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Posts posted by eXtreme

  1. well I just hope Microsoft will make it good, after all these years of development.Cause everyone that doesn't have the possibility of installing another operative system, such as Linux, cause of the technical difficulties, download size, important data on disk that can't be accidentally erased.. the list goes on.Almost everyone that needs to produce content fast and easy that will work mainly on all the computers running Windows XP, needs to have XP itself. So I hope Vista will have an excellent new system concerning the security, easy of use, productivity and, of course, eye candy for the average Windows user. :)

  2. most of these kinds of sites are frauds.


    but anyway i am on my way to register.


    LOL, your reply surely is funny. -_-


    Ah well i don't trust and I will never trust on this type of sites. I mean people don't give MONEY away. That's not the real world.


    And seeing that you guys need to waste so many time to earn 0.0025 dollars.. aww not for me. :lol:

  3. Hmm.. i never really worried about my email provider security. I mean I AM the one that's suppose to be careful with my own email address. Not open suspect programs and files, be careful when handling emails coming from a strange person.. etc etc.For email providers i use Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo (and my internet provider email account)As Gmail and my internet provider accounts support POP3, i usually read them with Mozilla Thunderbird.So i think the most important thing when it comes in email security is the user self attention to not fall in not necessary risks.

  4. Hmm.. I don't backup my mySQL databases like that, i use cPanel.Here's what you need to do:1. Open your cPanel page and fill your login details, then go to "Backup" section;2. Then look for the "Download a MySQL Database Backup" section. There should be your mySQL databases, ordered by name.3. Just click on one of them to download. -_-If you need to restore the backup database:1. Login again to cPanel and access the "Backup" section;2. Look for the field called: Restore a MySQL Database. Browse to your backup database location and hit "Upload".3. There you are, you've succesful uploaded your previous mySQL backup database.Last note, you can do in the "Backup" page, full backups of the website, featuring all the files and cpanel configuration. Now the "Full Backup" does NOT backup your mySQL databases.So you'll have to download always your databases separatly of your main site backup.Just a small warning. :lol:

  5. Indeed, i use it too and it blow me away. -_-Incredible software, you can look anywhere on the planet, and if your house is covered by a high resolution satellit image, you can see it perfectly.The plus is that it supports 3D buildings, hospitals, pharmcaies, restaurants, museums location.Everything of this free.Wow, i could keep writting more and more good things about it, but it's much more better that you see with your own eyes.

  6. Sadly, me too.. :D I get like 5 ~ 10 spam emails every day.. and as you may think i HATE spam. Sick of receiving stupid emails about how to get my sexual life better..The good thing is that thunderbird manages to delete all the spam messages.. so usually it's just a number i need to face every day.Though dead is not the right way to deal with this type of spammers.. some surely deserve it..

  7. Oh well.. And i though *maybe* microsoft would make it good this time..




    Visa = Longhorn = BSOD


    Oh, VISTA = Viruses Infections Spyware Trojans Adware. Excellent one, LOL. Looks like m$ really though vista for that.. :D


    Darker333, I really hope beta2 will be much better. Cause until now, specially on longhorn alpha builds, windows vista looks like XP with a new wallpaper.


    That's all..

  8. Everyone that has adventure into the Windows task manager has already wondered what were all those processes about. Well, processes are computer programs that run behind stage.. back-door programs is another name for them.


    So, for exemple, let?s suppose (i mean i'm sure you have) a antivirus running on your PC right now. And what's the meaning of a anti-virus? Stop the virus.. ;)


    Yep that's the easy part, but how can they stop it? By running a process that consists on the antivirus detection engine. That single process will look at everything you do, like when you download some file, read a Word document, hear a song, while surfing the web... basically everything.


    That?s why lots of people with old/slow PC?s have problems when installing antivirus. Because the bigger the process the more memory it will use and, because of that, more slower your computer will get. It's that simple. And normally antivirus and firewalls beat them all when it comes to memory. :(


    So it?s always good to check if you don?t have too much processes that are wasting needed memory. They can be programs you don?t use, useless processes that do nothing (but still waste memory) and virus. Yep you heard right. Virus are back-door programs too, and they run by processes also (not all of them though).


    So you can see how important it is to check your processes and the memory they are using. Though after opening the task manager and going to processes, you?ll see lots and lots of weird names all of them ending in ?.exe?.


    So how i?m I going to know which process is good or not? Or which one is part of Windows and so cannot be shuted down?


    Well my solution is going to this website, which is a true process library: ProcessLibrary.com


    Just do a search by the process name and it will get all the info you need about it. Then based on that search you can check if you have some un-needed process running, for exemple a old program scheduler,  some spyware problems, etc.


    But remember that not every process is useless and some of them are vital so the windows can keep running. Though i don?t know of anyone that had his windows fail to load or something, because they shuted down some important process, you can be sure you?ll need to restart the PC to get it back working 100% :D


    Normally, when someone has a speedy PC, this type of fixes are not really necessary. But for all the people that run slightly slower PC's, or have lots of programs installed, or low memory, then I highly advise that you check your processes.


    Sometimes it's not the best option to just delete them, but to do some home work and check if that memory wasting process  is still required by one of your programs, and that you don't want to lose, as for exemple the anti-virus process.


    If you be careful, and try to unnistall for exemple, a unwanted program to get ride of it's also unwanted process, then everything will be fine. :D


    Notice from KuBi:
    Discussed in PM's. Copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Remeber to use
    tags in posts even if you've copied it from your own site.(If I quoted the wrong place PM me and I'll fix)

  9. People already discussed extensively that IE has lots of security bugs, has important missing features, blah blah..


    There are better options out there, everyone knows that, such as Mozilla Firefox. Why people still didn?t change their browser is what I can?t understand. Firefox is in everywhere, in ads, text, links, images, so I think it?s almost impossible that for exemple you, Internet Explorer user, still didn?t know anything about it.


    Don?t get me wrong, I don?t want to offend you. But when people prefer IE over another good browsers, knowing that IE has lots of security holes, its core isn?t updated for more than 4 years, it doesn?t support navigation by tabs, neither supports extensions (plugins) or themes..


    But wait!! Those are all user-side features. So what?s the problem in everyone using IE and I?m the only one using another browser?


    Well, if you think like that, then sadly you?re wrong. For web designers and web programmers, that does matter. Cause IE fails to support the web standards! In another words web designers and programmers need to change or add lots of code lines to their websites to make them IE friendly.


    With this webmasters need to write sometimes hours of web code so their website shows properly to IE users, when just with the basic and normal code would work perfectly for Firefox users. and the worse it that the hours spent on the additional code could be used to update and change the code to make web surfing more enjoyable, easy and safe for everyone.


    If you have a bigger reason than this, then I?ll not argue more about it. But if you did understand the problems that IE is causing not only to the users that use it, but to the whole web itself, then it?s never to late to change.




    Original text has been made for my site, Dan Spot!


    Feel free to display or change this text as you want, I just ask that you leave a small link to me. ;)


    Notice from KuBi:
    When you take text off another site, even off your own, you MUST
    it. Quotes added.

  10. Hmm.. I still prefer my Firefox. :DReally, even if Google buys Mozilla (something that would surely rock the news out..), would that be the best option? I mean Mozilla is doing a great job in updating and developing new features for Firefox, and I don't see that is *required* that Google buys Mozilla, and with that Firefox.Now if everything would stay the same, and Google would sponsor Firefox to make it more popular than the buggy IE, then I don't have any problem with it. :P

  11. I already tried getting listed to it 2 times.. :P and never got accepted/approved/notificated..

    The first time I submited I had a fairly ammount of content, features and a good design.. After 3 months without getting any news at all or getting listed in the category, i submited again.. Now after 1 month of the re-submit, I still didnt get approved or even notificated at all. :D

    The site in question is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Do I have anything wrong with it??

  12. I have three computers in my house..1 very old (100Mhz, 32MB of memory and 1GB of disk space :D), another medium computer (1.7Ghz, 700MB of memory, 40GB of disk space) and the best one.. which is in my room :P (3.2Ghz, 1GB of memory and 160GB of diskspace)Looking at the computers configuration the value that most increased was surely the quantity of gigabytes on diskpace.. from 1GB to 160GB.. and now with raid arrays of disks, up to 800GB.... B)

  13. I have a 17" TFT monitor and i'm using 1280 x 1024 resolution.


    My eyes are adjusted with this high resolution so i don't think i'll change it soon..


    Though after seeing maresan post about Hz, i've checked mine and the monitor is displaying at 60Hz.. is this too low?


    At this resolution it can go up to 75Hz.. but is it safe to change? No problems in going from 60Hz to 75Hz?

  14. ahah - actors will be obselete and all movies will be completely computerisedThis is real life man.. Ever watched Shrek? Or Nemo? Or Shark Tale?They are all animated by computers.. every scene done by some 3D program. :unsure:About the future, I hope we will be able to make inter-space travels, end all our World problems such wars, polution and hunger.

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