[i'm happy with my friendships in my life, but mostly i sense that i'm a totally outsider and that i'm not in the group anymore,] Hello I note that you said you were happy with your friendships but mostly you sense you are an outsider. Its sounds as if you are confused about whether you are really cared about in the world. Somehow you are feeling disconnected from others. I think we sometimes spend too much time wondering about this or that -- causing us to become anxious. Stop wondering about whether you are or are not cared about and check out the facts ! If a couple of your friends are close -- tell them how you are feeling and see if corroborate or challenge you are feeling. Remember that all feelings are valid but the reasons we think we are feeling a certain way may not be valid. Make a list of two or three things you can do to try and sort out your feelings and then committ to acting on them. Mark Weiss Counseling /Psychotherapy