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Posts posted by Chesso

  1. I also use 800x600 always, any resolution higher is unbearably tiny on the screen (even with this 17inch CRT), in-fact the case doesn't change much on a 19 or 20inch CRT or LCD for me either.It just always looks too small, then again I don't have my nose against the monitor lol, I sit back and relax.

  2. I don't think a Mac would be too good for me.I generally use:Windows Live MessengerFireFox (and Internet Explorer when necessary)Borland Delphi 7 (not on any other OS, Win32 programming only)Dev-CPP (It's built using Delphi, so again Win32 only)Win32-ASM (Win32 only again)Photoshop (not sure)Macromedia Flash 8/9 (not sure)Microsoft Office 2002Programmers Notepad 2 (Win32 only)WinRAR (win32 only?)Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition and AVG (Win32 only also I think)VeohTV, Media Player Classic and Video Lan Client (I think all Win32 only as well, except VLC maybe)Nero (not sure)mIRC, uTorrent.And many games only made for Windows.So yeah, well there is lots more, but those are the ones I can think of, off the top of my head at the moment, there is probably a fair few alternatives to mac, although nothing would compare to BD7 in my eyes, and that's more than enough reason.But I suppose dual booting would be an option with how Mac is using the usual PC hardware these days?

  3. I am also using Gmail at this point (for some time now actually).I started off with Hotmail many years ago and still use it primarily for msn again now, although not really for emails.I use Gmail very heavily for email use and haven't had any issues with it, although I wish there was a better way to stop spam from getting in period, especially certain ones that come in a lot.

  4. That's pretty lame and nasty, sounds like the officer had it in for her or something.I could imagine ticketing a youth for being a smart *bottom* and going across slowly.But also have many, many traffic lights here in Australia, especially in Sydney where the motor owners get way too much precidence and not even youth have enough time to get across small roads (they can only get half way on larger ones) before it's red and motorists starting getting ticked off lol.

  5. From my experience anti virus softwate cannot truly kill nasty viruses, it can only slow them down. Any virus or spyware etc that an anti virus has taken care of for me fully, is one I could easily fix manually, and do a cleaner job of it.But if you have the space and time for it, something that stops infected files from even running in the first place is certainly a useful idea.Having known file type extensions not hidden as well as protected operating system files showing etc is useful if you need to go hunt the bugs yourself.If your TaskMan is not working, download a third party one, or actually Microsoft has a more advanced one of their own that is free I believe and won't be affected by TaskMan, it can even replace TaskMan if you want it to (sorry I can't remember the name of it right now).And Yeah I wouldn't have auto run CD's/DVD's etc on either, aside from being sometimes annoying, it could be running a virus for all anyone knows.

  6. I am also one of the "thanks you's", not sure why anyone would have any issues with this service at all really (providing they use it properly and actually follow the rules etc).Also as a re-minder, if you ever have a question (especially a technical one), don't be shy to post here, more often than not someone here can help you out, that's what I do. So not only do I contribute and gain some hosting credits, I can get some help from fellow community members and they can help me or others out and gain some credits and contribute them selves ;).

  7. They should work on all most, all servers, except some where they don't features like nickname registration and what not.Don't forget you can use wildcards with /list, like if you wanted to find a channel on a server about windows for example:/list *windows* Or perhaps/list *win* etc.And with the user modes (like +o for host and +q for owner) you can also do -o or -q to remove them from a user if you have sufficient priviliges, There is something like a half host mode also, and there are additional channel modes (like private/invite only, +m for moderated, then you can use +v and -v to give and take user voices while in moderated mode).Hope some of that information helps.

  8. I think .com is different, or it hasn't been updated yet.Because while the .net domain has some information on the CPanel issue, the .com one doesn't seem to indicate any change at all (at least not from what I can see on the home page).But if they are both to become qupis, then I suppose we should start talking about that instead lol.

  9. Ok here we go, let's remember some of the oldies:Alex The Kidd (Master System II, Built-In)Hang On (built into Master System I but I had it seperate for Master System II).Sonic The Hedgehog (SMS)Sonic The Hedgehog II (SMS)Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat II (SNES)Final Fantasy VII (PSX)Airo The Acrobat I and II (SNES)Mario 64 (N64)A ton of RPG's across SMD, SNES, NES, GB, GBC, GBA, PSX, N64, PS2 etc lol.Quite a few PC games too, like NWN (Neverwinter Nights) and there is just tons!!!

  10. I played it many years ago, but unless it has shaped up since the early days, I wouldn't ever play it again.Funnily enough I was at a local electronics boutique store yesterday and saw some kind of habbo hotel credit card thing (like a money voucher for the game or something) and now today I see this post lol, what a funny co-incidence.

  11. Good question, it is a bit hard to remember that actually, it has been quite a few years.Though I would honestly say I learnt to use it quite quickly, maybe a few days, and I mean use it reasonably well.But that was coming from a background of already scripting and programming in general, so it was much easier to grasp it, even if it is a bit different.

  12. Yeah I am a bit like that too, I can't remember or find if I already posted my opinion here not yet lol.Anyway, I also use Google and it is probably a safe bet that most people use Google.I have been using it since early days of me using PC's, told by people to always search Google and one day I just did and haven't layed it to rest ever since lol.What would the internet be like without it ;).

  13. How much would these things go for in AUD (Australian Dollar), though I am somewhat a bit more interested in a machine for windows (I suppose it should be able to run it, as mac is doing normal pc hardware these days right?).

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