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Posts posted by eXtreme

  1. LOL i was using Opera also and it only displayed a search bar.. nothing else.. So where is the improvment?? :ph34r:Now with Firefox i could see the real stuff. It does take a while to load. :( They need to change that, if they want to make this a "Start" Portal.It looks very nice, good content, well organized but it's still on it's "Preview" stage, and for me I already saw better. :D

  2. Indeed, if we look at the military improvements of this technology, the possibilities are unlimited. Even for personal and private use.Of course this is also a very dangerous technology, if it does fall in the wrong hands.It's not on it's fullest as we still can see the people, and also it's heat so it's not really a good option for military nowadays. But i'm sure they'll improve it, and i'm getting the sence we'll have to worry a little bit what kind of uses this technology may get.

  3. Looks like a nice clean interface, good work from Yahoo. :ph34r:This is new for me, I didn't know Yahoo was planning to redesign their email interface, but of course it's good news, from what i saw of the pictures.Indeed the email industry really needs another big change since Gmail came online with it's HUGE email capacity, cause now users are seeking good looking and easy to use features to make the task of sending and receiving emails more easier and relaxing. :DAnd yes, Hotmail really needs to change..

  4. Well everytime you drop your account credits lower than 0 your site gets automatically suspended, until you get more than 4 credits. After that you may need to wait 1 more hour (depending on the time you increased your credits) to get access again.You should check now as everything seems to be working OK.

  5. Eheh, looks nice.My ISP gives me 2Mbps internet connection with 2 1GB POP3 email accounts.. It may look very nice but usually the internet is at 1Mbps so they don't really met their speed announced on the package. :ph34r:The bad is that we have a 20GB nation traffic limit and a 2GB international limit (yeh you heard right).We can't just make 2GB of international traffic or will pay more for all the additional 100MB.. :DWell i really need to get another ISP

  6. Well the first time ever that i got into webdesign and web programming i started with Tripod, and no i'm not shamed. :DIt was nice and easy, you load up the builder and you got yourself a nice website, which you obviously would get very proud.But then you start to check another people sites and you realize that, your site suxs.. Well people will end to outgrow Tripod and move to another good free or pay host, which will give them real web tools to work with.But Tripod is surely a good way to start to learn the BASICS of web.. nothing more, nothing else. :ph34r:

  7. Well I never used Paypal on my life, mainly because i never really need it and i don't want to break their Terms of Service when there's money related. :ph34r:I already heard lots of bad reviews about it, people who got ripped off or something like that, and, of course, the good reviews where it's the best company in the world bla bla.. Well everything has it's good and bad side, and as everyone already said companies need profit.And profit is income money. :D I think paypal is very nice when comparing with another internet money companies, or they wouldn't get so famous after all..

  8. LOL.. Good Point :PI think everyone would want to have a PSP.. I mean who won't?? It's the latest on portable technology, and the features and graphics are amazing.With the latest firmware release people can surf the web on the PSP. :(That's good when ya need to increase your credits, and you're out of house.. LOL

  9. It looks very nice.. Surely it's receive a good customer support.It's very "cool" :P and has everything we want on an audio player: MP3, USB 2.0, FM Radio, FM and voice recorder. Maybe what's missing is an equalizer though i really don't need it anyway.I got a nice deal of an iPod Nano 512MB costing €99.. It's not that expensive cause it's still on the launching price. (I think)

  10. I have a Nokia 5210, for more than 2 years so and so.. Yep, I need a new phone. :PThough this one has really served it's purpose, it's very nice has it has all the basic stuff that you want a mobile to perform well.Now, there are much better phones out there, so i'm planning on buying one someday, hopefully the new Sony Ericsson K750i, man that phone is amazing. ;)The price? Not so amazing.. :P

  11. Well the idea of launching the biggest communications satellite to space is always a good achievement.While people can indeed use it to spy, I highly doubt about it, cause the least that a spy satellite may want is full TV cover about being the biggest there is ;) Of course i may be wrong.. :PInternet access over those countries is very nice, though i always think those countries had already a well, somewhat good ADSL connection available. And i'm not so sure that you can't upload when you're using a satellite connection. Correct me if i'm wrong..

  12. I have a 2MB internet connection.. not really 2MB download speed but 200kb/s..

    Oh yeah marketing.. Here's the stats:

    :::.. Download Stats ..:::Connection is:: 1406 Kbps about 1.4 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)
    Download Speed is:: 172 kB/s
    Tested From:: http://testmy.net/ (server1)
    Test Time:: Wed Aug 24 2005 21:28:07 GMT+0100
    Bottom Line:: 25X faster than 56K 1MB download in 5.95 sec
    Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 75.96 % of your hosts average (telepac.pt)
    Validation Link:: http://testmy.net/db/WFN3DYKMV

    btw the link is very nice, thanks. And the guy who created the domain did had originality. :)

  13. Well.. i really doubt if the treasure is really that important that 6 lifes and so many money has been lose for it..There are legends.. and that legends usually aren't true. This may be real, but is it really worth for some pretty old gold pieces or items?Now I belive is something even more important than that relies hidden, such as the "Holy Grail" as the description said then i'm sure there would be lots of people seeking it. :)

  14. Wow, very interesting idea! :)Looks well planned and should be real fun, specially when we think hat we know new places and monuments, and still have a good time looking for the cache.I would surely join up and try to find a near cache from my house.. but the problem on this project is that you need a GPS device to participate.. :DAnd usually GPS cost from 100$ to 600$.. and i don't think that my dad would really approve the idea of spending that money on a "unnecessary" GPS device..

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