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Posts posted by anachro

  1. I'm a guy (so maybe) I can help;


    In truth it's hard to say because are different types of guys: listeners, not listeners (basic split groups), and the various types which generally fall between them, but just like politics there are gray areas.


    Me and my Girlfriend have been going out for ~5 years, and so I've learned alot about women and myself, and how I interpret things (I think thats interesting).


    to the point: your boyfriend could be annoyed with your want to go places, but the lack of effort to get their, and he could have (in the beginning) tried to do something to get you to put that effort in, but it didn't work so now he could be bitter or fed-up or both, or ofcaurse neither.


    Do you guys just talk about things? News, TV, Sports (god forbid (Eu Football/Soccer are my only contact sports) he's insane about them), other things?


    Some guys like to hear about their girls day, others don't (hence the previously stated two guy basic group types above).

    It could very well be subconscious, and he doesn't really want to argue but t happens because of how he says things (happens alot with me :) ). Don't bring it up that "he's arguing and it's his fault" that won't help. you can either try and construct a cleaver way to break it to him that he argues alot without negativity, or try and find away to steer clear of it all in general.


    think about how the conflicts arise in a his perspective (if possible) and yours to see about solutions.


    As to the love part; do you care about him? would you do somethings for him? to you think about him? I think those are good things to ponder about the "Do I...?"

  2. it's a witty plan, and I acknowladge that if someone could do it than al gore would have to shutup and deal, but that would create another problem.


    If we planted MORE trees than we are now and they grew faster than we'd have to cut them faster, which to some extent could be a problem (all the materials needed to make axes and other tools and maintaining them :)); besides that problem, if we couldn't cut them down fast enough we'd be faced with the reverse Global Cooling; Also we'd have to worry about the offspring of these super-trees growing faster and faster and blah blah blah.


    So, in theory it would be better to keep the planting rate the same, and just make them grow fast enough until they are equal with rates,

  3. It's funny though but I been hearing a lot of stories about zune being the Ipod killer, and from I read in various websites that Zune flopped more then a fish out of water. So I highly doubt Zune would be doing any better that it has the previous years, plus those zune players are expensive you could get a Ipod that has more for less the price, and so in in a way zune killed itself with the price tag they have.

    It is true, the only great success Microsoft has had in the business has been with Xbox Live; they should have some of them work on it. O get and use customer input; Like what I said before, the zune and it's hardware are great, and the hardware based software works great, I've never heard of errors or experienced errors in it, but the whole computer-side software requires alot of updated in which older PC's can't handle, much unlike Itunes, which I've never heard of a reasonable problem in working parts, and it's a lot less tiring to use, so more people use it, and not having an Ipod doesn't matter (I use Itunes to listen to music, and Zune to update)

  4. My website is Bselvar.trap17 I plan it to be a base of operations for my web design, but right now it's just a place for me to delevope my newest template.


    By the time you probably read this, my site will be up! It is:




    EDIT: I was wrong - wait about 4-6 days after I make this post and it will be up. Sorry =P

    Still not up :)


    My website 3dquid.t3jem.trap17.com is dedicated just to hosting the 3d quidditch game I made.

    You should/have someone make a REAL website design for your site, it will project the message better, you should alos include instructions and screen shots of the game, because people will be more enticced to play.


    this is where you put your site right?



    good use of the forums to manage content, in a site like this that would actually work :)


    I get a 404 style error yo.


    My webiste is related to C++ and other programming stuff im adding more programming tutorials and developer interviews on website.

    address is http://onecore.net/

    thats pretty cool, where are the tuts located? in projects?


    suspended again

  5. If the Zune changed software a bit (the music player/sync) to where it would have more of the Itunes overview, rather than a long *bottom* list it would score some points with me. I would atleast have it genre/album/artist selection, rather than "Scroll scroll scroll" :) Otherwise I think the Zune itself is great, free radio (no dumb upgrades or post purchase Items to buy), same amount of space, and the ability to view videos (they should expand it's file limitations though, or include a converter in the software).I they could do that, THAN Zune would very well whip Ipod into the dark ages.

  6. no I didn't a problem like that because I don't use php too much and by the way many suggestions have been already given,so you may try ny one give in this thread,I know these t17 members are really far more experienced then I am,so I am not suggesting anything because I may suggest something wrong. :)

    yeah, as long as you use Include($_GET['blah.php']:) you won't have the problem, or it could be the difference in what you are includeing , (visible/css style) content

  7. This syntax is a left-over from the days of DOS Operating System where a single dot meant "this directory" and the double dot meant "file's Parent Directory", so good programming practice would use the single dot syntax for a file in the Current directory ( include './filename.ext' ) and double dot syntax for the Parent directory ( include '../filename.ext' ) You can travel to several levels of Parent Directories by adding sets of double dots, too. ( include '../../../../filename.ext' ) would go back 4 levels.

    Similarly, a slash without the dots is used to indicate the path to the file starts at the Server Root. ( include '/filename.ext' )

    I had no idea! so the basic concept is if the file is in the same directory of the operating page, jsut put ./filename.ext, but say its in root/file/ and your operational page is in root/file/file/ using ../filename.ext would allow it to work, correct?

  8. This is probably going to sound really horrible, but the way you described your sister is the way girls act when they feel they don't get enough attention, or want something to go their way. She may be trying to impress someone...Or even worry someone...It may have worked :)

    this is also true, in a world like today some people want attention, and all the people who have attention sometimes have lots of problems, and so some people act or GET problems to try and pull away some of that attention

  9. yeah I just simply re-wrote it to:

    <?php// This php script has been written and designed by Brandon Selvar - bselvar.trap17.com// This code must remain intact in this include for legal useif($page=="") { $page= $_GET['page']; } $complete="".$page.".php";if(file_exists($complete)) { include($complete); }elseif($page=="") include ("welcome.php");else { include ("404.php"); } ?>

    :) thank you!!

  10. yes, thats the whole code, it's always worked for me. but I guess I don't know everything about security and functionality with my limited learning time between work, community, friends, and schooling. you think I should re-work the coding to be:

    <?php// This php script has been written and designed by Brandon Selvar - bselvar.trap17.com// This code must remain intact in this include for legal useif($page=="") { $page= $_GET['page']; } $complete="".$page.".php";if(file_exists($complete)) { include($complete); }elseif($page=="") include ("welcome.php");else { include ("404.php"); } ?>

    I'll try this now ;D



    HA! SUCCESS! That does work! thanks for helping me improve my script! I've actually thought about the using $_GET, but since it ALWAYS worked I thought it unnecessary.

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