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  1. So if you get 280 points year the domain is yours forever? Because that would be awesome. You guys rule. Regards!
  2. A google OS would be so cool. I could just imagine what the desktop would be like. It would be like the most convinent OS ever. They could take down M$ if they just made an OS.
  3. Ha, ha i love this it's so funny. I especially love the one with the google calculator '42'. They sure have a sense of humor. Good ol' Google.
  4. No its not bigger than infinity that's impossibble. I think the only way you could get it bigger than infinity it to say infinity+1 or something.
  5. Wow, really! I NEVER got bored with it. Games are so much fun. I would advise people to buy it. It's also good for trips cause it can play movies, music, and games.
  6. Well, I've never heard of PSP. Do you need a special server to run it's script. Or is it like javascript where it will run in any bowser? I'm guessing you need a special server but it would be great if it didn't! Regards.
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