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Everything posted by simonnielsen

  1. I also have Google Adsense on my website, its work. Google is a very big and ussefyl site, your i am sure of the safe at google adsense. (sorry the bad english)
  2. The BEST media player ever is VLC player, its free and you can play all files.
  3. I use Mozilla Firefox and it is very good and fast.
  4. I think GTA or Grand turismo is the best car game. but I also think it is a individual choice, somone like GTA other love games like Mafia, Formel 1 and somethink like them. You can't say a game is the "best" game, it is a individual choice.
  5. I have a dog (8 years old) I have also fish in a 160l a'quarium with one discus (2 of them are dead) and neonfish. For 5 years ago I also have a cat, but it runs away ,
  6. I like football and also badminton a little, but i go to football and I really love it. it's the best sport ever:DI like also to watch handball.
  7. I allso want I site with mobile software. I have a SE W580i and I want software to be used as background ?? someone know any ??
  8. I have a SE w580i its a very good phone, but my next phones must be a nokia I think.
  9. Niiiiice foood:D I speciali like pizza, burger, pommes but i like all food.
  10. I want to say the same as oestergaard zedge is a very good "mobile stuff" site just create a user, og u can download 30 themes, walpapers, ringtones, games or something like that.
  11. Just go to https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=https://mail.google.com/mail/&ss=1&scc=1&ltmpl=default&ltmplcache=2&emr=1&osid=1 its work..
  12. Now the paly in Milan, when I heart it I don't think it was true. Ronaldinho must play in Barcalona all his life:D Ronaldinho belong to Bacalona hehe
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