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Everything posted by Kokushibyou

  1. I use FireFox for its simplicity, and I just like its overall design....although the only browsers i have tried are IE and the SBC Yahoo browser. Firefox is nice because it will automatically download most of the plugins that you may be missing.
  2. This is a nice tutorial, but perhaps you could add some pics of what it looks like when your done doing all this?
  3. Yea, thats pretty much it.....its not that its hard, its just that you have to level alot, whenever you can...otherwise its way to hard to beat a boss, monsters, ETC...
  4. ehh, well thats what I figured. Thanks for the reply's anyways. I would upgrade my computer...but the type of ram my computer uses costs $200 just for 512mb of ram.... I guess I'll be buying a new computer soon, Haha.
  5. ehh....I think some dreams may be able to kill older people...a dream could make your heart beat extremely fast, and it might be able to put someone into shock...if its a horrible nightmare. So....yes, I think a dream could help cause a heart attack.
  6. Yes, I play Ragnarok Online. I have played on a certain HeavenRO (theres a few with the same name..) and currently am playing on CruzRO. Although atm, im trying to set up my own server. All i need is a server hoster...
  7. That really sucks.I got some type of sickness thats been going on for a month now...its like a cold but its lasted for almost a month now, you start to get a sore throat, then the next day you have a horrible sore throat, and your body feels like it cold collapse at any minute...and that lasts for 2-4 days, then for a week its just bad coughing and an extremely minor sore throat. Then after the week, you get the same thing as before, a sore body and throat. and then really bad coughing again, and its still been going on for me....except now all I have is an extremely minor throat sore, and a bad cough. its really weird, and its been going around where i live.
  8. Man, I Haven't played that game in at least 2 years....my Siblings would like to mess around on it while I would have rather of actually Fought like what the game was made for....then we sold the game and are parents wouldn't let us get the game again because we fought about it to much...I'm going to get Super Smash Brothers Brawl though, it looks awesome.
  9. Alright, I've been wanting to make a Ragnarok Online Private Server for awhile, and I have. But im not sure if my computer can handle hosting it while I try and do other things...Such as webrowsing, Downloading, playing CounterStrike...ETC. So does anyone know any Free gaming server hosters? Or someone like Xisto where you can simply post on the forum, or something that wouldn't cost money.That, or do you think my Computer can host it while doing other things. not to mention the Uptime might be a tad crappy...I have a 7 year old computer, with a 1.5GHz Intel pentium 4 prossecor, with 512MB of Ram. also, I'm using DSL connection.So what do you think? Any suggestions?
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