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Posts posted by thrillerboy

  1. Hey you've got a really cool and minimal site there. The site looks simple yet powerful. All the colors in the site go well with each-other. But, still you could opt for a better color instead of the light yellow used in top panel.Make the article link something different, to make people understand it has some drop down menu. obviously visitors scrolling over the first two buttons won't scroll over the third to see weather there's a drop-down menu or not.Besides every thing, your site looks cool now... Make it more sexier :lol:

  2. The site look pretty good. You seem to have good sense in designing. Users don't always wants to scroll down the whole page and see all the contents of it. Unfortunately most users in net are lazy as me. The point insist is try to make your contents concentrated, not like one have to scroll a lot to reach the footer.I'm pretty sure your content can be made to fit in the screen with some different lay out. Thats what most users what. Also the product page specifically is way too long.The banner colors and the link colors seems more on the desaturated side. Make it a little more saturated to make the reading experience more pleasing.I've told what i felt and no hard feelings :lol:

  3. Stealing is wrong..... But, it differs IMO not all people steal and publish it straight away...... Some people steal to get the ideas...... Some designers are generous to mail you the source code, and some are not....... So, as u have to get the idea about how they did you got to see their source......If you r not gonna steal anything..... It doesn't mean your work won't be stolen........ Life with life........But, don't steal and publish as it is, I would at-least say this.

  4. Site looks simple and cool.... The left side of the top banner, where surfers eye goes straight away needs some attractiveness, Its just a viners hand typed and nothing Special in that..... The design in simplistic, the link color in the banner could be added little blue tint to make it more blend in.....Over all a nice site you have.

  5. Was using this in the beta stage. It was kinda cool. But, the only thing that made me switch back to firefox is that safari doesn't support my regional language. I read lots of sites it my regional language.I've also sent a bug report regarding this and uninstalled. Will check now weather they have fixed this.

  6. Your site seems very minimal. Its an ethic that business sites should be kept simple. But, Some little bits of attractiveness could to added to site. I don't see any drop shadows there. This is the first site I've ever seen without a drop shadow I guess(No offense).The links too has only images. You could cut down images and make the text parts really text. It will help you in many purposes. Text in images are no crawled by search engines. This is one huge drawback for using all images.I'm not a web designer yet. Just started web studies. May be i cud be wrong :lol:

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