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Posts posted by mbd5882

  1. Thank You you are amazing,

    You just fixed it by doing whatever you did.



    Lastweek- I logged into C-Panel and all my email addresses were gone so i couldnt access them. I sent a test email to it and G-mail responded that the address didnt exsist.


    Also my contact email was gone, The annoying screen comes up, I think what the *Swear*. So i fill it in, It goes away.

    The screen returns back to the CP home. Still no contact email, So the annoying screen comes back up every time i refresh.


    Now i finally post, You check it *Thank You*, Now its back to normal.

    I dont know what you did but you fixed it somehow, Thanks, Cheers.



    That is the story of the man that had his hosting account done something too. THE END.

  2. Hi, My account is mbd5882.I cannot read my emails, Whan i click add/remove account to check if i have any new messages nothing comes up If i use g-mail to send those accouns an test email i get a error bavk saying that it doesnt exsist.Also my contact email add. is gone, So this annoying screen keeps coming up to tell me that i must put one in incase something happens. When i do enter my email, It re-loads to the CP home page and theres no email still set, So the annoying screen comes up again.Thanks,Mbd5882.

  3. I fount a PHP G-mail login script to login to your g-mail using any browser.
    Even IE1, I installed it on my site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    I tested it myself, Its safe.
    gmail-lite is an html-only interface of GMail. It was develope it with PDA browser (mostly Netfront) in mind, it should be workable with any browser on Earth (e.g. lynx, ie3, netscape4, opera5. The only tags being used are A, B, FORM, H1, I, INPUT, P, SELECT, TEXTAREA, TABLE, TR, and TD (and META and STYLE in HEAD).
    It alows you to send 10 invites at once and is fast.
    It uses cookies i, And is ...well...GR8.

    All my friends now use it as it is the best.
    Anyone else heard of G-mail lite before?


  4. I bet you have windows security centre?I F**in hate it, Its dead annoying and is the problem most of the time.Ok, What router do you have?Click set up network manually.Follow the instructions and if yu need more help post back because i cant be bothered to type all the instructions.Thanks

  5. CPanel>Hotlink Protection>EnableInput the addresses that the files can be viewed from. Just keep defult settings.I think this only works on images, Yes-I think?If you add another sub-domain, Stop it, Refresh, Start it again.That new sub-domain is not included if you add it after you enable it.

  6. This happened to me yesterday,I enabled Hotlink for all my sub-domains.Then later i made a new sub-domain and this was not in the list as it was created afterwoulds.So i had too stop hotlink, Refresh, and start it again so my new sub-domain would also be included. Because in my sub-domain none of the images were showing up.So just: stop hotlink, Refresh, and start it.Thanks,FFC Webmaster,Asad Haider.

  7. That is very true. I think more needs to be done to help the ozone layer. It saddens me that there are so many people who don't seem to care about it. The hole in the ozone layer is affecting people today yet people don't seem to see that.


    Because of the hole in the ozone layer, the occurance of skin cancer has risen greatly over the last few decades, particularly in Australia. Still, people don't care.


    I was watching a documentary thing a few weeks ago about the effects of greenhouse gasses. They found that the hole in the ozone layer has actually caused the earth to heat up. So it's not just global warming that is causing the world to get warmer. Some scientists did a study in New York just after 9/11 when all the airoplanes were grounded. They found that during those few days that there were no planes in the air, the temperature rose by a few degrees. When the plains were able to fly again, the temperature dropped again back down to normal.


    They've found that pollution in the atmosphere is actually causing the world to cool down. Because Pollution particles are bigger than water...and pollution goes into the atmosphere and often ends up in clouds...the particles in clouds are bigger, meaning more heat from the sun is reflected.


    So now we're in a catch 22...If we reduce pollution, the world will heat because of the hole in the ozone layer. If we keep polluting though, the world will stay cool but the hole in the ozone layer will get bigger.


    I think we should reduce pollution though. If we don't do it now, the world's only gonna get more and more polluted, making the problem even bigger for later on when people do finally decide to do something...then it could be too late.




    It does sadden me, All this polution damaging the ozone layer.

    Still millions of people and factories are poluting it even now.

    Theres not much only you can do.

    But if we all work together,

    Only if we did, Imagine that.

  8. Why signup using http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    When i can use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or http://aeijmp.com/see.php?q=pay+pal&affid=err1&subid=66076&p=2&r=0

    Anyway there are like a million of thease threads for netbux or summit else.
    I dont go on thease sites, I prefer working hard.

    FFC Webmaster,
    Asad Haider.

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