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Posts posted by Tourist

  1. But I am wondering why cows, sheep and goats give milk almost every day and without giving birth?

    I think you are totally wrong. Cows, sheep and goats do not give milk without giving birth (except any exceptional cases). Normally they give milk after giving birth. I do not know, why are u thinking that they gives milk without birth.


    It is possible to get milk from them without giving birth, but it is exceptional case. It is possible to get 2 eggs/ day from a chicken by using lighting effect, but it is not a normal process, like that you may get milk from them without giving birth to change their hormonal balance, but it also not a normal process.


    So, I think, there is some misunderstanding in your information and cows, sheep and goats do not give milk without giving birth.

  2. Me and my few friends want to start a new business, a small chicken hatchery in our country (Bangladesh). We have some basic idea to start a chicken hatchery. We also have technical know how to operate a chicken hatchery. A hatchery manager of one of the largest hatchery company in our country will help us to manage hatchery operation. We are also able to provide technical support to our customer in farm level as one of our friend is a veterinarian and have few years experience in the field of technical support for chicks (broiler and layer) in farm level. We have no problem in marketing of chicks. Our another friend has few years experience in day old chicks marketing.But our main problem is we are not expert in other sides, like how to import hatchery machineries, parent stock management, financial etc. and many other problems that we even do not know yet. So, we need some suggestions before starting a hatchery. We also need some tips to make our business more profitable.Please remember, we have all basic technical ideas of hatchery operation like selection of site, hatchery building design, selection of hatchery machines (hatcher, setter, chiller, air condition, compressor etc), medication, disinfection, worker management etc. Mainly we need financial suggestion, how to import hatchery equipments/machineries, how can we get hatching eggs (according to our country law, we can not import hatching eggs), and other hidden problems that still we do not know. We also need suggestions to make our hatchery profitable. If we feel any more problems, I will post later. Please help us to give your suggestion to start our chicken hatchary.

  3. We have cut down this year on egg eating, but it has nothing to do with health reasons. Since the cost is up to nearly $2 a dozen (over that sometimes) we have cut way back. I still remember not long ago when they were 3 dozen for a dollar. Just last year I was getting them for 75 cents.

    It’s very sad, if a dozen eggs cost about $2. Our currency name is Taka (short name BDT) and the present conversion ratio is 1 USD = 68 BDT. That means a dozen eggs cost about 136 BDT. In present market, we can buy about 3 dozen eggs in 2 USD (136 BDT).

    But it is grate, if you can buy 3 dozen eggs for a dollar. In last ten years the lowest price of eggs in our country was about 2 dozen eggs for a dollar and the highest was about 1 dozen eggs for a dollar. But generally the cost of eggs in our country is about 15 eggs in a dollar (USD).

  4. Yes, you right. Egg can increase cholesterol level in our body as it contains 190 mg cholesterol per egg. But if you do not above 35, you may take 1 egg per day. Till 35 years, 7 eggs in a week does not increase cholostorel level. But if you are above 35 years of age, you should reduce eating eggs. You may eat 4 eggs per week. It may not cause any problem.

  5. One large egg (50 g) contains 70 calories, 5 g fat, 190 mg cholesterol, 55 mg sodium, 6 g protein. It also contains Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Folate, Calcium, and Iron. Vitamin A protects against some cancers and may slow the aging process. Vitamin Dhelps keep bones healthy and teeth strong. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that protects cells against some cancers. Riboflavin helps keep body tissues healthy. Niacin promotes normal nerve function and helps release energy. Vitamin B12 helps protect against heart disease. Folate helps produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells. Iron carries oxygen to the cells and keeps blood healthy. Protein helps keep a body strong and healthy. Above are few nutritional value of eggs. Eggs have many more nutritional values. Hope members of Xisto will post them in next postes.

  6. There are two main religious festivals for Muslim; one of them is Eid-ul Fitr. Observance of this great festival of piety had begun only about 1400 solar years ago, immediately after the Hijrat (migration) of the Prophet Muhammad (Sm) to Madina. Eid-ul Fitr is comes from two arabic word Eid and Fitr. Eid means festival and fitr means to open, to break fasting, to go back to normal situation. This festival observed on the 1st of the month of Shawwal. The previous month of Shawwal is Ramadan; the holly month for siam (restraint) and fasting. In Ramadan Muslims keep anger, sex, senses and emotions, illusions and jealousy under restraint. So, on the 1st of Shawwal they are free, and for this reason, the word fitr is used.It is a religious obligation on the day to pay fitra to the poor at a fixed rate and perform two rakats of Eid Namaz on the day. In the whole world Muslims perform Eid Namaz on the day and exchange greetings with all. They exchange salam and greetings by embracing one another irrespective of status or age. There are also a tradition to visit the graves of the relatives and pious Muslims. Nowadays exchange of Eid cards, E-cards, Greeting SMS has come in vogue. The government of many countries declares holiday on the occasion. Different newspapers publish articles on the life and philosophy of Hazrat Muhammad (Sm), the significance of Eid, and the ideals of Islam. The radio and television broadcast special programs. Eid fairs are organized at many places.It must be pointed out that as Eid-ul Fitr is an Islamic festival, so the observance of Eid-ul Fitr is confined to Muslims only. But since Islam is a religion of peace and friendship and Eid means joy, Eid in effect brings joy and good wish to the whole mankind.

  7. Full meaning of SAARC is South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. It is an economic and political organization of eight countries (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives, Bhutan and Afghanistan) in Southern Asia. In terms of population, its sphere of influence is the largest of any regional organization: almost 1.5 billion people, the combined population of its member states.SAARC was established on December 8, 1985 by Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives and Bhutan. In April 2007, at the Association's 14th summit, Afghanistan became its eighth member. In April 2006, the United States of America and South Korea made formal requests to be granted observer status. The European Union has also indicated interest in being given observer status, and made a formal request for the same to the SAARC Council of Ministers meeting in July 2006. On August 2, 2006 the foreign ministers of the SAARC countries agreed in principle to grant observer status to the US, South Korea and the European Union. On 4 March 2007, Iran requested observer statusBangladeshi president Ziaur Rahman proposed the creation of a trade bloc consisting of South Asian countries in the late 1970s. The Bangladeshi proposal was accepted by India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka during a meeting held in Colombo in 1981. In August 1983, the leaders adopted the Declaration on South Asian Regional Cooperation during a summit which was held in New Delhi. The seven South Asian countries, which also included Nepal, Maldives and Bhutan, agreed on five areas of cooperation:1. Agriculture and Rural Development2. Telecommunications, Science, Technology and Meteorology3. Health and Population Activities4. Transport and,5. Human Resource DevelopmentCurrent members of SAARC are People's Republic of Bangladesh, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Kingdom of Bhutan, Republic of India, Republic of Maldives, State of Nepal, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri LankaCurrent observers of SAARC are People's Republic of China, European Union, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Republic of Korea and United States of America.

  8. In Xisto, Server: localhost. But make sure you have grant permission to user name to use your database. In Xisto you must grant permission to user so that the specific user can use your database (incase of many host they do not need to grant permission; like my previous host).

  9. Milk is a very important food in our life. The sixteen elements necessary to life are all found in milk. Milk contains sufficient carbohydrates, protein, fat, mineral and water. So, milk is also called “whole food”Any other food requires a certain amount of energy to digest. Milk requires no effort of digestion. Almost immediately it enters your blood as blood being a blood maker.To the growing child milk is the greatest food in the world. Right into his blood go the food materials that make blood for milk has in itself every constituent for blood making, except, perhaps, a sufficient amount of iron. There are different sources of milk and each milk type differs in terms of nutrition. Here is presented a chart depicting milk nutritional value. Nutrition in milk is calculated per 100 grams of milkCow: Water (gm) 88, energy (Kcal) 61, protein (gm) 3.29, fat (gm) 3.34, carbohydrates (gm) 4.66;Goat: Water (gm) 87.03, energy (Kcal) 69, protein (gm) 3.56, fat (gm) 4.14, carbohydrates (gm) 4.45;Buffalo: Water (gm) 83.39, energy (Kcal) 97, protein (gm) 3.75, fat (gm) 6.89, carbohydrates (gm) 5.18;Sheep: Water (gm) 80, energy (Kcal) 108, protein (gm) 5.98, fat (gm) 7.01, carbohydrates (gm) 5.36;Human: Water (gm) 87.50, energy (Kcal) 70, protein (gm) 1.03, fat (gm) 4.38, carbohydrates (gm) 6.89;

  10. Poultry is one of our main sources of protein. We get a large amount of meat and also almost all eggs from poultry. Do you know what poultry is?The term poultry is designated to those species of birds, which render men an economic service and reproduce freely under their care. It includes chicken, duck, pigeon, guinea foul, turkey, ostrich etc. Poultry must contain 3 characteristics.1. It must be bird2. It must have an economic value and3. It must reproduce freely under our care.So, many birds having economic value will not be poultry if they do not reproduce freely under our care.

  11. 1.What is the Federal Reserve System

    The Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States. Created in 1913 by the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. It is a quasi-public (part private, part government) banking system.

    6.Explain how the Federal Reserve regulates the money supply

    The main purpose of The Federal Reserve System is to regulate the supply of money and credit to the economy. First and most important, Fed purchases and sales of government securities to regulate money and credit are referred to as open-market operations.
    A second monetary policy tool available to the Federal Reserve is the discount rate, the interest rate the Fed charges on loans it makes to banks. By increasing or decreasing this rate, the Fed can discourage or encourage banks to borrow the funds it creates and, therefore, make more loans to the public.

    A third way in which the Fed operates monetary policy is by regulating the proportion of liquid reserves that banks must keep on hand. Obviously, the higher the reserve requirement, the less funds there are available to make new loans.

    10. What is the discount rate?

    The discount rate is a financial concept based on the future cash flow in lieu of the present value of the cash flow. Actually the interest rate is the Fed charges on loans that it makes to banks.

    11. What is the federal funds rate?

    The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which private depository institutions (mainly banks) lend balances (federal funds) at the Federal Reserve to other depository institutions, usually overnight.

  12. Gitanjali is well known to the bangli people for the wining of Nobel Prize of Rabindranath Tagore. He is the first Bangali person who wins the Nobel Prize.

    The word “gitanjoli” is a composed from "git", song, and "anjoli", offering, and thus means - "An offering of songs"; but the word for offering, anjoli, has a strong devotional connotation, so the title may also be interpreted as "prayer offering of song".
    Gitanjali is a collection of 103 English poems, largely translations, by the Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore. This volume became very famous in the West, and was widely translated. Gitanjali is also the title of an earlier Bengali volume (1910) of mostly devotional songs.

    The English collection is not a translation of poems from the Bengali volume of the same name. While half the poems (52 out of 103) in the English text were selected from the Bengali volume, others were taken from these works (given with year and number of songs selected for the English text): Gitimallo (1914, 17), Noibeddo (1901, 15), Khea (1906, 11) and a handful from other works. The translations were often radical, leaving out or altering large chunks of the poem and in one instance even fusing two separate poems (song 95, which unifies songs 89, 90 of naivedya).

    The translations were undertaken prior to a visit to England in 1912, where the poems were extremely well received. A slender volume was published in 1913, with an exhilarating preface by W. B. Yeats. In the same year, based on a corpus of three thin translations, Rabindranath became the first Bangali person to win the Nobel Prize.

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Anything you copy must be put in Quote tags. Copied from Wikipedia.

  13. I think Fibonachi used it to describe how many rabbits there would be if each female rabbit were to give birth to a male and a female every month or something like that.

    I think you are talkin about this

    Suppose a newly-born pair of rabbits, one male, one female, are put in a field. Rabbits are able to mate at the age of one month so that at the end of its second month a female can produce another pair of rabbits. Suppose that our rabbits never die and that the female always produces one new pair (one male, one female) every month from the second month on.

    Thus,At the end of the first month, they mate, but there is still one only 1 pair.

    At the end of the second month the female produces a new pair, so now there are 2 pairs of rabbits in the field.

    At the end of the third month, the original female produces a second pair, making 3 pairs in all in the field.

    At the end of the fourth month, the original female has produced yet another new pair, the female born two months ago produces her first pair also, making 5 pairs

    The number of pairs of rabbits in the field at the start of each month is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...

  14. Name : Cox's BazarLocation : BangladeshLength : 120 Km (75 mile)Cox's Bazar is known for its wide sandy beach which is also the world's longest natural sandy sea beach (120 km) including mud flats. It is located 150 km south of Chittagong (Bangladesh). Cox’s Bazar is also known by the name “Panowa”, the literal translation of which means “yellow flower”. Its other old name was “Palongkee”. Cox's Bazar owes its origins to the subcontinent's British colonial rulers, who sent Capt. Hiram Cox to settle Buddhist immigrants from nearby Burma into the area in the late 1790s.Cox's Bazar is one of the most visited tourist destination in Bangladesh.The 120 km (75 mile) unbroken stretch of beach here is the world's longest, and a chain of hills that run parallel to the sea for almost the entire length, towering cliffs, colorful, ancient pagodas and Hindu temples, make it a natural attraction.Waterfalls, a game park, coral islands and tribal villages nearby add to its charm in a country the world knows more for its poverty, floods, ferry disasters and political violence.

  15. I am from Bangladesh, one of the most populated countries in the world (7th in world rank). There are about 160 million people in our country. But when I enter any forum, in most cases I do not see any Bangladeshi people or very little amount of people.It may be my failure to find them, or it may be they are really very little amount in that forums. I do not know what the real thing is. So I opened this topic to find Bangladeshi people and also know the reason why I can not find them.If you are from Bangladesh, please mention your district in your reply.If you are not from Bangladesh, please give me some tips so that I can find Bangladeshi people easily in any forum

  16. Wow, 140 million people? We are 4 million, haha. =P I think I already wrote which languages I speak/write, so I wont bother do do it again. :o

    Hahaha yes, 140 million people. Bengala (Bengali) is one of the most spoken languages (ranking 5th in the world). It is the primary language spoken in Bangladesh and is the second most spoken language in India. Total speakers 230 million, in which about 140 million people in our country (Bangladesh).

  17. I have no WEB site, but I have few WAP site for mobile phone.Here my WAP site is a WAP community site with Chat rooms, Forums, Instant messaging, Chat Robot, Free Chat robot hosting, Pools, Blogs etc.If you want to create a WEB site, at first decide what kind of WEB site you want to buield. To buield your own script (if you dont use other script) you need to have some knowledge of WEB designing. Even if you use other's script, you will need little knowledge in WEB desiging.When you will feel you ready, and then try to build your WEB site, otherwise it’s better to wait.

  18. My mother language is BANGLA, so I speak in bangla. Almost 140 million people of our country speaks in Bangla.I also know English. Incase of higher education in our country, many university maintain English medium and my university is one of them. So, I know English.I also know Hindi. I can speak in Hindi and have little knowledge in Hindi writing.I have also little knowledge in Urdu. I can speak in Urdu.I have some knowledge in Arabic language. Very interesting thing is that, I can read and write Arabi but I can not speak. Most of the people in our country are Muslim. As the Holly Quran is written in Arabic language, so there is a tradition of Muslim community in our country to learn how to read Holly Quran in Arabi. As I am from a Muslim family, I also know few Arabi.

  19. Thank you for this nice topic.But you have made a little mistake incase of Bangla. You wrote "Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi", here the last word aashi is wrong. A 'b' is omitted from that word. The correct word will be "baashi".Another little mistake is "tuma ke". "Tumake" is a single word not separated like "tuma" and "ke".So, the original line will be "Aamee tumake bhalo baashi".Thanks again to include Bangla in your list. As a BANGALI (the people who talk in Bangla) I feel happy when I see Bangla in any foreign forum.

  20. Saci Perer? is a character in Brazilian mythology. His skin color was black and he had only one leg. Saci Perer? wears a red pointed hat that gives him magical powers. He had the ability to appear or disappear whenever he wanted. Saci Perer? loves to play pranks like distracting people who are cooking so that the food burns on the stove. Some of his other pranks are to hide kitchen utensils, bang doors or letting animals penned in corrals loose. Saci Perer? also loves to startle travelers or hunters who venture alone in the forests, by whistling loudly in their ears. After this, he appears to them in a cloud of smoke, asking them to light his pipe. During full moon nights, he hops onto a horse and gallops merrily around the countryside.

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