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Posts posted by dcshaw.en

  1. The only real reason I'm throwing too much of my opinion in here is because I also saw the 2012 documentary on TV a couple months ago. (Rerun, obviously)If-If-If the evidence presented in the show was true, then there may be a bit of credibility to it.Only because of the pure quantity of claims that the world will end in or around 2012, it has to be a little bit convincing to a good portion of people. Or at least a little bit disconcerting.But, at the same time, if the evidence had been misinterpreted, fraudulent, or even just plain made up, then it doesn't bode well for the theory at all.Unfortunately (Or, fortunately?) the fact that this theory was presented to many of us (Including the author of this thread, to my knowledge) in the medium of a television documentary, I'm forced to be skeptical and suspect that the evidence was not entirely factual and had been fabricated for the basis of entertainment.But back to the original claimIf the evidence was all fact and interpreted properly...2012 may be a plausible suspect for some sort of major cataclysmic, planet-changing event.Personally; the theory I like the best is the one that stated the Earth was set to pass over some sort of galactic equator and that it would cause a massive polar shift.Granted, I should state I hope I'm wrong in my "belief" (I wouldn't call it a 'belief', per se, as the one I think is most logical), as a massive polar shift would have been likely to cause the most damage out of all possibilities and is something that man cannot prevent. (Preventing it would require... ... Pulling the planet out of the solar system...)

  2. Before I start here, I'd like to say that I'm not even going to read the other replies in this thread, because I fear that they will anger me. Because the topic of internet relationships cannot be discussed in public without stubborn people *BLEEP*ing about it.Anyway,I'd also like to say that, before reading this story and thinking it has a happy ending in the context of the plot... It doesn't. :)AnywayAs I was sayingA few years ago (Three... Almost to the day... I think I met her on like the 29th of December) I met this girl in the Internet. And yadda yadda yadda, I started to have feelings for her. Anyway, after a while (An internet relationship is a little more serious of a commitment than I'd rush into), after 6 months, the two of us got together. Via internet. Internet relationship.NowDue toThings that happenedMurphy's Law kind of things.In the first week we were together.Things got a little screwed up.Pretty much to the point that we fought every day.Every day.Consistently.We actually had it almost down to a schedule. We'd talk civilly for about an hour then I'd say something to piss her off and it'd go from there.Anyway, four months into this long term argument (As I like to call it)We broke up.Which was bad. Needless to say.This isn't quite the end yet though. Remember this whole thing started three years ago, and we got together at the end of July. So this means we broke up in November. We've only really made it a year into the story. There's time left still.AnywayIn January, on the third, actually.I was talking to her again, because, y'know, she was also pretty much my best friend and I wanted to keep her in my life.And, after talking to her for a while in January, we decided to make the 'always brilliant' idea of getting back together.And hey, it worked this time, more-so than the first time we were together ever came close to.We didn't fight anymore and worked past all the other *BLEEP* that plagued the relationship.Anyway, the next 7 months or so are just blank plot. And if anyone has actually read the post all the way to here, I commend you, I don't really expect my rambling to be well received.But after the next 7 months went by, we broke up again. Due to no dramatic event, we just weren't working anymore. No fighting or anything like that. It was a very peaceful breakup, as far as they go.Anyway, we're getting close to the end now. (I've never actually tried to summarize the whole relationship in a single forum post somewhere)I didn't speak to her again for almost a year after that. Just because I didn't want to get back into it after a couple months like the first one. But I'm speaking with her again now. In purely platonic ways, which makes me happy, because she's still one of my best friends.And since then, I've also started dating someone... Not via the internet now. Which is great (And a pleasant change).Anyway, that's the gist of it, I suppose.Overall, I don't disapprove of online relationships. They can work out, I've seen and heard of them working out before. And the experience I had with them was not negative. And the reasons for it not working out were hardly to due to the distance between us. So I don't put "Internet Relationships" in the negative category any more than I put "Real Life" relationships into the negative category; even though I've had FAR, FAR more bad experiences with girls close to me than the one across the ocean.

  3. This topic has actually made me a bit sad.It just seems so useless that, not only would you bother to try to give up the phone, but that you'd fail at it.There are hundreds of thousan--- Millions of people out there who don't have a cellphone at allWho lead active livesWho stay in touch with peopleDon't go insaneAnd all those other thingsAnd are perfectly fine.I'm one of them.No phone and I don't really care.The only reason I'd ever even get one is for those times I need to organize spontaneous plans and I'm already away from land lines.Anyway, just thought I'd throw that in there.Since so many people being addicted to cell phones is kind of sad to see around.

  4. Well, to just go through it brieflyI don't usually drink beer casually, I'll save it for a party and then drink as much as I happen to be able to before my body shuts down a bit.I'm not sure about the cost of one beer, but generally most beer seems to be about $13-$18 for a 6-pack.And my favourite beer...Guinness. I love the stuff and get it whenever I'm able to.Afterwards... Sleemans is pretty nice.

  5. Okay, I guess I have some points to make here.First off, I'd like to separate consoles and computer, as I don't see them on the same level of games.Computers offer a whole different experience for gaming and I greatly prefer for certain kinds of games; RTSes for example.Now, in terms of consoles, which is where a good deal of my gaming is done, mostly because my computer is not well equipped enough to play anything less than 5 years old. :DUnfortunately, I'm still a bit of a Nintendo boy. I've always liked them, the games in general. And even though in later years, I've found that they've had far fewer good games every generation, but the games they do good on, they seem to do great on.Also: I'm a huge Zelda fan, so I have to stick around Nintendo for that :DNow, as Nintendo gets even more and more childish every generation (It's target audience age is indirectly proportional to the system age >: Which makes me sad), I find myself looking for an alternative... Which would fall on the XBox 360, just because it has a whole range of exceptionally good games, it's got better mature-oriented games and far fewer childish games.The other reason I'd fall back on XBox if Nintendo completely fails meIs that I hate Sony.I don't mean to go on a rant here, but Playstations have been going down hill for like 5 years.The first Playstation was great, I own one and it had some really good games for it.But Playstation 2 was a disaster, I thought.I know many people support it, but it just seems like a lazy move on Sony's part.The fact they didn't even change the controller really turned me off, because to me it seemed like it was just a Playstation 1 with better graphics and a few media option on the console that I'd never use anyway (DVD player and such)The Playstation 3 was essentially the same issue... Except the Playstation 3 also had the whole cost issue, and the part where 95% of the games appear to be horrid.It did moderately redeem itself with a 6-axis tilt thing going on. But it's still not my thing.The best redeeming quality Sony has going for the Playstation franchise is Final Fantasy... And even that's starting to branch out into other systems as well, which makes me happy.Anyway, I apologize to any Sony fans for that, I hope you don't take any particular offense. :P

  6. I really feel kind of sad reading some of the replies to this thread.Seriously, have you guys really become so dependent on cell phones? XDI used to get on fine without them,And you know whatThis may shock youBut I still do. :PI don't have a cell phone, or mobile phone, or any of those fancy little gizmos people are sporting aroundAnd I'm perfectly fine without them.Maybe it's just because I'm never really 'mobile' so I really have no reason to care about having a phone with me.Anytime someone needs to reach me, 9999 times out of 10,000, I will be either at home or right beside a land-line somewhere that I can use.So the need for a mobile phone doesn't really present itself all that much for me.Oh wellSomeday, I'll be sure to get a cellphone for myself, and then my opinion will probably change.

  7. I'm aware this thread is getting close to 3 years old, so I'm not going to say anything to the original poster, or anyone on the first several pages.Which is a disappointment, because I wanted to express my disagreement with the way this whole thread has been structured.The title would lead one to believe that the thread is an intelligent inquiry about whether eating meat is ethically appropriate, but instead the original poster did nothing but talk about the grotesquenesses of the actual slaughtering of chickens.So, to that effect, I'm going to give my input on both subjects: eating meat and commercially slaughtered animals.Eating Meat:It's natural. Whether humans were originally herbivores, or whether we evolved into an omnivorous state over time from eating meat is completely irrelevant. The fact that carnivores exist in nature means that eating the meat of another animal is a natural thing. And something done to sustain life. At the same time, back to the possibility that humans have only evolved into omnivores, no matter how we came about to be a meat eating animal, we -are- a meat eating animal. Making it natural for us to do the same.I'm sure we aren't the only creature on the planet whose diet has changed over the course of evolution.DISCLAIMER: The majority of my statements in the above paragraph are only to entertain the Original Poster's (I think it was his) theory that humans may have evolved into Omnivores.Slaughtering Animals:This opinion is much more short and concise. This is how I see it. Whether I agree with the methods used for mass slaughtering animals, it happens. And will continue to happen until society completely weeds out these people. Which will likely happen eventually. People feeling sick about how their food is killed have already caused the emergence of chickens and other animals are being raised free range and out in fields instead of in small cages. Eventually, I imagine all meat will come from naturally raised animals, as society will have put enough pressure on the suppliers to treat the animals in a humane way ("Humane Way" made me crack up a little bit.)That's assuming that the government doesn't cut in somewhere and pass a law against raising animals in small, dark cages to be slaughtered.But as it is, no matter how heartless my opinion may seem, I just don't get that heartsick over thinking about how my food was prepared.Free range, naturally raised or pumped full of chemicals, hung upside down and plucked alive with a slit throat doesn't really matter to me.It's food.The animal has already died by the time it gets into my house. Or even by the time it gets into the store. And if I refuse to eat it at that point, it might just go to waste. Then that chicken died 100% in vain.Surely none of you will actually take my last comment as a serious argument. I'll be thoroughly displeased with anyone who does.

  8. I'm just going to go over my opinion on the subject here.I fear my opinion may be viewed as a bit juvenile and immature, as it seems to be the opinion of many adolescents.To which, I am not very proud to be associated with, but this is where I stand none the less.I do not believe in "Political Correctness" in the sense that it has taken on in the last few years.I've never believed in censorship.And I've always believed in 100% freedom of speech. No matter what that speech might be.I think that society, as a whole, has been getting far too sensitive to words being said. Especially when they get overly offended at something they heard someone say when that person wasn't even referring to them, or even the actual issue. Let me clarify, because I know that sentence is a bit unclear: Somebody calls something 'retarded' out of frustration; someone with a mental deficit hears the statement and goes into a state of serious offense and depression.I can't speak for everyone, but I'm sure in that situation, 95% of people wouldn't be thinking of a mentally challenged person when they're frustrated and call something 'retarded'.Same theory applies for 'gay' and other such words.I'd like to clarify, at this time, that this entire post is meant to be purely that of my opinion.I think that society should calm down about the word choices of people being used. Especially in situations where the words they're complaining about haven't even been used in an offensive intent.I'd also like to clarify another point;I'm not, in any way, saying I would condone somebody using such words in offensive way. (IE : Walking up to a man walking down the road wearing pink and screaming (A derogatory remark for homosexual that Xisto censors) at him.)There is a difference between Free Speech and general consideration for people. And I believe that most of society should have the common sense not to insult people. But really, anyone who is going to scream profanities and derogatory statements at someone out of prejudice would do so with or without the approval of society.I apologize if anything I've said is unclear.I'm aware that there are times I end up typing faster than my mind actually formulates words into coherent sentences.Out of courtesy, I'd ask that, if you feel the need to pick apart my post (Which I'm sure at least one person will), that you make sure you aren't misunderstanding what I'm saying first.

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