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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. Its a great idea but my two cents echoes that of other people: It would cost a HELL lot of money.See, Blizzard wasted much money on WoW but they are now literally printing money off it since it has over 10 billion players now. That translates into a gazillion USD into their coffers annually, while in fact their development team only needs to do updates and create new patches once in a while.See, WoW succeeded in the sense that it has a much wider fan base, i.e. its universal. Many people would identify and recognise an Orc rather than a Konoha ninja. WoW doesn't need to create a niche fan market, it MAKES people become fans.With a Naruto MMORPG, things are very difficult to implement. First, you have the fan base to worry about. Though Naruto anime/manga has a sizable fan base, not all will necessarily play the game since many just like the manga.Secondly, and MMORPG would stray from Naruto's authentic feel UNLESS the company collaborates with the actual Naruto anime company/Bandai to do voice overs, songs, music creation, effects, techniques and jutsu. One cant simply think up a technique every 3 months, right? You have to maintain the authentic feel that makes people like Naruto in the first place.Thirdly, it would be a developers' NIGHTMARE. Naruto world has all sorts of jutsu and techniques. And do note that there are whole bloody area of different countries with all sorts of different cultures, villages, technological advances and such. The economy, political and social system is already very vague in the manga, how do you suppose they make it into a game? The idea is good, but the implementation would be almost impossible.
  2. If indeed there is a parallel universe which are infinite, my theory would be that these universes are in another dimension which we can't go to, no matter how advanced our technology is. Suppose we meet our own selves from a parallel universe, that would sort of crumble the very basis of our existence wouldn't it? So if infinite universe exists, my theory is that they exist in different planes of awareness, different from our human sense of perception of this universe.
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