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Posts posted by thrillerboy

  1. I have never really used orkut, however bebo has also jumped in the copy facebook boat (I say recently but it happened ages ago) it only used to have widgets, now it's got apps.
    as for the orkut apps being better than facebook I (think I) can offer some light onto why. Are you familiar with igoogle? its a personalized Google home you can set up complete with gmail apps, games, weather. kinda like widgets for google desktop, oh wait, its basically the same thing... :)

    Yeah Google is great, if they ever bring out an operating system, I would use it. It would probably rock too.

    Yeah I would rate Google as Number: 1 when it comes to innovative web strategy. Its Nearly impossible to start as a search engine and to become a competition to the world richest company. In this very short time. Google has nearly cornered most of the leading giants in the industry. People could find this very easily by looking at the top 10 alexa ratings.

    Google operating System??? I guess its really really possible, IMO Google is really trying to infiltrate Microsoft in all means, remember Google docs and spreadsheets, Its not gonna be tough, to release them as stand alone software package for office set.

    I guess they are looking for the right time. Moreover, i guess Google operating systems will be free of cost.

    Really looking forward for a OS from Google. A Google fanboy here :lol:

  2. I live in India. And I'm really proud to be one among here. When it comes to rating, Nobody in the whole country can give a overall rating for this country. That is why it is said to have diversified cultures, its quite natural people having difference in opinion. And that too we are more than 100 Crores. So, I'm more than sure, Nobody can give a overall rating. Lemme try my best to rate My Motherland in some various aspects.Culture - 7/10Population - 9/10 (10/10 goes to China)women rights - 5/10Consumer rights - 2/10Effective Politics - 1/10 (Atleast, that is what politics is)Corruption control - .01/10Overall IQ rating - 9/10 (Most of them were non-residents here)All in all a mixed and super dooper country :lol:

  3. Hi guys, this is not my first signature, but, I could say its would somewhere below 10th. I can't say, I made this signature on my own, I surfed some internet and saw some useful tutorials in here too.


    Can't really give credits to all of them. But, thanks to all generous people, who share what they know. :lol:


    Posted Image


    Really looking forward for your comments !!! Thanks!!!

  4. Hmmm..... I'm not reviewing this as a designer or something, as a user i need the site to be more appealing and cool........ The colors are too saturated for my taste....... I guess most people don't like highly saturated colors. Also the "Strom prediction center" part is too tough to read. The fonts don't stand out well. The colors were not contrast. That could have made a lot better. Do concern about the readability of stuffs and user experience. Coding and optimization comes next IMO.This is a honest review on what i felt, Excuse me if I'm wrong anywhere. No hard feelings :lol:

  5. Hi guys,As a Starter to web designing, I've been learning designing from web designing people who were in the web designing industry.Its because I have a belief in a quote " Those who can't do. Teach"My tutors were teaching me Photoshop, flash, dreamweaver. But, Browsing more and more in internet leads me to see fireworks is involved a big deal in web designing. Even my trainer has no knowledge about fireworks. Most of the web designing institutions and certified courses in here don't offer fireworks training.While browsing through internet I found it is used very much in roll overs and image optimization. But, Its feeling very bad for not learning a hot software in web design industry. There are lots of vector arts and vector graphics happens to be present in websites nowadays. After watching some vector tutorials of photoshop over net, The real thought is photoshop is very complicated for vector arts, eventhough it has vector tools itself.This leads to more thoughts like, do people have to learn all bitmap and vector softwares to master web designing industry. If it is not needed, suggest some vector software that can cover overall vector needs for a web designer.So, to be a designer, web designer, One must concentrate in which softwares, suggest some softwares that is used widely and very natural and used for web designing and designing all over the industry.

  6. Most of the web designers, have this pain of working for a site which has to viewed perfectly for all people and all users over the world, independent of their operating systems, their browser and system and internet speed. There's no way no see it all manually and get the Idea about how the site looks in different machines and browsers.

    Luckily, I've found a very handy and useful way where people can really find this thing within matter of hours, Mostly minutes. Here's the site to check out screenshots of how your site looks in different browsers in different machines.


    Hope this is useful ^_^

  7. Oh my god...... This is one of the best step by step siggy tutorial I've ever seen in net......... The end result is very cool and its so nice that you have explained almost all complicated parts very easily...... This will definitely help me in making use of the tools in the photoshop to maximum to get a very nice and desired effect.......Thanks a lot again for this one

  8. Proxy Sites


    * Vtunnel.com (Supports SSL)

    * Vtunnel.biz

    * Vtunnel.info

    * Vtunnel.us

    * Vtunnel.tv

    * V-tunnel.org (new)

    * Atunnel.com

    * Btunnel.com

    * Ctunnel.com

    * Dtunnel.com

    * Ftunnel.com

    * Gtunnel.com

    * G-tunnel.com (new)

    * H-tunnel.com (new)

    * I-tunnel.net (new)

    * Jtunnel.com

    * J-tunnel.com (new)

    * Ktunnel.com

    * K-tunnel.com (new)

    * Ltunnel.com

    * L-tunnel.com (new)

    * M-tunnel.com (new)

    * Ntunnel.com

    * N-tunnel.com (new)

    * Otunnel.com

    * O-tunnel.com (new)

    * Ptunnel.com

    * P-tunnel.com (new)

    * Q-tunnel.com (new)

    * Rtunnel.com

    * R-tunnel.com (new)

    * T-tunnel.net (new)

    * Wtunnel.com

    * Ztunnel.com

    * Ftunnel.net

    * Htunnel.net

    * Jtunnel.net

    * Ktunnel.net

    * Ltunnel.net

    * Ntunnel.net

    * Otunnel.net

    * Rtunnel.net

    * Wtunnel.net

    * W-tunnel.com (new)

    * Ztunnel.org




    * Unblock-Websense.com (new)

    * Unblock-Bess.com (new)

    * UnblockWebsense.com

    * UnblockBess.com

    * Polysolve.com

    * VPNTunnel.net

    * SafeForWork.net

    * 24Proxy.com (new)

    * 24Traffic.info (new)

    * HideMyBox.com (new)

    * ProxyButton.com (new)

    * IraniProxy.com (new)

    * WizProxy.com (new)

    * Backfox.com

    * Calculatepie.com

    * DahProxy.com

    * Englishtunnel.com

    * EvProx.com

    * FreeIam.info

    * g2gToMyspace.com

    * Geotunnel.com

    * Gotoproxy.com

    * ImSly.com

    * INeed-Myspace.com

    * Mathtunnel.com

    * Newbackdoor.com

    * Proxmas.com

    * ProxySense.com

    * Safelizard.com

    * Safehazard.com

    * SlyUser.com

    * Unblock.ws

    * UnblockFacebook.us

    * UnblockMyspace.ws

    * UnblockUK.com

    * UnblockYahoo.com

    * Unlock-Myspace.com

    * USAtunnel.com

    * Vmathpie.com

    * Weprox.biz

    * Weprox.com

    * Weprox.info

    * Weprox.net


    I hope this is useful!!

  9. There are lots of browsers out there. But these are the one's I tried and worked well*Maxthon*AvantThese are IE based browsers with lots of additional features and are cool and fast too. They both have their own features. Safari 3 looks great too. It is what I'm using right now to posting this message and I should say this release is really really cool.

  10. I found and signed up in Google adsense before 8 months are so. I didn't knew anything about web designing and things as such. Then i went to all the browsing centers and opened my site and clicked the ads in different computers in those browsing cafes.I got about 50 $ in 2 or 3 days. I was about to receive the pin number which google sends to the mailing address.The next day I found my adsense account disabled. Then i enquired with my friends, and came to know that the different computer in browsing centre will have a same external IP.This is my silly little adsense story. I thought i cud never go into adsense again. But, now there's a small hope again :lol: Thanks

  11. http://www.rosettastone.com/lp/sbsr/livemocha/?prid=livemocha_com

    Discovered this site months before. And also I took some classes. I should say this is really cool one. Try it.

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  12. You have a really cool design there. It really is a eye candy. I've nothing to report on that. The colors you have used is really great. All colors has its nice relationship. Also the icons are also very cool and merges well with the layout of the site.your use of gradients in the header is also too cool. people can hardly notice any gradients there. If u didn't used any there, then pardon me. I really do see a mild gradient in there.Overall a really really cool design. :lol:

  13. This one not interests me or attracts me. This seems like a very beginner level site. Has to improved in all the aspects of designing.* Color management* Design* Use fonts and typographyReally I don't find anything interests me in that site. Not because of the content, its because of the colors and the amateur layout. I may seem very harsh critic here. But, I want to be one in this case. Improve the site Buddy.

  14. You got a nice design. I'm a beginner in the web designing stuff. So, I can't comment much as u seem to have more experience. I really didn't looked for a links above the kansurke text. Make the "click one" more easier to users get attracted. As we see the site upside down to review we may see all the things in the site. But, users are not bothered to run the mouse all over.So, make it little more easier for them. Also, the spaces in header won't help much for search engine to crawl your pages (But, I guess u did it on purpose).

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