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About JeffS

  • Rank
    Member [ Level 1 ]
  • Birthday 07/06/1989

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Hamilton. On. Can.
  • Interests
    Web design.<br />Graphic design.<br />Paintball (speedball).<br />WH 40k (Orks).<br />Music.
  1. Sweet. This works awesome. Only some pages will load faster for me though. If you can't done it, do it now. I really noticed that http://forums.xisto.com/ was loading a lot faster.nice find.
  2. I recently got some .avi files from a friend, and I cant run them. I've tried both Window media Player and DivX. Can anyone tell me how I can get them to run?
  3. The combined effort of the Windows Pop-up Block (SP2) and Fire Fox blocked all pop ups. I may have another pop-up blocker also running that I dont know of. I dont think Nortons blocks pop ups though...
  4. I'm going to give Nucleus a shot. Ill keep you guys informed on how it goes. HTen maybe I'll try a different one, like phpNuke and maybe size them up so other people can decide which one to use. Ill get to it tonight, going to a hockey game. Thanks for the advice guys.
  5. It was fun to tune in and see what special image Google had on special days. I think it got too old now. And i agree with Florisjuh. I like that Google has stayed pretty much the same for years. Yahoo is a pain in the but for all the advertising and other features. Gimme good ole simple Google search and I'll be a happy man.
  6. What is YOUR favourite feeling. Not just happy or sad. Wierd stuff too. My favourite feeling is the feeling you get after stepping for of a really fast roller coaster. You know the feeling, when you feel a little lighter and oyur stomach is still spinning. Gota love it.
  7. Which File Extension are You? Kinda not true, but are these things ever 100% true? I wish i got something cool... like .mpq. Which OS are You? This one is more true. heh... Balls in the air.... hehe
  8. Well I'm glad somebody shares my views on music
  9. JeffS


    The most fun game I played was in a woods field.The teams were split into 2, terrorists, SEALS.THe terrorists had 5 mins to get into any position they wanted.Then the SEALS would use a "helicopter" to land in a single spot. Then we had to escort a VIP to a certain area. It so so much fun. We landed in an open field, right behind where 2 terrorist gusy were set up. As soon as the game was started theywere out, but we lost 2 guys because thye had people in the woods near buy. It was a really close game. We ended up with a 3 on 3 out of 10 players each for the objective. it was so much fun. I cant wait to go back there this spring.
  10. Its probably to say that the site takes no actions for how you feel about its content. Parents are held liable for children under 13, so if a website doesnt have a "if you are under 13..." thing the parent agrees to, the parent can charge the website if they find content they dont want their child to see. So basicly its a waiver.Sorry thats best I could explain
  11. Anyway. I made a quick wallpaper about my love for witches and hatred for emo music. I think this is the first walpaper i've made. I dont remember making another one. Its really quick so dont mind the crappyness of the strokes around the main images. Anyway here it is. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tell me what you think and if you use it please Thanks a lot!
  12. Are you able edit the graphics that are used or is it a template? My site looks a lot like that. PHPNuke isnt free though is it?
  13. Does anyone here play paintball? I play speedball mostly, but I play woodsball every once and awhile. I have the blue 2k4 Spyder Imagine. The only ups are a Ricochet 2k hopper and a SP Teardrop barrel. I dont play that often so I don't need/have money for somthing like a Timmy or Imp. What kind of markers do you guys have and what kind of paintball do you play most often?
  14. Thanks guys. Can someone tell me the diffrenece between open and closed-source?
  15. Firefox is the best thing I've had on my computer for quite some time. Itsfaster, safer, and more reliable than IE. There is no unwanted toolbars with is why i hated IE. Theres awesome plug-ins too. I use ChatZilla (IRC plugin) and FireFTP (FTP plugin) quite often. I dont really liek the tabbed windows either so i just don't use them.Firefox > IE
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