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About ovnage

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  1. I read an EDITION of it. I think it was for young readers or something. Good book, and i think i'd want to read the original because the peoplez said that the edition i read was missing alot. Great story of war and all that stuff, even though i'm not much for that genre.
  2. Great books, waiting for the 3rd and final. The 2 books had everything, seriously. I was entertained for hours on end, reading, and i even re-read eragon. I finished Eldest a while back, and I'm waiting for the 3rd right now. No books like it, and its even been made into a movie. Christopher is an up and coming author and i expect to see more works from him. Although, the movie wasn't that good, skipped a lot of parts that were in the book. But, oh well
  3. I read the rogues, which is about the scottish revolution when the scots land owners(Called Lairds) start burning off the scots land to make room for the sheep. It has a lot of action, adventure, and just an all around book. It has been reviewed by alot of agencies and companies, so you can pretty much know its good.
  4. Oh gosh, this question is challenging. Well, through my experience with girls, I'd have to say they do look better without makeup. I mean, why cover your whole face with some stupid makeup when you can show your true face. I know putting on makeup for special occasions, y'know, a dinner party or something, is O.K, but on a daily basis, i find this... Disturbing. Very, very, disturbing.
  5. I also love super mario galaxy, although i own it. Its sort of like super paper mario, with its jumping from one side of a planet to another, but its also good, and i've come to respect the mario franchise as one of the best game series ever.
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