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About silly_goose500
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Magick Magick What It Really Is....
silly_goose500 replied to Archangel_Baw's topic in General Discussion
I believe that magick is very real. Those who are ignorant to it tend to get the blunt end of the stick. A friend of mine was having night terrors, which, if you have ever had them, are not good. He was having them night after night for months. I had heard him say something about it, but never thought anything of it. A couple days later I found out that an ex girlfriend of his, who he was very serious with, was a heavy practitioner of the occult. I told him that she could be the problem with his nightmares. He thought I was crazy, but I told him to go online and just find a simple binding spell, which if done right will neutralize anything she sent out to harm him. He did what I said and performed the binding for three nights....after that, he didn't have anymore nightmares. I guess the point of this all is......just because you don't believe in the truck headed straight for you, doesn't mean it's not going to collide with you. Get it? Moreover, what you're thinking to be magick is nothing but what you've seen on t.v.....I've never seen fire come from anyone's tongue, but I sure do know it can burn sometimes. -
silly_goose500 started following Your Views On Drugs, Magick Magick What It Really Is...., Dog Questions Ask me anything about dogs and and 4 others
Dog Questions Ask me anything about dogs
silly_goose500 replied to sheepdog's topic in Home & Garden
Okay, I'll ask you a question. I have a female Chihuahua who's about 8yrs. old. She's always been prone to breathing problems, as I know a lot of little dogs are, but they seem to be getting worse with her age. So, my question is, can cafeine help a dogs asthmatic attack the same way it will a human's? I heard that if you feed your dog a little bit of coffee when they are having trouble breathing that it will help open up their airways. It would be awesome if you have heard anything like that, or maybe something else that is supposed to work. I'd hate to wake up one night and watch my dog die because she can't breathe and I can't help her. Basically, any help would be appreciated. -
Deja Vu Do u think that dreams tries to alert u?
silly_goose500 replied to jlrr94's topic in General Discussion
I think, mostly, Deja-Vu is when your brain has a twitch....much like a muscle twitch in your leg or arm. The only difference is that your brain doesn't actually twitch, I don't think, but instead you are processing the images twice. By processing what's going on around you twice, it is like you remember being there and do those things in that moment. This is not tay that I don't believe that we can be forewarned by or dreams, but I think if that was the case...you would definetely remember what the dream was in the morning. -
Insomniac Who Needs Help Falling Asleep!
silly_goose500 replied to dogbolter's topic in Health & Fitness
I would have to agree with Lyon2, everyone is pushing the drugs. Maybe it's the drugs that we take that causes these ailments in the first place....how can we possibly know? I'm not a doctor, so I wouldn't tell you to stop taking something for cancer or a serious illness or anything like that, but sleeping is another matter. I must go with the natural or holistic approach with this one. Teas work well, they are meant to calm you down, not to knock you out. If you start drinking a cup of tea about an hour before you go to bed everynight, in no time your body will start reacting to more than just the tea. This will result in falling asleep quicker. When starting a bedtime ritual, like drinking tea or a warm glass of milk, your body remembers that you do this before sleeping and it begins to calm itself down. So, pretty much, it's not really the tea that is helping you out, it's the ritual. A lot of people don't keep sleeping rituals anymore....and look at how many of them have problems sleeping. When we wire ourselves to be alert and stressed out all of the time, which happens with a lot of people due to the fast pace of life, our bodies have a great way of doing what we tell it to, so when you want to go to sleep your body is just doing what you trained it to...staying alert and stressed out. Please, whatever you do, don't take sleeping pills.....they may seem like they are helping, but tell me that when you can't sleep at all without them. -
When someone comes around to realizing that they personally have a need for spiritual development, in whatever form it may take, is a wonderful thing. To realize a need that is so essential and yet, in many cases, goes unrecognized; thus, without fulfillment; is like suddenly realizing that you haven't fed yourself in a month and suddenly realizing that you're so hungry you would die if you didn't eat. In this day and age, we are so tied up in making the almighty dollar, keeping up appearances, and for many people, pretending to be something that they are not; that, we forget to stop and refeul ourselves let alone eachother. We need to stop every once in a while and ask ourselves," What is this all for? Why am I doing this?" If you don't like the answer than something needs to change. Of course, there are some of you out there that can deal with everything being terrible forever, to you I take my hat off. The way I see it, why would you want to deal, when things can be so much better? To make things better sometimes all you need is to change your view. Change your view and you might want to change the direction of where you're going.
I slightly agree with shadowx, but if you don't believe in the occult or spells...I mean really have no doubt it will work, it won't. Plus, your spells are really just inducing lucid dreams anyway. Just because your dreams are lucid and you start having them all the time doesn't mean you're not getting the rest you need. An old eastern religious book, the Bagadavita (I hope I spelled that right), say that when you are dreaming your soul is going about it's own business, basically. So pretty much, it's your soul's time to play because it is no longer forced to be attached to your body and physical mind so it wonders the outer planes or excistence. I believe the occult religions call it Astral Planing or Astral Viewing. All you need to do is begin meditating everynight before you go to bed. Like shadowx said, imagine you are at a specific place and have your friend do the same. Well, don't imagine that yet. Just meditate on leaving yourself and don't give up and fall asleep, purposely that is; you will most definetly will fall asleep without success for a while when you are a beginner. Once you are both able to acomplish this then you can imagine the identicle places. Your spirit or Astral body works a lot like your real body, you have to think of moving your leg before you actually move it; but, instead of thinking of moving your legs, simply think or moving to that place you have designated to meet eachother. I should tell that the first time you succeed, it will probably scare you back to reality. Not really scare, I should say, it will shock you. You wind up in a middle ground that most call the vibrational stage. The vibrational stage is the time your soul or spirit it leaving your body....when you fall asleep and dream, basically, we just aren't aware of this stage. The feeling you will get will rush your entire being like a flood. It's so shocking because it's like being born or reborn....it's so incredibly foreign and it feels more real than anything you have ever felt before. Just realize that there's nothing to be afraid of when you experience it the next time and pretty soon you will be able to succeed. As for spirits following you back, I personally don't believe much about that, but that doesn't mean it's not real. If you believe these spiritual beings have power over you, they will. You have to believe in God for him to take action for you...if that means anything to you. Just practice, like everything else, practice makes perfect. Just please don't use spells or magick that you don't know everything about. I'm serious! Didn't mean to yell...lol. With that note, go and have fun, go and experience something you will never forget.
Quit Smoking Cigarettes have you quit smoking???
silly_goose500 replied to internal's topic in Health & Fitness
It's good to know that people actually succeed at quiting smoking . I myself have yet to take the jump....and actually make it to the other side. Ofcourse when you're living with a smoker it makes a bit harder. He's tried to quit as well, but never made it. I came home one day and he had like three patches on his arms and was still smoking like a chimney...lol. I'm surprised he didn't overdose. Someday I'll probably give it another shot and hopefully succeed, but you never know. When you want to quit, you can't; and, when you can quit, you don't want to. It's is a nasty habit, I agree, but that's something I'm willing to deal with for now...unless I find out I have cancr or something. Then again, if I find out I have cancer, whats the point quiting....I'd rather die happy than spend the rest of my days being microwaved by radiation. Well, good luck to those who are reading this and are in the process of quiting and if you're still smoking savor each one....you never know when it will be your last. Love, peace, and chicken grease. -
Your View Of God Why do people believe?
silly_goose500 replied to Will.Allison's topic in General Discussion
I do believe there is a god....I don't believe he is found in any religion in the world, though religion is an obvious place to start a search for him/her/it. God is always wrapped up into a nice little box, but how can something so powerful and creative be held in such small ideals? Religion just puts limits on what god is. Why can't he be all of it? I don't blame anyone who doesn't believe in God, it was probably presented to you by an overly zealous christian or the many people that scour our neighborhoods trying to convert people. God is the ultimate unifier, it's people that have seperated themselves and started saying that one way is wrong and that their's is right. Take Christianity for example, there are sooooooo many different branches and beliefs that it's impossible to know which one is right or wrong, yet they all say that their's is the church or set of beliefs for you. God is where you find him. I think that if you're looking for him he will present himself in a way that you will understand. All I know is that since I quit religion and started seeking out god, in general, it has become even more apparent to me that he does exist. How can something so beautiful like humankind or our universe simply happen by chance? There had to have been some kind of intelligence behind it all. Thanks for the topic. -
As a child I wanted to be an artist. To be able to go to work on a painting everyday or a sculpture that in the end would inspire others to move. I never cared where or how they moved, just that they moved. By move, I mean that I wished they would be inspired enough to take actions within their own lives. Though I still have that dream and am able to practice often enough, the hardships of life have set in and the reality of me making a living off of it just isn't there. So now my dream, like many other people's, is to be able to start a successful business of my own that will allow me to be around my family as often as I want. I figure if I get started now, when I'm finally ready to settle down and have a family of my own, that by then my business will be firmly rooted and be heading in the direction I want it to. As for the business itself, I'm still working on that one. To be honest though, I get more fun out of the trip than I do the destination. :fart:
Need Help On Comforting :( please help
silly_goose500 replied to T84's topic in Dating And Relationships
All you can do is let her know that you are there for her. Other than that, give her some space; with a death in the family often comes personal questions of mortality and why we are here and so on and so forth. Don't bog her down, whatever you do. If it was me, I wouldn't bring it up accept for the one time I would tell her that I understand what she's going through. If you don't, you shouldn't say that because she will know it's superficial, but I'm sure you catch my drift. Of course, being as that a week has gone by, hopefully the worst is over, but deepending on how close she was to her loneliness may start to set in. The only cure for that is a good friend. Good luck, and tell her a stranger on the internet sends their condolances. -
I find her walking down the street.She never looks up, not once, at me.Her steps are short and fickleAs she dreams of her lost children she once tickled.Now getting old in her ageShe walks the streets; a soul in it's cage."What was it like?" I want to ask,"How was your life, the one in the past?"Do you laugh? Do you cry?Do you curl up into a ball and wait for God to let you die?Do you hug yourself while sleeping at night?Do you look at youself in the mirror and say, "It will be all right."I wish you well my muse of mystery,You have become a piece of my own personal history.And I hope a new, happier day for you,So the next time we pass you won't look so blue.
Drugs, drugs, drugs. I think that drugs are for people who can't cope with reality. If they're sad, they want drugs to make it better; if they're happy, they want drugs to celebrate the occassion or they want to be "happier". Some people just can't cope, just like some people have learning disabilities. I don't respect drug users anyless than anyone else, like I would respect a mentally challenged person. That's not to say that I don't pity them for not being able to control their emotions or temptations, just like I have pity for people who can't learn or communicate like I can. Everything I said above was directed towards habitual users. I do believe that everything can be okay in moderation, but lets face it, how many drug users do you know that are able to moderate such a habit? Not too many.
Is Homosexuality Right Or Wrong? your views
silly_goose500 replied to wakelim's topic in General Discussion
Personally, it's not my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. You have to put the measure of morality into play. If you're going by what you're government says, or the governments morality, then homosexuality is wrong in almost any state in the union, if not they would all allow homosexual marriages. If you believe in a god that doesn't allow homosexual acts, then it's wrong to you. Looking at it in a strictly animal perspective, we're not the only animals who involve ourselves in such things. Take dogs for example, males will attempt to mount other males as a sign of domainance. Humans on the other hand do it, for the most part, to indulge in sexual urges or personal needs. If a higher power is left out of the picture, who's to say that having sex with someone of the same sex is any worse than going out and drinking, or having a cigarette. The question of whether it is right or wrong is completely up to individual. You said you think it is wrong, but wrong to who? Are you saying it's not for you or that you don't respect anyone's decision to be homosexual? If I had to answer the question, if you can't read between to lines of this post, I'd say it's wrong for me, but right for anyone who chooses to be so.