play Wii sports for 2 hours and you don't play it again. The interaction thing is fake. Really it makes no difference.

    What. There's a *bleep*ing IR Camera on the Wiimote, which has been proven.

    The excersise there are none. Whoever, HONESTLY, buys the Wii Fit is an idiot. You do hulahoops and pushups? You don't need Wii Fit for that man.

    True. But Reggie stated that Wii Fit is not something to be done without regular excersising.

    tl;dr = Wii is all hyped but isn't any good. I have it, and I would rather prefer the PS3.

    You can choose whatever you want. I'm not saying the PS3 is not a good console, I'm just saying the Wii is underestimated.

  9. Actually, what I would do would be quite innapopriate to disclose, I'll just say the non...naughty things I'd do :DI guess I would buy all the videogames possible and try to complete them all until I die.Or, just buy an XBOX360 and GTA IV and play until my death. Now that would be awesome.Or eat loads of fast food. The possibilities are endless, and half of them aren't even possible in 24 hours, damn!

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