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Okara KAmi

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Posts posted by Okara KAmi

  1. Well I might be an amateur in this subject too as I agree with White Eagle. We are no where near to understanding the depths of complexity that our world is in right now, but we go out thinking that all of out problems will be solved. We are hopefuls, thinking that if we forget what is going on at home and venture into neighboring soil, we may find a better and easier way out of our issues than looking in our own homes. We can see this pattern through out history, where the European countries wanted to colonize and spread their reach before they fully grasped the problems back at home. Instances such as the inquisition and the French Revolution go to show that Europe was in a fair share of chaos, for such occurrences to rise, but they insisted on expanding their horizon through the Earth. We are greedy by nature and not patient, thus often we find ourselves unable to bring forth enough patience to solve the problems within, and instead we go out to blindly search of the wonders without. Quite frankly, I believe once we have found a solution to Global Warming and a solution to the threat of nuclear war, then we should begin thinking about Mars. If we can not handle Earth, how can we handle Mars?

  2. Well first of all "X" if I may call you that ;), I would think that there should be pvp in such a game. I don't know what it is about games without pvp but those that fail to provide any sense of friendly human vs. human competition fail to incite the slightest bit of inspiration in me. Why this is I am not sure because I am not a volatile person O_O you'd think I wouldn't mind a game meant only for character advancement but in the end I think games without pvp are pointless. I mean think about maple story, it's fun and the graphics look fine to me, but what is the point? A LOT of people play it and I don't exactly understand why they do because for me it's a waste of time. If I can't risk my character's life against another person somewhere then what's the point in making and building up my stats or whatever? Levels are fine when it comes to combat but when the combat is restricted to only that against a computer generated little pip that does only so many moves. Also I do not have any pips to send you but if others could try to fork over what they have then I'd be happy to test out your result. I'd warn you though I'm not an ardent fan of all works that lack pvp, those games that lack multiplayer versus modes have to be pure genius to gain my attention and devotion. Like Zelda ;)

  3. I think we are moving backwards here. Shouldn't we be trying to be more creative than we previously were? See I know huge rpgs are fun because of the giant interface and the possibilities but if we dig deep into why we are role playing then we can see what we want. See a normal kid watches naruto, sees some fight between Itachi and Kakashi where Itachi puts Kakashi into Tsukiyomi or something, and the kid thinks to himself that what he saw was really awesome. But what can the kid do about his admiration? Nothing. All the kid can do is watch more Naruto, he can't as of now, take part into anything related to naruto because of the obvious fact that his parents made him...not Kishimoto XDAn MMoRPG lets you move around and gain levels but that isn't all that Naruto is about. Naruto is about character relationships and attitudes and plot twists. You can't experience the thrill in all these lines if all you can do is level up and fight each other. So what is the substitute? Pencil and Paper! Woot.I think we should have an rpg where people write their role plays, and they battle each other with a set system for battles. This isn't revolutionary by any means I know of a ton of sites that work like this, but I'm just saying doesn't that sound better? Either way, making a whole game would nearly be impossible since we don't own any part of Naruto and bla bla, so why not just take a turn into creativity. I mean, define RPG. It is a role playing game. What role playing do we get to do if all we are doing is clicking on a location, and attacking and leveling up? I think that's a bit boring for anyone past the 7th grade because we are capable of much more creativeness. I would much rather design a character emotion-wise and fight-wise than just level him up and walk around. ~Just Meh Opinionz

  4. Awe this topic isn't dead... yet.

    Well when you are talking about the best soldier units, you are right, you can't compare them against each other because one nuclear bomb can destroy armies upon armies of them. I think we should compare the armies of speculation to the others of the time, but that is also a flawed system. For example when we compare the Spartans to say the Samurais, we can never get a full perspective because the competition the Spartans faced was different than that of the Samurais.


    But as we are on the topic I guess I will plop in my input as well. Samurais have got to be my vote for the best soldier units. Though they haven't always been known to travel in units, there are many cases where they have banded together. The majority of these examples repeat the word Daimyo. This is the land lord of Japanese land, obviously many exist. They would hire Samurai to fight for them to defend or gain land in many cases. What I found unique was that Samurai weren't virtually brain washed from their youth, they aren't brought up in the environment of service, yet in service, their loyalty is extremely remarkable.


    We can take a closer look at Samurai loyalty through something called the Bushido. This is the code of honor that the Samurai follow. In here there is something called Ritual suicide. This is when a Samruai commits suicide when he loses. This is partly because of public shame, but the main reason that the Samurai take their own lives is because they feel they have shamed their lord. The Daimyo. This sort of loyalty, I feel, is unprecedented. We have always heard of the few die hard loyalists who kill themselves at the loss of a fight, but for this regime to be implemented into a whole group of warriors?


    This Must mean that the Samurai fight with everything that they have. Surrender is something they strictly oppose. If you remember, in WWII the Japanese surrendered only after the second nuclear bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Before then they fought on persistently against the colossal US that had a production rate that was far greater than Japan. I find that this sort of perseverance can load any unit with enough determination and discipline to come out victorious.


    ~Just My Opinion =)

  5. Well this may come out a bit distorted at first but please just listen :D. I think what is happening in Peru is necessary for it to survive. Peru is in deep trouble economically and is reaching all time lows because of the lack of a central industry. This means that there is no such thing as capital freedom and they have no way of establishing any type of market over the area in the near future. The residents of Peru are only being human in doing what is needed to survive. Te so called black market is actually a pretty good thing right now because people need jobs and trash can be considered a good resource as it is fundamentally never ending. I am always against this type of suffering and would do anything to help but in my position I can't. This is the same with many countries and those who can find it a financial gamble to do so. What can we do? Nothing. With the minimal economic knowledge that I have I am hoping that this black market will lead to many other legal trades and hopefully plant the seeds of an industry that is long over due. The writer of the article really shouldn't be surprised at the sight of garbage picking in a third world. I've seen a LOT worse. But sights like those grow into norm once you live in the area and learn the reasons behind their actions. Our term for their life line is black market, I think this term in itself is wrong. Exploiting the poor is wrong but unless we do something immediate about it it won't stop until the poor finally gain power as well. It's a slowly rising economy that seems like it will be fine though it has a rough start. Just my opinion.

  6. Janissary it seems you have two terms confused. There is a difference between perfection (Utopia) and control.The system you propose where you have an elitist government that tries to avoid corruption and governs its people has nothing to do with perfection. Why? No one would be truly happy. Sure you could use manipulation to brainwash others into believing that they are content but true happiness comes from the inside. What you establish is power and consistency.Power and consistency are great, everyone would want the eternal stability of a highly educated group that makes all the important decisions. BUT, in the end what's the point? If people lose touch of what they want and become machines in what is pre-modelled for them as a perfect society, then what part of this Utopia retains its humanity?My opinion is this is just a compilation of all the totalitarian warning novels out there like 1984 and Brave New World.Here's the thing about perfect societies, the word perfection is defined by someone or some group, now this group is after all, only a group.No matter how hard you try there will always be insurgence here and low approval rates of the government. What governments all over the world have now is better than this in terms of Utopia and its pursuit because at least in our sane world, we have opportunity and voice. Idk, maybe I'm missing something but this is more of a: Way to Control Everyone Successfully, rather than Perfect Country kind of thing.

  7. Well yea some times we see how human Cops can be. A rough day or maybe just for some laughs XD. I think it's kind of funny though, the cop telling oyu to come out, then charging you for obeying. Now I'm surprised that they would show this tape on TV. Because I'm pretty sure acts like that on the Cop's behalf would be looked down upon so wouldn't in be in the PD's best interest to keep those files behind the curtain? LOL They must be confident or once again, have done it for the laughs.One question though, was this tape shown as a joke or just another incident which you happened to notice? If it was one of those AFV kind of shows I think it should be taken in light humor. The cop was wrong to charge the man for public intoxication, but the cop was funny :D and that's what matters in the end.

  8. Claustrophobia: Fear of crowded areas or small places.


    I have the worst fear of small spaces.Crowded areas isn't that bad for me, as being from one of the most populated countries on the team I can handle a mess of people XD. But the fact is that some times it gets hectic and if I were to have been born in America without the exposure I had before, I would probably be afraid of crowds too. But the main subject of fear in my eyes is that of small places. Now this may be hard to imagine, but picture you being trapped in a small opening in a cave, with no room to move, just a dim bit of light that is soon taken away with a few more falling rocks. It's not fully the fact that I couldn't move that scared me, but I would hate being hopeless and bound to die a slow death. Not very cheery I know, but hey the topic is about phobias.




    Now I have another one that I can't seem to find a word for it but I'll use:


    Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things.


    Firstly, I am not afraid of death to myself more than the next person. It's just an end and I agree that I'd have to leave some time or another, I won't hide the fact that if I am doomed to die, I wouldn't panic, I would just ... die O_O But what I fear is other people I know dying. It's not so much the fact that they were killed or stopped breathing, it's the idea that they no longer exist. When my grandma died, I spent nights thinking about how someone I could just picture in my head would not NEVER exist in the same world as me. I have a very hard time dealing with permanence, any type of decision that is irreversible draws a sense of hesitance in me, and death is the granddaddy of all permanent decisions. I also had a hard time when the likes of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit left us, God bless their souls, because I could not get over the fact that they would never be. Hard to explain yes, but it's true all the same.



    Ornithophobia: Fear of birds.


    I am afraid of all types of birds. I can't honestly say I can live in the immediate presence of any type, species or gender of bird without being unlimitedly uncomfortable. Why? I hate the idea of birds, I hate the fact that they are these little things with winds that flap so wildly and hit against each other. Now I'm not saying I hate birds, they are fun. Birds = great. Birds + Me = Doom. I think this started when at my home (India) birds used to enter and fly around. I used to be petrified by them just hovering over me. This became even worse when I saw dead birds. The splattered guts and spread out feathers disgusts me so much that I am regretting making this post as I type T_T. Now say this fear of birds dead and alive was portrayed in degree by the amount X. My fears became Googleplex(X)^2 when my friend ran over a bird while he was driving around in a parking lot. Never give a sophomore the keys to a car, and never let someone morbidly afraid of birds sit by when you run over one.






    Nice topic >_> Now I need to go sit in a corner and rid my self of these goose bumps!

  9. I still don't understand where the misunderstanding here is. Islam does not say that virgins will be waiting to have sex with you in the bliss of heaven, it says you will be covered by the hospitality of love. This has nothing to do with terrorism, many other religions claim that the after life is sweater than what we live now, heaven has held the same semblance of nirvana and happiness as in any other belief.Islam, does in no way preach violence. Just because some interpret the Koran as a way to instigate hatred towards infidels, does not mean that suddenly Islam has to fall into the mold of preconceptions. The fact of the matter is that Islam teaches peace and harmony as much as the next. How can you blame a religion for having individuals who take part in holy wars? The Crusades involved Christians vs. Muslims for land, both sides took part claiming their God had given them this path, one of blood shed. Riots in India tear the country apart, bombings and slaughters down there could make even the worst crimes in the US seem like jokes. I have had the displeasure to know people who killed, massacred by Muslims or Hindus. Why? Because religion has different interpretations and influences on different people. Conflict is bound to happen, because we share the same Earth but hold different views we can't always prevent clashes, but that doesn't mean we blame it on a religion. Note: I'm not Muslim, yet I would never accuse it of bringing upon us terrorism, I would accuse the idiots who misinterpret it and take innocent lives. (terrorists)

  10. Why is it that so many of my posts are rated artistic? Every time I look at one of my posts after I post them, I see artistic and I don't think that someone read it and rated it before I loaded the page. Does this occur because a setting I might have changed?Does this come from an admin decision to scar me with a permanent rating XD ?It's not that I think it's a bad thing, I'm just curious about the mechanics behind it. Thanks.

  11. Traitor

    Cold may be the hand that rules

    but feed does it your mouth.

    You ask for more from it's bounded pools

    and rebel in voices loud.


    But think you not where you would be

    if that cold hand had not come?

    Anarchy, plague, an infinity

    of chaos would you welcome?


    Then why speak you

    against the father, the mother the patriarch?

    Government feels the pointless spew

    of a dog who stops not bark.


    Corrupted by ideas of a truer land afar

    you leave your home to seek.

    But see you not the gaping scar

    that your absence does lay streak?


    Hold your head high, be proud of your dead

    because surely you believe it is right.

    But traitor, O traitor you make your savior bleed

    and will be silenced by the fall of night.

  12. hehe RedAlert I did read all of your posts, though you won't read this one seeing as how you assume I'm not too bright. Oh well, forums are bound to have people who want to reap the profits of the free hosting this one gives, no big deal, expected.


    Just adding my two cent:

    Link does not love Zelda, but many of times Zelda has feelings for link. That would be expected of a princess who is saved by a chap clad in green with a shiny sword :D


    There is another thread that discusses this matter a lot deeper!

    http://forums.xisto.com/topic/7436-zelda-love/ <--- follow the link XD


    Here, ReRush feels, and I agree, that all the Zelda x Link matches are made of creativity and desire. Kids who play OoT would like to see Link with Zelda in the end, because come on, he ends up just riding away alone on Epona. No one would want that for the guy who they controlled for hours going through tree trunks, volcanoes, bellies, temples, chambers and deserts. It's our imagination that puts the idea in our minds and I think the makers of Zelda left that open ended so that we could always keep wondering.

  13. Addressing: Johnny76


    If you don't love the second one as much as the first one, then you have your answer.

    There seems to be no problem with the fact that she lives with her ex as long as it is to take care of her child.


    But truthfully from the stand point of a less perfect world:



    Wait until you are sure that you don't love the second as only a friend.

    Make sure you are ready to date someone who has kids and lives with her ex.

    Make sure you are ready to give one up for the other if the time comes.


    If it seems complicated now, I warn you it may very well get messier in the future if you make up your mind too soon.

  14. I agree with Aeara because Link's descendants would be highly unlikely. Why? Because Link's descendants wouldn't be random children because the Gods would always look after them because of his deeds. Well that's just a basic assumption. Also, if Link did have descendants they would all pretty much be expert warriors because he would teach his children how to fight and so on.I also think it's cruel to think that all Links and Zeldas have two different lineages, cutting off any possible 'interaction' in the past, before Wind Waker. Also, if you look throughout OoT, we can find many... MANY instances where Link is portrayed to be simple minded. For example, with the Ruto marriage situation as you mentioned and so on. I think the game makers wanted to match link with a person of his mind set, someone as simple as him but as ambitious as well. Malon seems perfect. Link and Malon growing old on a farm with Epona and some cows is ideal. Also, Epona, one of Link's best friends is from Malon, already developing a strong link that binds them two together. Good write ReRush, very good insight and excellent presentation.

  15. I recommend doing what I'm doing, wait for a while. Make sure that your sight stops changing completely, then get it done. It's really safe and technologically speaking; simple. What it does is cut into your eye so that slits are made, these slits alow for your any deformity to even out, solving many eye problems. I'm not sure if this is how ALL surgeries of this type take place or just for people with Astigmatism but yea.

  16. Confessions of Insanity

    Death of petals

    Come, sit you before my serpentine sight,
    so again may I kindle what love is lost forever.
    Fall into abyss, O eternal friend of light
    death has brought an end to your endeavor.

    Fear not of death, O aching child of mine,
    it is to come to all but the trinity above.
    These tears are red of blood, not whine,
    tears that I shed in loss of my love.

    Think you that death punishes the dying most?
    Think you his heart is that of a mere child?
    After you leave, what have I to boast?
    Death strikes most on the remaining mild.

    So let the leaves touch the coldest of earth,
    let the trees crumble in defeat to the end.
    Know as you die, out love will rebirth,
    then we too shall not bend.

    Find your broken dreams that you once had,
    that you now hid within kettles,
    for I will not allow your face to be sad,
    amidst the funeral or petals.

    ***Note, that all these poems are made by me, they have no real motivation, just spontaneity.

  17. 1. Ignorance

    When I see someone in school that does something without thinking how it may affect others, or just does it for the hell of it, it makes me really really mad. Why? Because I thinjk people who refuse to understand and acclimatize to their environments only do it harm and unless they are forced into change, they will bring no good. This attitude is ever-increasing because of the common trends of littering, pollution and all.


    2. Bullying

    I think that this is the biggest waste of energy on this planet. I see kids get bullied every day, I don't understand it. Bullies gain nothing out of bullying others, and the victims only get a little step down on their self esteem if they don't completely ignore the bully like one would expect. I just don't see the point.


    3. Irresponsibility

    When someone who is supposed to take care of someone else does things that puts them and their friends in danger, it annoys me. Our world is such that all of our lives are inevtiably intertwined, and many times we rely on others. When due to stupidity or laze others just don't stand up to their expectations, it irks me. These are the ones that leach off of others their whole life and when put into the spotlight, appear to know nothing, because they don't.



    Now I know these may be vague answers, but when I saw this topic I ran through a ton of possibilities and found these as the most peevish to me.

  18. Hey as a teenager myself I believe I can add an interesting insight into situations like these. I'm not too much of a troublemaker, so I have never had my privileges cut, but I have gotten into arguments with my parents over things they do. Yes some times these arguments are baseless and wastes of our time but I think the best way to resolve it is for the parent to admit some fault. The whole process is a chain reaction, when one thing happens, another is bound to follow. When a parent says he or she was partially wrong, I, and any teen would feel that I was wrong in it too, thus bringing forth a light ending. But this rarely happens. Why?Because teens have too much retaliation left in them to really be the first to admit wrong, and parents often get trapped in an ego game with their child and refuse to admit to anything. The points you made are very valid but have some exceptions ut I believe that these lie in case by case bases. Though I have never felt pushed nso far, nor would I think of such a thing, if a teen were to threaten suicide, I think a parent really should stop all conflict. In the end, no matter what the moral debate, the loss of a child isn't worth it, and even as a teen I can understand the view of any parent who tries to calm a child down when in such a stage.

  19. LOL This topic should be renamed the Bucket List.If I were to die today and I had only today to do anything I wanted. I would go to sleep. Why? Doing things on the last day is obvious, and why do something that I have never done before? If I am going to die, I'd rather die as who I am, and who I am is defined by my life before. Why change things just to leave an impression? If I really was a good person then I wouldn't need to worry about cramming in the community service hours on the last day. I would go to sleep because I'd rather be prepared. Because death is new to me O_O I don't know how it will feel when I die and if there is an after-life or not. I would much rather prepare myself for it by going to sleep, the closest thing we have to the end of life. Also, when we sleep, our mind is rested, and in the state of rest, I can enter eternal sleep, kind of fitting =)

  20. As mentioned before, Technology is amoral. Now it doesn't matter who uses it, because as said before, giving it to different types of people will inevtiably render different results. Technology is a tool to be used, it can't be avoided. Many people associate technology with dehumanization, saying that it takes away more and more of the things that makes us human.For example, now technology can be used to travel, where as before people walked to places, I'm not just talking about cars but carriages and chariots are all forms of technology. People believe that withe the coming of this tool, we are becoming more and more dependent upon it, thus losing more and more of what makes us who we are. But is that a bad thing? If it weren't for technology, we would be modern men walking around in what looked like the Australopithecus's age. What's the point in intellect and thought when we refuse to use it to our advantage? So technology is a tool, it can be used to make things easier, or make things a lot more complicated (Nuclear Bombs). A wrench is a wrench, I can use it to fix your car or hit you upon the head and steal your money, in the end I am responsible for m actions, not the wrench =)

  21. I watch Avatar and it is awesome. Though it could use improvement when it comes to animation and structures, I am probably just being biased because of my over-anime-exposure. Well the good news is Avatar is not over. The Book III episodes are still coming out, it's up to 15 as of now and will keep coming. My favorite character is Prince Zuko because he's so flawed in a way. First off he's not an ordinary hero because he was once a bad guy. Second of all, he has a huge scar on his face, taking him out of the limelight of a typical Oedipal hero. He's also relatively weak, he can't just go all out and beat someone without having a hard time. Also his relation with Mai makes him so cool XD Even when he was a bad guy, I liked Zuko because of how deep they made his character, though he may not be as deep as others, he wasn't a typical bad guy, since he saves Aang when he wants to, chases glory, then finally betrays the bad guys.

  22. Ooh I like this creation of yours. One room for improvement is the use of the bg color. You used what looks light a brown but I feel it would look better with a dark orange. The reason is that the armor on that guy is red and since you have him illuminated in the foreground, it would best portray contrast if you could make the background dark orange. At this point, you have red adjacent to brown, it looks good, but does not portray the same emphasis on the middle as it could. Good creation all the same.Some times you don't have to fully render images :D When I get lazy, I tend to put overlays and screens on top of it with layers using brushes, then make a background in what is now the foreground, this works about the same, not as clean though. But for sigs that small, preciseness to that level barely matters =)

  23. I think Piczo and others are fun, they inspire creativity. It doesn't matter what the kids call themselves after they make it, as long as sites like those spark interest and curiosity in personalization. Think about it, from a web-designing point of view it's easy to point the finger at cheerful kids who have just made a piczo site with glitters. But among every 1000 of those kids, is one who does something useful. I made a site with Piczo a year back before I learned how to code, it became HUGE, with a forum and everything. NO CODING AT ALL.Yes that was pretty nubish, but what can you say? If it works it works. Also, using piczo allowed me to explore new areas of coding that if I went straight into html, I might not have thought of. Web designers are the people who run the marathon, people who use piczo are the people who call cabs and ride them. But every once in a while, someone in a cab will look out his window, see the possibilities, and want to become a runner, which makes it all worth it.

  24. Karate is simply japanese style fighting, that originated form Southern India. Karate uses a lot of different elements that offer different fighting styles. Someone asked before which one is more practical in a fight, I'd say it depends on how you use both of them. Fire style Karate is probably the most useful in a streetlight, it's simple but extremely fast and constant attacks, all aimed at pressure points. When I fight this style, it takes me about 1 - 5 seconds before I score a fall victory. TKD is amazing when it comes to what it demands of you! Half of the kicks in TKD involve so much flexibility and outbursts of energy that sometimes you can't do it, literally, you just can't do something unless you warm up. I'm high level belts in both and find that at my level, TKD is more demanding in terms of physical stamina, but Karate is much more demanding in terms of thought. Basically none of them is better than the other, and in a street fight, both of them would help equally if you used it properly.

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