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Posts posted by sunster13

  1. My biggest issue for me is the Michael Jackson child molestation trial. Just because a 13 year old thinks he can convince everybody he was molested for money, dosnt mean that Michael Jackson is a criminal. I think his career being over is enough, but putting the guy in jail for 74 years max is just plain BS. If the witnesses cant give a confident answer to the questions they are being asked, they really have no big proof. I think he is innocent, and that the court should ust let the guy be. So what if he likes to run around and play tag with children. And a maid THOUGHT she heard giggles in the shower, he likes to play with kids. It makes him feel like a kid, and i think they should leave him alone.

  2. My first question, I haven't had much time lately to post, and my credits are running low. If I reach zero, is my account suspended for ten days or something like that? Or can I just make a post and my site is back online?

    My second question was, what version of PHP does Xisto currently use. As you can see on my site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (on the right hand side) the shoutbox doesn't work. I asked someone at zymic, and he couldn't fix it. Then another person said he could help. He ended up saying that it was the version of PHP, and that he had the problem before.

    Any help?

  3. Please people, post your poems here. I'd like to see them.Anyways I made up another poem that might be alittle better then the last.This is to all those teens that are graduateing from Grade Eight to High School.Final Year:Picture day is nearly here,Dad said "No don't pierce Ear!"Don't want to use touch up paint,To send a photo and not have grandma faint.What will I wear, who will I take?I want to look nice for my mothers sake.I hate wearing suits, it's not much fun.I can't take this stress, I just want to run.I can't believe Grade Nine is almost here.Grade Eight will be over and I will cheer.I will have a whole summer to relax and fun.No more homework, I will lie in the sun.Grade Eight Grad will ba a blast.Growing up is happening so fast.Well there you go, another one of my poems that I created.Please people, I want to see some of your work of poetry.

  4. Well it goes like this, I want opions on the next set of hockey games for 2006.Any system it's from I just want to here some opinons on the game like, any improvements to make 2006 hockey games interesting or anything you want to stay the same.ESPN 2K6- Well comparing to ESPN 2K5, I think ESPN 2K6 should completely change. One is because of the commentary, it's getting old. I'm hearing the same thing over and over again when I play ESPN 2K5> I say change the voice and put in something new, a new voice. The second thing that must be changed to make ESPN 2k6 better would also be the skill level. Like I said in the post about ESPN 2k5, There is know where good enough of a skill level between pro and all-star. Make the games seem more interesting. Another is player contracts. in franchises/season's players are just wanting money, money, money. I say to make ESPN 2K6 better, make it alittle more realistic when it comes to signing contracts. Game simulation. When you simulate a game the score is always a high scoring game. Example, I won 9-0 over Washington in one simulation, all i'm saying is make the games seem alittle more interesting by a lower scoring game or close. Besides all that, the rest should stay the same. If this would be ESPN 2K6 I would enjoy it more then ESPN 2K5.Let's here your opions.

  5. I got another poem that I made just awhile ago. It goes like this.Lost and Found:Mom is angry today,My coat is lost and two new shoes,I have to skip recess, there is no time to play,I'm singing the lost and found blues.Show off your poems.Don't be shy of showing people any of your poems that you have created.I certainly like reading poems and others do to.See Becca enjoy's reading poems. So do I.

  6. I agree it is the greatest golf game ever. Almost everyone in my family plays the game and has there own golfer, mine was the first in 2004 to beat Tiger Woods haha. And considering I hate golf but yet love playing a golf game seems weird to me but shows how good this game is. I don't own 2005 yet but i do 2004 and have rented 2005 a few times. I found it easier mainy because the controls didnt change and I liked the Tiger Vision thing even though I always screw up and waste it haha. Good game but it doesnt beat hockey games to me -_-

  7. I got the idea that we can show off our best created poems. Use any of your created poems, as many as you want and post it. This will be fun. I'll start off with my created poems.Sky of Love:When the sky is blue,My heart said it would be you.When the sky turned white,I knew our love would be right.When the sky turned red,"True Love" was what you said.When the sky turned pink,You gave your love's last wink.And, when the sky turned dark,You turned me down and broke my heart.And finally, when the sky turned green,You were the last true love in my life, that I have seen.

  8. I really hate pop-up adds. Everytime one pops up, I end up adding a virus to my computer. Some pop-up adds are really annoying because, if they won't stop poping up on the middle of your computer screen. Some really scare me. An example was when I was searching around the web for information this add that was about, Win a Million dollars kept poping-up, it was so annoying. I ended up having to reboot my computer because the add would not stop poping-up. I found out later that i gained alomst 10 viruses from the add. So pop-up adds to me are really annoying when you are trying to get something done or, when your computer get's viruses from pop-up adds. So, overall I hate pop-up adds. I don't know about any of you.

  9. This is somebody else again and, I'm not replying to my own post. And since we are all in a hockey sim league, we know our hockey games lol -_- ESPN 2K5- First off, ESPN 2K5 is a great game to play, although there could be some spots that can be approved. Cup celebrations are really good, I remember that first they show the players poor off the bench. Then it shows the Conn Smyth Winner, and then finally the Cup praide around the rink. Another great addition to the game is the new dumping moves along with one timer passing and the goalie deke outs. Personnally I like the goalie fake outs because, of how the stick is handled. The Skills Competition are great makes the season or franchise seem more interesting. Some spots that can be improved on are the rookie drafts. I mean come on, know really prospects like real life, how can that be interesting?Also the game skill is way off, I mean you have the easy mode and then u have abit of a challenge mode then your just getting into a real hard mode where you can't win at all. If the makers of ESPN 2K5 made a mode where a game can be interesting without it being to hard or to easy then, the gamers will enjoy the game more. Another problem is tradeing. Some teams are so easy to trade with and then others are just to hard to make an offer with. An example in my franchise is i can trade with the New York Islanders so easily, it's like a get anything free for me. A hard team I have trouble tradeing with is the Vancouver Canucks. I can never make the right deal with these guy's. The only way I can make a deal with Vancouver is by giving up my best player for a player that still needs to develop. I just don't get this at all? My final problem with this game is the free-agent signings. I have to pay low talented players so much money. In my franchise I was trying to sign Sergi Berzin and it took me all the way to 3.9 Million just to sign him for 2 years. Again, what's with that?This is a great game but there is spots in ESPN 2K5 that need improvement.Overall this is a great game to play.

  10. I stayed away from the Ipods and I rivers and all of that garbage. I went with a plain Samsung. The samsung is very very small ita about the size of a triple A battery. Mine has 1 GB on it and holds an amazing amount of songs. It fits in my pocket really well and holds all of the songs i need. And on the bright side i didnt spend 500 on a crappy ipod. I spent 200 on a quality player. The Samsung also has nice sound features where you can set exactly how you want to hear your music. The only bad thing is that it eats through batteries fairly quickly, but as long as you get some rechargable batteries your are fine. I strongly recommend the samsung.

  11. I dont have a cell phone and i dont understand why everyone has one. Cell phones are for people who have way too much time on their hands. Who has time to type a message on your phone and send it? What is that? Some features on the phones are cool like being able to take pictures and stuff but why so many people have them is beyond me...

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