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Everything posted by zachtk8702
Hey looks great. If someoen is just learning PHP i asusme theyre not familiar with MYSQL alreayd so maybe add something about putting tables in a database........ Maybe a php script would be easiest for them. Just an Idea.
People In The South Moving To The Us Should it be more strict.
zachtk8702 posted a topic in The Vent
Moderator Note: The following message may offend some people Before I get going I am going to say that I am not racist. I have friends that are Korean, Black, Canadian and Hispanic. Yes my school has quite a few minorities. But you know what. I myself am getting tired of seeing on the news that the unemployment . The Unemployment rate dropped from Deceber to January........ Yet in 2004 we added 2.2 MILLION jobs. Now I believe that immigrants have something to do with this number. I know that within the last several years I have noticed an increase in mexicans here in the US, Or at least in my area. Im in northern arkansas, and Ive seen that the closer you move toward the border the worse it gets. Now, how many of them just have visas to come here and work? Well, I believe that they should have the right to come here and work to provide a better life for themselves, but when you have 5% of americans which may not seem like a lot but IT IS MANY MANY AMERICAN CITIZENS. Are currently unemployed and many living in poverty and not being able to pay their bills, something is wrong. We shoudl restrict and cut the percentage of people that we allow into our country. We should tighten border control so that the illlegal problem isnt as bad. I have heard many people blame the economy problem on the 9/11 attacks of 2001, or the War in iraq......... Well, 9/11 may have slowed the economy but after 4 years things should come back....And the war, should help the employment rate increase. So, Does anyone agree with me that our neighbors in the south may have some effect on our economy today? -
Video Games Are A Complete Waste Of Time, Face It!
zachtk8702 replied to rovertos's topic in The Vent
Oh hell no, you done did it now....... I love playing my video games.. There is a new technology thats a few years old called XBOX LIVE. Wehere I can play online with my friends, join clans, blow people up and even join a voice chat room.... I play online with my friends every night and you know what I feel every second is worth it. I have met people in my area that I play with, met people at school I didnt know, that I ran into online. And you know what I enjoy best.......... Boobs, the guy game which is immature and against morals (not mine!) but I get to play this trivia game, learn some things and get to see boobs at the end of the round. So you go read your novels and run a marathon, Imma sit here get fat and eat and all day. -
Did We Land On The Moon? Did we land on the moon?
zachtk8702 replied to adriantc's topic in Science and Technology
I believe thats the most redicuas thing in the world........Of course we landed on the moon. How would we beable to keep that under wraps until the last few years? Also, If we didnt why would nasa have launched all the follow up missions? Shoot guys into space repeditively and spend billions to cover up a story.......... I doubt it. -
Did you guys see the woman judge get mad at simon last night. It was awesome..... I think those guys were better than some of the other guys that got to go past, but they werent that great.... LoL that big guy with his little teddy bear, he got kicked off, I thought he had a decent voice.
Hey guys if any of you play XBOX LIVE i would love to play wit you on halo2. I ususally am on everyafternoon............ You can send me an invite to XxZachtk8702xX. Im not that great, but I can hold my own, im a level 12......
Cpanel has tons of images to load, That whole panel is nothing but a ton of images, that possibly is what is causing this?
Trap 17 ? Good Or Bad ? Is free ? really worth the hassle
zachtk8702 replied to bizchina's topic in Web Hosting Support
Lol, I think opaque is a mature person, so he considers what you immature people may not consider to be spam....... Just an idea? But back to the topic, Of course Xisto is a great thing. I was paying up to eighty dollars a year for hosting until I found Xisto. Also Xisto offers some better stuff than a majority of paid hosting packages. Free MYSQL with UNLIMITED databases, Thats awesome, plus unlimited emails and such. -
Im a christian, not hardcore at all, I hardly even go to church, but I believe the beliefs......... Also im not sure what lent is I assume that is a jewish or catholic tradition. I know yesterday was the new year of the rooster in china Thats about it....... Not trying to make fun.
I lost my twelve thousand so Now i ONLy have 10.........................
[tutorial] Visual Basic 6 Minimize To Tray Minimize to Tray
zachtk8702 posted a topic in Programming
This example will "minimize" your program to the system tray when you click on a button, and restore it when you click the system tray icon. For this example you'll need: 1 Form - Form1 1 button - Command1 Add a Module to your project, and ad this code: ' Create an Icon in System Tray NeedsPublic Type NOTIFYICONDATAcbSize As Longhwnd As LonguId As LonguFlags As LonguCallBackMessage As LonghIcon As LongszTip As String * 64End TypePublic Const NIM_ADD = &H0Public Const NIM_MODIFY = &H1Public Const NIM_DELETE = &H2Public Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200Public Const NIF_MESSAGE = &H1Public Const NIF_ICON = &H2Public Const NIF_TIP = &H4Public Const WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = &H203 'Double-clickPublic Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201 'Button downPublic Const WM_LBUTTONUP = &H202 'Button upPublic Const WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = &H206 'Double-clickPublic Const WM_RBUTTONDOWN = &H204 'Button downPublic Const WM_RBUTTONUP = &H205 'Button upPublic Declare Function Shell_NotifyIcon Lib "shell32" Alias "Shell_NotifyIconA" (ByVal dwMessage As Long, pnid As NOTIFYICONDATA) As BooleanNow at Form1 add this: Code:Dim nid As NOTIFYICONDATA ' trayicon variable'----------------------'--- command1 click ---'----------------------Private Sub Command1_Click()minimize_to_trayEnd Sub'------------------------'--- create tray icon ---'------------------------Sub minimize_to_tray()Me.Hidenid.cbSize = Len(nid)nid.hwnd = Me.hwndnid.uId = vbNullnid.uFlags = NIF_ICON Or NIF_TIP Or NIF_MESSAGEnid.uCallBackMessage = WM_MOUSEMOVEnid.hIcon = Me.Icon ' the icon will be your Form1 project iconnid.szTip = "blablabla text u want to show when mouse over tray iicon" & vbNullCharShell_NotifyIcon NIM_ADD, nidEnd Sub'---------------------------------------------------'-- Tray icon actions when mouse click on it, etc --'---------------------------------------------------Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)Dim msg As LongDim sFilter As Stringmsg = x / Screen.TwipsPerPixelXSelect Case msgCase WM_LBUTTONDOWNMe.Show ' show formShell_NotifyIcon NIM_DELETE, nid ' del tray iconCase WM_LBUTTONUPCase WM_LBUTTONDBLCLKCase WM_RBUTTONDOWNCase WM_RBUTTONUPMe.ShowShell_NotifyIcon NIM_DELETE, nidCase WM_RBUTTONDBLCLKEnd SelectEnd Sub'------------------------------'--- form Actions On unload ---'------------------------------Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_DELETE, nid ' del tray iconend Sub Instead of restore it when you click the tray icon, you can make it show a popup with some actions: maximize/close//about//etc! -
looking for a clan on halo2 .......send me invite XxZachtk8702xXIm about a level 13 in team slayer..........Ive been slacking was a 15
I've spent a while trying to create parsing function with Delphi. This language is very useful.This tutorial explains how to parse multiple instances of an item in one string. Here is the function (which I am actually very proud of):Code:function TForm1.MultiParse(MainString, BeginString, EndString: string): TStrings;var PosBeginString, PosEndString, i, LastPos: integer; tmpCopy: string; tmpStrings: TStrings;begin tmpStrings := TStringList.Create; LastPos := 0; for i := 1 to LastDelimiter(EndString, MainString) do begin PosBeginString := PosEx(BeginString, MainString, LastPos) + Length(BeginString); PosEndString := PosEx(EndString, MainString, LastPos); tmpCopy := Copy(MainString, PosBeginString, PosEndString - PosBeginString); if Length(Trim(tmpCopy)) <> 0 then tmpStrings.Add(tmpCopy); LastPos := LastPos + PosEndString; end; Result := tmpStrings;end;Notice how the function returns the parsed data using the data type of TStrings, which is essentially an easier to work with version of a string array.The code would be used as follows:Code:Memo1.Lines.AddStrings(MultiParse('The person named Joe is friendly. The person named Bob is friendly.', 'named ', ' is'));The strings 'Bob' and 'Joe' will both be contained in the returnd TStrings data type, and will be added to Memo1, whose primary "lines" property is also of the same data type.Notes:1) Because of its usage of the PosEx function, to use this function "StrUtils" must be included in the uses section of your unit.2) The code doesn't necessarily need to be contained in a function. You can adapt it to place in a procedure.Enjoy.
Because parsing is such an integral part of string manipulation, I took the time to make a quick and simple parse function.For you VBers, Delphi is a derivative of Pascal...it's powerful, simple, and (best of all) doesn't need external component (eg: ocx files).Hence the code:Code:function TForm1.SimpleParse(MainString, BeginString, EndString: string): string;varPosBeginString: integer;PosEndString: integer;beginPosBeginString := Pos(BeginString, MainString) + Length(BeginString);PosEndString := Pos(EndString, MainString);Result := Copy(MainString, PosBeginString, PosEndString - PosBeginString);end;For example, the code:Code:ShowMessage(SimpleParse('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 'brown', 'jumped'));...will return the string: ' fox 'Notes:1) The instance variables PosBegin/EndString aren't needed if you replace their assigned values in the actual Copy function.2) You don't necessarily need the function to parse. You can take those three lines (or single line) of code and put it in a procedure.That is all. I may make a parsing function that parses multiple items in the future.Enjoy.
Removing duplicates from lists is something that you'll have to put up with if you're, say, parsing names off Outwar.Many delete-duplicate for...next loops are very slow, especially when you have thousands of names to loop through several thousand times for each name on the list.This function that I made is, in my opinion, the best and quickest way to do it without too many annoying and slow for loops (good for lists 1k +). It compares lstA to lstB. Anything that is in both lists is added to lstC. To change it so that anything that isn't in both lists is added to lstC, change the "If Not" to "If".You'll need this API declaration:Code:Private Declare Function SendMessageString Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As LongConst LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT = &H1A2And here's the function I put together:Code:Function CompareLists(FirstList As ListBox, SecondList As ListBox, FinalList As ListBox)Dim i As IntegerFor i = FirstList.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1 If Not SendMessageString(FirstList.hwnd, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, ByVal SecondList.List(i)) <> i Then FinalList.AddItem FirstList.List(i) End IfNext iEnd FunctionIt's called with the code (example). This belongs in a sub or another seperate function:Code:CompareLists lstA, lstB, lstCIf you only have a single list:Change the function so it only uses a single list in all instances. It that case, the function will remove duplicates and leaves it with a single instance of the duplicate. You'd have to change the code within the for loop to "lst.RemoveItem i". And then you're set.Hope this helps.
This isn't a very long tutorial. I get asked this often, so here is the solution. The following code will return a string containing a number that has commas appropriately placed:Code:myStringOrProperty = FormatNumber(3587532789053, 0)The second parameter (0) represents how many decimal places you want the returned number to go out to. Unless your number contains its own decimal, you probably don't want .00 at the end of every number you have.The above code would return:3,587,532,789,053This should make life easier for many...
This tutorial applies to all those people who insist upon using "End" to close their programs:End stops the program immediately without any thought as to what's going on - it's like a high speed train hitting a brick wall. It can cause unwanted errors and is bad programming practice in general. END gets rids of the form, but NOT its leftovers. This leaves a bunch of memory that will still be in use even after your program has supposedly closed. An object or variable won't be terminated properly - it's just not a graceful exit.The only time that it's okay to use end is in Form_Load, because there is essentially nothing to unload. Ending the program abruptly also ignores whatever code you have in your Form Terminate, Unload, or UnloadQuery subs.If you don't have leftover objects that you have neglected to nullify (ie - you are a really meticulous coder) and you don't have multiple forms loaded all at once, then "unload me" is the correct thing to do. Otherwise, putting a variation of the following in your Unload sub is the best:Code:Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel as Integer)On Error Resume Next 'should be at the top of this sub regardless of circumstances' If you only have 1 form:Dim o As ObjectFor Each o In Me Set o = Nothing Unload oNext' If you have multiple forms and you want to close the entire app:Dim f As FormFor Each f In Forms Set f = Nothing Unload fnext' If you have multiple forms and possible leftovers (this is the best way, just to be safe):Dim o As ObjectDim f As FormFor Each f In Forms For Each o In f Set o = Nothing Unload o Next Set f = Nothing Unload fNext' NOW you can put whatever you want, because you safely and methodically cleaned up your program's trail:Unload MeEnd ' you can even put end if you really really want, because at this point it's safe and there's no garbage left to clean upEnd Sub
Here's how to grab an image off the internet easily. You'll need an Inet on your form to do this. You can always get rid of your string variables and substitute the actual strings: Code: Dim localFile As StringDim remoteFile As StringDim fNum As LongDim b() As ByteremoteFile = "https://www.salesforce.com/products/platform/overview/ = "C:\image.jpg" fNum = FreeFileb() = Inet1.OpenURL(remoteFile, icByteArray)Open localFile For Binary As #fNumPut #fNum, , b()Close #fNumMsgBox "Done" Hope this helps. Notice from jlhaslip: added code bbcode
Opaque my level just dropped from a 3 to a 1.......... What is going on and will it take a while for me to get hosting again? I was idle for close to 2 months I believe.
Well it was a funny story.................... When i won the lottery a while back my numbers were 91,32,41 and I just so happen to have 2 dogs9132412
So your saying its almost virtually impossible for me to get hosting again?
91324129 million, one hundred thirty-two thousand, four hundred and twelve