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Posts posted by sunster13

  1. Well, the E-mail types I have are: Hotmail, Yahoo, and a G-Mail accounts. I use my Hotmail account the most right now, and I do get a lot of e-mails. It is just that half of the e-mails I do get are junk e-mails or not very important that end up in my regular inbox. I am only between one and ten percent at my Hotmail address. For Yahoo, I don't use that much. I use it just to play games on Yahoo, especially Yahoo Pool! So I rarely check my e-mail there but I think I should because I signed up for some stuff. And then there is my G-mail account.. Well I got that a while ago from a friend, and do not use it that much because I have my Hotmail account. But thanks very much to this thread for reminding me about it, so I might just go switch back to my G-mail account farely soon.

  2. I have something to add about how you feel when you breakup with someone. Personnally, when my girlfriend dumped me, it didn't really affect me at all, but when I'm usually alone, sometimes I think why she dumped me. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to me how we had a strong relationship, and then all of a sudden were split up. And then I feel upset insidebecause, I don't know why she dumped me. Is it because she likes some other guy or, am I not the right person? I don't know if you guy's think about this or not.

  3. Soul Dimension I remember hearing about that type of dream, it's actually called something, but I don't remember what it's called. Apparently, you can eat or drink something, that makes you get those dreams. The "Spaceman" also said, the first few times you get those, you can't go anywhere, but if you "practise". then you can start going farhter distances, even to the point where you can travel the whole earth, and then travel into space, to other planets. I know it's pretty weird. I think I had one of those once, but I could just hover, not fly yet. Unfortunately, I never got another one.I once had this dream, where I was walking with a few of my friends to countrystyle, which was beside a main intersection, and there were no cars, no lights, nothing, just me and my friends. So we start walking back, and we were passing a public high school . Then all of a sudden we see 2 police pop up and we all start booking it. I don't know why. I got shot right in the head, but didn't die. I starting around around some other place, and was showing my other friends, and they're like, ya well too bad, I can't feel sorry for you, that's life. You should see my life, it's even worse then yours. When I have a hole going through the center of my head. :P I usually have weird dreams without meaning B)O yeah and I usually have dreams about tornadoes, their pretty scary dreams.Nice 100th post B)

  4. Well, I haven't had time to read the fifth one yet, and I do not think that I have read the fourth one as well yet. I plan to sometime, as I have all of the books. When I received the first book as a gift, I did not think much of it. But then, seeing as how I play hockey and we sometimes go on long road trips, I brought it along and read the whole thing on the way there. I was addicted to it. So after that, I started to get more into the series and learned that there was more books from the series. Of course I went out and got them, and now I love the series. I cannot wait for the next one (sixth) to come out, so I can read the fourth, fifth, and then sixth book in the series.Great pieces of writing though.

  5. In some (most) cases, I think if it demands physical ability, it should be called a sport. But some people are going to be different from others and have their own opinions on stuff like golf or figure skating.Man "A" may believe that horse shoes should be a sport, while Man "B" does not believe that horse shoes should be a sport. It just depends on how peoples opinions differ. To each person their own on these cases is what I say.

  6. Personally, I really do not see how a game series like Grand Theft Auto, or Halo or anything like that can cause teen violence. But hey, that is just me and my opinion. I know that there is other people out there who differ in opinions from me, and people who agree, or people who do not side at all. But like I say, I play the Grand theft Auto series a lot, and it does not affect me. In my humble opinion, I think there has to be something else in a teenager's life to affect them that much. It has to be abuse, or something in their personal life that is affecting them that much. Those type of games do not affect me, but it is just me. Neither do cases of music like Ozzy Osbourne and things like that, although I do listen to it sometimes. Some people just have different mindsets, and are more vulnerable to things that occur in their life. The things that result from teen violence and how it happens is their choice. I think that these games are not one hundred percent to blame for the things that some of those 'different' teens out there do. But it's their life, let them do what they want until it is illegal or not, and they make their own choices. They need to realize that there are also consequences that result from their choices of actions.There is my two cents on this topic.

  7. OK, it must have been 3 or 4 years ago. I am a hockey player, and I play year-round. We went to Winnipeg, Manitoba for a tournament called the Great Flood. We usually do pretty good at the tournament, so we tried our luck this year. I remember, we got defeated by a stud team from Ontario, so we ended up playing in the Third Place game versus another Canadian team, this time from upper Manitoba. We were in the lead, and they started getting chippy. So we are up 4-3 with about two minutes to go, and sure enough we get a penalty, so they have a one-player advantage. The first part of the penalty is killed, and we get a whistle to change players. So I go out there, playing Defence. The puck gets into our zone and I try to freeze it on the boards, which in the end is a bad idea. This one opponent is already battling me, so they send in another guy because they already have an advantage. I was parallel to the boards, trying to dig the puck out of the opponents feet when the second guy comes in and rails me on the boards, and I ended up separating my shoulder I think is what happens, and for some reason I started to bleed on my shoulder. I don't know how it bled, but man was I sore after that game, and for the next two to three weeks. But I recovered and am still happily playing hockey. Keep the great stories coming!

  8. All I can say right now is.. well, wow those are some crazy things. But I have done a few, so I'll just tell one of them for now, maybe a few later. OK, so here's the story. My friend (Dan) and myself, went to South Dakota with his parents for a bit of a summer break. So it was a nine hour drive to get to where we had to go. We got ice in a C-store, but before we got to the car it melted.. Anyways, on with the story. Our parents were out getting wasted at about 3 in the afternoon. It's 90 out, and we are inside watching television. Now we are gonna go swimming in the pool cos we here there's some good looking chicks there, so we decide we dont wanna go out the door, we wanna hop out the window. So we take the window off, then the screen. As we are getting out, the park patrol guy finds us and takes us to our parents. So, instead of swimming in a cold pool on a hotter than heck day, we get stuck sitting on park benches doing absolutely nothing.I know, I know, not that stupid. But man, did it make the rest of the day really boring lol. Hey keep the great stories coming ladies and gentlemen!

  9. I haven't used many of the google tools except: Text Search, Image Search, and Gmail. Text, I use that for everyday things. On most days, I probably use it five or ten times a day.. It's just really handy. And then to find hockey pictures I use it to find pics of all the good guys so I can TRY and make sigs. Keyword, Try! And then there's handy Gmail where you like never have to delete a message or anything you get. That is really handy when you get a lot of messages and don't want to get rid of them. You don't have to delete stuff like you do on oh say Hotmail or whatever else. I guess I have also used the calculator, but only when I lose and/or break mine. I've used mapping for just little time - wasting projects too.

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