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Posts posted by mbd5882

  1. Ok hes still alive,

    I still beleve that[i already did],

    Where did this come from?

    It must have tacken u ages too do it.

    Anyway...Good post,







    Many fans (over 83% in a 2002 survey) hold on to the belief that Tupac Shakur may still be alive. There are many suspicious details about his departure that contribute to this.


    The uncontested facts:


    After leaving the Tyson fight on Saturday September 7, 1996, Tupac was alledgedly shot 5 times. He lived through the shooting and was taken to a nearby hospital. He was pronounced dead on Friday September 13, 1996.


    The suspicious facts:


    Friday the 13th is a very suspicious day.


    There were never any pictures released of Tupac in the hospital.


    In the song "Life Goes On", Tupac raps about his own funeral.


    The driver of the car in which Tupac was riding, Suge Knight (the executive producer of Death Row Records), didn't show up for questioning about the shooting.


    The video "I ain't Mad at Cha" was released only a few days after his death. "I ain't Mad at Cha" is track 13 on the album All Eyes On Me. The video shows Tupac as an angel in heaven. In the video, Tupac was shot after leaving a theater with a friend, which is very similar to how he was shot in real life.


    Interestingly, Tupac dies in his last video released under the name "2Pac". His new video "Toss It Up" from the new album was released under the name "Makaveli". The second video to be released by the name Makaveli is "To Live and Die in L.A." But how could they shoot the second video when he is "dead". Was the video really shot 4 months before his death, back in August of '96?


    In the video "Hail Mary" released under the name Makaveli, there is a gravestone that says Makaveli. But the gravestone is cracked and there is a hole right in front of it, inferring that Makaveli r...............................................................................



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