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About Aethix
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The screen is bigger then just about every other cell phone / smart phone on the market. I'd understand if you had other issues with it, but if that's the main problem then it sounds like you just have a general problem with phones. The Iphone is a rather large phone anyways, and the screen covers almost the entire front. As far as the rumors go. June 9th is the WWDC keynotes where it's expected by many that there will be a new version of the Iphone. I really don't know either way so couldn't confirm anything, but the hype around it is pretty large. For any diggnation fans out there, Kevin Rose has said over and over again that there will be a new one and to this date he hasn't publically announced something that hasn't been a reality.
Moving In After A Friends Breakup. How long is long enough.
Aethix replied to Dagoth Nereviar's topic in General Discussion
You'll just know when time comes. Before you get into a relationship with her, ask your self is the friend worth loosing? If so then it doesn't matter how long you wait. They obviously didn't work out and if she is ready then so are you. If however the friendship is something that you would rather not loose and if that means not dating this girl then you should just talk to the guy. Tell him that your thinking about getting with her. He'll either be extremly pissed and try to kick your *bottom*, in which case more power to you for seeing his ex , or he'll be upset about it but understand there is nothing he can do. -
Hey guys, So I have been thinking about taking up a career in police work. I've been reading tons of local and state wide police sites about requirements and such and for the most part they all require the same. Physically fitness, eye sight requirements and such. I can pass both of those relatively easy, but there is one requirment that I don't understand I was hoping someone out there would understand a little better and could possibly shed some light on it. To quote the official Florida Highway Patrol website. "Two years of public contact experience". I did a Google for "What is considered two years of public contact experience". but I only got pages back that contained the first quote. Anyone out there know what they mean by this? I was going to email the regional recruiting officer, but wanted to avoid that route as it's probably something really simple and I'm just having issues comprehending it. Thanks for the help if anyone knows.
Clinton is one that would most likely help him dominate McCain, but she is almost completely the opposite of Obama. She doesn't represent change, and is the epitome of corruption in politics. I think it would be a desperate act for Obama to have to select Clinton as a running mate, and I think he will fairly easily defeat McCain in the election ( this coming from a conservative ). If was in Obamas situation I don't think I could allow her to be my Vice President. I feel that she is the type of person who could / would set up an assassination so that she could be placed in that position. I know it's terrible to think of it that way, but I would much rather be safe then sorry.
They still have themes. Also one feature he didn't mention in the video is that every operating system, Windows, Mac, Linux based, have their own default layout that has the theme of the operating system.
I think it's pretty funny that you're calling her insane. Nothing you've said makes her look that way. I hate to bring back the old montage but " while living under her roof you must follow her rules". I think it's more classified as being lazy that you wouldn't simply mail a letter for her. Especially since you work at a ... mailing and delivery company. You're grandparents are older and no mater there shape, as it's not as well as yours, should be taken care of. You really should put your priorities in order and help out a little more when asked. Would have saved your grand parents aggravation and nervousness from your grand father almost getting in a wreck. Would have saved you your lap top. Would have been a lot less drama for all. As far as moving out and in with a friend you met on the internet. That's your decision and I don't think anyone has the right to persuade you one way or another. You know your friend better then anyone else here. You know if she is crazy or sane. You'll find out realitivly quickly rather she is going to make a good roommate or not by her simple actions, like being messy not being able to pay the rent on time and other things like that. It may be good for you to move out, hopefully the pressure of the added responsibility will help you with some maturity.
Avg detects everything that any other anti virus software would detect. Most anti virus softwares use the same definitions which make them almost identical in terms of actual protection. Some go about it in faster ways or have lower profile programs. That's what makes the free ones different then the pay ones.
It's probably unlikely that you'll be able to turn most of the features off. It just means that people like me will be keeping a copy of the latest Firefox 2 close to hand. I won't update unless I have no other option. If that's the case I'll head over to Safari for windows or Opera.
* Grr, I seriously dislike some aspects of this site because it's so difficult to find a good place to put new threads sometimes * Ref link So it's all but guaranteed that Obama will be the Democratic nominee. The real question now is who will be his running mate for the Vice Presidency. The above link article links a few possible nominations. I'm not going to reference them all, but I am going to point out who I think is his better options and explain a little on why I think the way I do. Back in 2004 General Clark was a very strong force, even with his lack of many wins his % of votes was always high compared to the other candidates. The average supporter of General Clark was the white collared working class ( what Hillary Clinton has a strong hold on now ) and people who typically wanted to get out of Iraq as quickly as possible, but under good circumstances. His views are very similar to Obama's but his additional pull with military organizations and the white collard workers could definitely help push Obama into the presidency, but also help him accomplish his goals once Obama becomes president. and then there is Senator Biden is in my opinion one of the more likely candidates, but the only issue I see holding him back is that he really is the complete opposite of what Obama is all about, "change" He has 36 years in the Senate and has many connections to help get things done. My actual hopes , but not listed here because he has publically announced he has no intentions of running for Vice President again, is Senator Edwards. He fully supports Obama, and in my opinion is one of the few candidates that could actually handle the job of President. So what do you guys think?
No this game absolutely sucks, as you can tell by the above posters who all rated it around a 10/10. (Obvious sarcasm is obvious? ) The diffrence between this game and all the other games where you just walk around stealing cars, shooting people, pimping hoes, dealing drugs and running from the cops is that this game was one of the originators in that console. Awesome games like Saints row would never have came around if it wasn't the influences of this game. People love sex, drugs, and money so of course everyone is going to get addicted to this game. My personal opinion is a little swayed as I'm more of a FPS person. ( I <3 halo ) so I never could really get into this.
It's really not that hard, you just have to have a little patience and want to learn it. It's so easy that you can even find dozens of programs that can do most of the work for you just by clicking, dragging, and picking colors. I'd suggest you do a search for some HTML tutorials and maybe think about picking up a copy of Dream weaver. Sure someone else could do it for you, but what would be the satisfaction in that? *PST : I know 8 year old kids who can program full blown HTML / CSS websites without a problem. I'm sure you can do fine as well.
http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I saw this a few days ago but it recently popped up on Digg. Thought it was a cool look at Firefox 3. The new address bar seems to be the biggest addition to Firefox 3 and honestly I hate it with a passion. I use Firefox 2 on my windows system, but both work and my roomates computer ( which I use more then she does. >.< ) has Hardy Heron on it, which comes pre installed with Firefox 3 and honestly it's the biggest pain in the *bottom* to play with. First I don't want my porn history randomly popping up while I'm searching for "big" trucks or something ridiculous like that. Also it's kind of intrusive as it just seems out of place and takes up too much space. Very unappealing to the eyes. The book mark feature is actually something I really like, but I'm sure I could find a similar feature with an add-on that's already in existence for Firefox 2. The Synaptic like system for Firefox 3 add-ons is nice and all, but I would much rather browse a website that has them organized in a larger font and have more options as far as ratings, downloads and top searches go. The new malaware prevention is actually really cool, I wish it would have came on Firefox 2 but I guess the saying better late then never plays a role here. So what do you guys think? =x
I went ahead and took y'alls advise. I really hated Ulead and wasn't too found of Vegas either, but that's mostly because my lack of experience. Was pretty frustrated for the large part of the day trying to figure out basic things ( cutting and splicing ). I'm starting to get the hang of it. Maybe I'll take a class at the local community college on it. Also, just wanted to say for anyone else who is looking for something similar, Camtasia is the most awesome program I have ever used. Very light weight, takes the video in a great format and is really quick for rendering the videos.
Any recommendation on screen capturing? I tried to use Fraps and Cam studio and they both where pretty terrible.
Hey guys, Sorry if this isn't in an appropriate section it's kinda difficult to navigate all the sections to find one that suits each issue, and from what I can tell there isn't a general " ask questions here about random stuff" section. I'm sure almost everyone here has been on YouTube, Google video, or a site like those that contain tutorials for photo shop, programing, or anything else that you can find on your computer. I was wondering if you guys knew what kind of software they use? I'm looking to take video of me working on my computer desktop edit the video ( remove scenes, over lay images, add text on screen ) and music to the back ground and of course make it so that It can easily be uploaded to YouTube or downloaded by people to view on their computer ( compress and make in a decent format such as AVI. ) Anyone have a good suggestion. Software price really isn't a problem as I get a pretty awesome deal from school. Thanks for your help in advance.