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Posts posted by anachro

  1. alright, so heres me again (theres probably a contact page on the website but I figure somebody has/will have this question and they'll want to know it so why not ask and share the love & knowladge (minus the love))

    so I've been working on a two part contact page.


    <p><img src="images/sig.gif" align="left" width="37" height="69" style="margin-right: 5px;" alt="B/S Signature"/> <font   class="head">Contact!</font><br/><form action="?page=mailer" method="post">	<strong>*Name:</strong><br><input type="text" name="name" size="20"><br>	<strong>*E-mail Address:</strong><br><input type="text" name="email" size="45"><br><strong>E-mail Subject:</strong><br><select type="subject" name="subject" value="subject" width="350"><br /> <option value=""></option><option value="Information Request">Information Request</option><option value="Quote Request">Quote Request</option></select><br><br /><input name="human" type="checkbox" value="yes">	Check if you are Human.*<br />	(This is for your security)<br /><br />	<strong>*Message/Comments:</strong><br><textarea rows="9" name="message" cols="30"></textarea><br><br><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit"></form><br /><br />fields denoted with * are required.<br /><br />Your information will not be sold/given/other means of forwarding to anyone!</font>

    <?php// where the mail will be sent$to = "EMAILADDRESSREMOVED";//whos recieving this message$subject = $_REQUEST["subject"];//Subject of the message$name_field = $_REQUEST["name"];//senders name (if provided)$email_field = $_REQUEST["email"];//senders email$message = $_REQUEST["message"];//senders message$human = $_REQUEST["human"];//Sets what the answer to the first filter will be (kind-of)=//this is for the check box, makes it required, and echos a reminder if forgottenif($human =="") { echo "You forgot to check the human box or are a spambot! <br /><a class='bodylink' href='java script:history.go(-1)'>click here to return to the previous page</a>.<br /><br />"; die;};//makes sure that the senders name isn't blankif($name_field=="") { echo "You forgot to fill out your name in the proper field!<br /><br /><a class='bodylink' href='java script:history.go(-1)'>click here to return to the previous page</a>.<br /><br />"; die;};//makes sure that the senders name isn't blankif($email_field=="") { echo "You forgot to fill out your Email Address in the proper field!<br /><br /><a class='bodylink' href='java script:history.go(-1)'>click here to return to the previous page</a>.<br /><br />"; die;};//makes sure that the senders name isn't blankif($message=="") { echo "You forgot to fill out any message/question(s)/or comment(s) in the proper field!<br /><br /><a class='bodylink' href='java script:history.go(-1)'>click here to return to the previous page</a>.<br /><br />"; die;};//Once they click submit and it passes the required checks it gets sentif(isset($_POST['submit'])) {//subject and body fields$headers  = "From: $email_field\n";$body = " From: $name_field\n E-Mail: $email_field\n Subject: $subject\n Message:\n $message";//sent message //A little thanks, echo'd afterecho "<br />Thank you for your interest, you information has been sent,<br /><a class='bodylink' href='java script:history.go(-1)'>click here to return to the previous page</a>.<br />";mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);//sends the email} else {echo "<br />Something was missing, please try again.<br /><a class='bodylink' href='java script:history.go(-1)'>click here to return to the previous page</a>.<br />";// If something was wrong it tells them so, and then lets them go back and fix it}?>

    and with the both of them primitive version have worked on other hosts, and I;ve been trying to outfit my codes to be more precise, or efficient (hopefully both) so I can FINALLY post my website in the review w/ pride. so, if you see anything that needs to be fixed in my scripts go ahead and tell me, and PLEASE tell me what I need to do to get this to work!!!

  2. For sideLeft & sideRight you just have to put content in them (this happens sometimes) when you fill the space inside with text/images/ w/e it will go down. otherwise you'll have to go much more restrictive, by setting an exact height for both sides, and the content, and just set content to

    .mainCenterContent{margin: 0px; padding: 8px; float: left; height: AMOUNT DETERMINED; overflow: auto; background-color: #000099;}

    to center it, just make the
    <div align="center">
    code at the top of the first div, between the body and the div tags, and have the end cap after the last </div> but before the end body, and that will center you content

  3. I went 2 days w/o water on accident once, and I was at work, and all the sudden my hands fell asleep (exactly like how you feet or legs do from lack of blood), it was on Black Friday no-doubt, and I work as a salesman, (so you know), it was freaky, but once I downed about 3 cups of water I was fine shortly thereafter. Its pretty scary when you can't feel your hands, you get dizzy from the simplest motions, and walking is tiring.

  4. My views come down to: Once there is a heart beat, abortions are murder, and should only be done under dire conditions, such as if the birth will kill the mother, or such. Before than, I say it shouldn't be thought of lightly, and shouldn't be considered "family values" or "public appropriate"; basically frowned upon, (considering you should be safe and responsible, rather than getting 5 abortions or however many a year).

  5. its quite alot to learn, but I think I might try it someday :o I like that kind of stuff alot. I'm working on learning how to make Microsoft Sidebar Gadgets, but I've not the time between work and school, but I think if i can do something cool, and maybe get some technical help it would be REALLY cool!!! :-D

  6. I don't like vista (I'm using it right as I type this). Its very restrictive, and you have no control (you can't even change your default internet browser!), and it asked for alot of questions of things when you just told it to do so. I really think Microsoft should take some hints from Apple, and find a better way of restricting things, without limiting options, because at one point I hate my new laptop so much I wanted to break it, get a new one, sell it BRAND NEW on Ebay, and buy a Mac because of how free and secure they are (it's ridiculously unbelievable how well Mac has it, and yet they are still not the major industry PC makers, its STUPID)it IS true that it uses alot of CPU memory, but for me its what you CAN'T DO with YOUR OWN PERSONAL COMPUTER.buy a mac if your going for anything but gamming. if your rich, buy both, use the Vista for gaming because more games are Windows compatible.

  7. damn, thats really messed up. I've heard of B.S corporate B.S, but all that? I'm never EVER getting Dish! I didn't think that it was so bad before (we have a display of it at work, which we use and abuse (especially on super bowl :o )) I thought finding things on it sucked, especially since I'm just getting cable for the first time (I've just gotten cable after 17 years of my life) and it's confusing enough finding my old channels amongst 99 channels, let alone 999 channels :-/ I work at sears, and we don't sell alot of DISH, but if we ever do I'll avoid selling it, because I'd hate to put someone through what you've gone through, I think thats very wrong, and yes, you should do everything in your power to beat them down (as you are), POWER TO YA!

  8. I just got a new laptop, and of course it's loaded with vista. Everything works awesomly! (my last PC was from 2001, BIG DIFF.) But the damned thing compulsivly and automatically sets Internet Explorer to my default browser and won't let me change certain things which browsers will typically handle.'ve manually changed it so Firefox handles all the stuff except HTTPS and what not (CANNOT CHANGE W/O HACK!), but IE just bumps in every time I want to click a link from a non-browser based file :) any help on how to change the settings?

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