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Posts posted by jlrr94

  1. Hello!I've been using Ubuntu Edgy like for a week, and I would like to install Beryl, but I don't know how to do it! I've installed Samba and other stuff and also add Ubuntu to my Windows Network, I know a lot about Windows but Linux looks a little strange for me.If anyone knows about Ubuntu 7.10 please help me 'cause I really want to get Beryl, I already made the test of the aceleration or like that and it says yes, I'm able to install Beryl but don't know how to. :) Also I can't get Compiz enabled, so plz help me!

  2. Hello and Happy Holidays!Well I've used The Sims since the first release, I've tried Sims,Sims 2 and SimCity, for me they're awesome games (except SimCity Societies), I just want to know what u all think about this games, for me they're very addictive, I can't stop playing and some days I get punished but it worth it.Give ur opinion.GOOD DAY!

  3. Well, I'm working in a fan club site, this is like our 5? site because every host in which we've been in always change something and the site stops working.The site is a Black Eyed Peas fan club site, it already has profiles (with gallery and comments box) for each user,forum,chat,videos,gallery,lyrics,downloads,bios of the members of the BEP, but I think that the site need something else.Please gimme some ideas to make this site the best! :)

  4. Well, love is always with two sides, one good and one bad. My story is, for me, strange, but I think that it can be common for some of u.Well, this is the story, everything started in 2004, I saw her for first time and I thought that she was for me, time was going on and my love for her was getting even bigger, she was in love with other guy and I remembered when she got to school with some clothes saying that she was wearing them for "Him", I felt sad but I just ignored it because I haven't revealed the "secret". Then in a party in May, I decided to tell her, and I didn't receive what I spected, it was just an OK!, it was difficult for me and I just kept in love with her during the whole year, in 2005 things changed a little bit, she felt in love with me, but she didn't accept to be my girlfriend. I kept trying and trying but things were harder every day.In 2006, I had a difficult time in that side, she was always saying, "I'm not prepared, let's continue as friends", I asked her to be my girlfriend like 20 times in the year! That year I became very jealous, specially because she was only with one guy, a fat and bad looking guy, of course she didn't like him, but my love for her made think that she was in love with him, I cried a lot of times, and everytime I heard "You're beautiful" from James Blunt I cried because I told her that that was from me to her!Well, 2006 finished exactly as the other, in nothing.In 2007 things changed, I decided to leave her and be alone, but of course, I was still feeling something for her, she met a guy in the beginning of the year and the guy asked her to be his girlfriend and she was going to say YES! and she had just like 1 month knowing, u know, girls are like that, thank god she didn't said yes and she said no, then I definetly leave her, and she met another guy they became a couple and, guess what, they broke up at the end of the year, they didn't last 4 months!! Of course, she was crying, and crying like a baby but she forgot it. Then while she was girlfriend of the other guy, I got in love with somebody else, a childhood friend which after 6 years I saw her again, now we always act as a couple but we're not a couple, I really want to be with her but she says that she isn't prepared, maybe in a future, we always say each other that we love the other, and everybody says that we look like a couple but I don't know and I don't want to repeat the story u know, I asked her and she said that in a future and I really want to be with her...!What do u recommend me to do??I love my new girl, but she's passing through a difficult situation because her grandma is very sick so I don' won't tell her anything after her grandma is OK, but I don't know when is the appropiate moment.PLZ HELP ME,I need some advice! :)THANKS 4 READING!

  5. I used to use Byethost, they offered a great service 250MB of storage, good bandwidth, scripts installer,support add-on and parked domains, and a lot more but one day they just decided to change the upload limit to 1MB!!! So I wasn't able to upload anything by my Joomla installer, I decided to leave that hosting and now I'm looking for a good hosting and I think Xisto is my choice...I just need to wait to get my account :)

  6. Well, surfing through the forum I learned about some mails that I didn't know about, so know I've a question, which is the best (performance,security,etc) mail that u have used. I know Hotmail is the one with more ppl but for me it isn't the best Yahoo! Mail is much better, I've Yahoo! Mail,Hotmail,GMail,Lycos and Mail.com.Which one do u prefer and recommend?

  7. I tried the first beta of Windows Longhorn (as it was called at the time) and I liked it pretty much. Specially the new windows explorer improvements. But the beta I tried was only good to evaluate its visual components, because when I wanted to try to install any application, it wasn't compatible. But I believe that with the recently released beta 2 it will have more compatibility when installyng applications.
    By the way, I heard Windows Vista Beta 2 is not available to the general public yet, but the Beta 2 of Office 2007 can be downloaded here (Official Microsoft Site).

    There are people who think this new version of Microsoft Windows is not going to be what was expected, or that it hasn't all the funcionalities announced, but only those who understand the real core improvements that were made (related to programming), and not only the interface or visual improvements as the majority of people thing, can see the real potencial of the new OS.

    I already use Vista and Office 2007, and I'm really happy with it, I really recommend it. But u need a good machine, 1GB of RAM isn't enough and a 1.0 Ghz processor isn't enough.

    I've a Core 2 Duo @1.5 and 2GB of RAM. And it runs very,very well.

  8. Well, I'm Jose, I'm from Costa Rica and I really like computers, I'm a person that u can trust in and of course that when u need me I'm there, I've built several sites and now I'm looking for a good hosting for my Joomla site, but it has been very difficult specially because my user accounts are always going up.If u need help or advise in something tell me and I will help u.P.S If u need translations (Spanish) I can help u! I'm latino.

  9. I think that ur heart is kind of making u decide, u can't be in this situation ur whole life and that's why u need to choose, love is very important and if I were u, I'll tell Hollie that I love her but the love that I feel for her isn't so strong and that the relationship may not work, now u said that Sammy is going back to England so u can start with her something special, remember that the age isn't an obstacle for love.GOOD LUCK BRO!

  10. For me winter is cool but I think that it's because I'm in Costa Rica and temperatures are always over 10? C, I prefer winter, 'cause I like being on bed lol...but I think that a winter in the U.S or similar might be really bad, maybe at the beginning it's cool but some weeks and you'll be freaked out.

  11. I tried Ubuntu and I like but not for my main laptop, I installed it on my secondary computer, and after trying it, I realized that it's a good OS, but I prefer a lot more Windows Vista, I don't know about what people say that it's a bad OS, etc. But for me, it's great and I won't leave it until the next Windows OS.

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