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Everything posted by edkes

  1. I have a PSP slim and lite with firmware 3.80 or something and i've been having some problems. I have two memory cards, a SanDisk 1GB and a Sony 4GB. The strange thing is that i can store films on the SanDisk one but not the Sony, it just says "corrupted file' whenever i try to play the film. Could someone please help.
  2. Ok so if you use your phone like I do then there may be some risk. Most people though, will not receive any ill effects. Anyway, most new phones nowadys are completely safe.
  3. Ok, so you you need to do some work like actually making the links work but it's getting there...
  4. Oh dear... Somewhere along the line the NHS and the British Government did something very wrong. Infectious diseases are reaping havoc such as MRSA and the only choice for the hospitals is to empty the building and then steam clean it completely. I think that we should completely reform the NHS ie. New chairman etc. Changes need to be made.
  5. Here is the WORST chat upline ever!!: (It's sort of a poem)"Roses are red, violets are canny. Show me your love, and I'll show you my fa*ny"Use it (if you're a girl).
  6. Thanks for the help on the virtual memory, you saved me alot of time and effort!

  7. PS3 or the Wii??? The most asked question in the gaming industry. Wii has motion control but bad graphics and the PS3 has motion control AND great graphics. I have both which is a solution to the problem but I think the PS3 is better. Also, the PSP and the DS??? The PS2 and the Gamecube??? I'm torn between the two!!??...
  8. I would get a PS3 any day. I love all of Sony's products. I have the PS1, PS2, PSP, and PS3. I think that the PS3 is a lot better than the XBOX 360 even tho it's expensive. The online play is awesome...
  9. I'm sorry but why isn't Rugby 08 or PES 2008 up there. Two of the best games in the gaming industry. A must buy for the PS2. Get the lego star wars games too, they're brilliant, and if you've got a wii [slightly irrelivant] get Lego Star Wars the Complate Saga-it's awesome!!!
  10. OK everyone... I hate American and Australian sports. They're completely mad and ruleless. That sort of makes it quite good. In my opinion the whole world should be playing RUGBY. Of course I'm English...Either that or we play golf, the world sport. Personally i don't agree with this but it was a survey by the International Sport Federation so i'm in!
  11. I'm really sorry but this never really happened for England or Australia. Sorry this reply is so late but I had to finish this off. England lost pathetically (in my opinion) to South Africa. I was there. Trust me...
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