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Everything posted by corydotholt

  1. very well said man. as experienced designers, it can be easy for us to forget the mistakes weve made in the past, and we dont realize that not everyone is a proffesional designer. that 3/4 of the people creating websites have never done it in the past
  2. i was always told that it was just a crappier version of frontpage, but ive never tried it myself. i always thought of messing around with it, just never got around to it i guess
  3. so heres the question: which do you guys like better, Counterstrike 1.7 or Counterstrike Source?personally, yea source has better graphics, but I most def. love 1.7 way more over than other version of counterstrike
  4. not bad! not bad at all... i like the light and freshness of the yellow scheme. although the reappearing nintendo and pickachoo are kind of annoying, the rest of the layout is quite nice. keep up the good work man!_Cory Holt
  5. in the console wars, in my oppinion, Sony hands down brings it better than Microsoft for one reason and on reason only...THE FREE ONLINE NETWORKi hate Xbox because you have to pay every year to connect, Sony just gives it away!!! i guess thats what in you get in return for paying out the but for a PS3 right?
  6. awe man i love that article, i remember when it first came out and all my friends were like, this cant be real.... its such a joke but its sad that normal people who didnt know any better would probably read this and think that it were true not realizing how dumb it truley is
  7. short simple and to the point: i love my ipod
  8. this seems like a great idea and a wonderful way to make a whole lot of money, but i just dont think that I would want to put audio and or video ads on my website, they just seem to tacky
  9. i think its funny that google owns both youtube and google video, but yet only google video allows you to download videos
  10. your sites pretty nice, but when I first get there, something just screams out "default template"try adding some unique pictures or something to live things up a bit... other than that, keep up the good work.
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