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Posts posted by karlosantana

  1. I Think I need to rephrase what i said. Do not get me wrong! I love women haha. What I've learnt is that a woman can think more broadly so when a woman says "i didn't say that" She probably didn't I just understood it that way.. I think :P Anyway If I have offended anyone it wasn't meant to honest! They're not "difficult to satisfy" I guess, They just mention things at a later date and don't put it on the form/invoice (which is what happens to me regularly!)I have to say that I find myself more comfortable with women than men sometimes! A woman will often think differently to a man (so what they can't parallel park!). Blue bear I have to agree with the make-up light thing, I was being told about it when I fitted one! In the end I bought her 2 adjustable halogen strips! She is now my GF :P So women Your beautiful creatures! But if I ever come to do some work for you.. Please put everything on the form :PIt was funny reading through this topickarlos

  2. Ok ignore that hehe I think I got it!
    But what is this doing now?

    HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found Server: cpsrvd/11.2.2 Connection: close Content-type: text/html 404 Not Found Not Found The server was not able to find the document (./frontend/x/fantastico/autoinstallcheck.php) you requested. Please check the url and try again. You might also want to report this error to your webhost. cpaneld/11.2.2 Server at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Is it a simple case of directing it to a different directory?karlos

    EDIT: Ok I've got the script working (go me) :P So now when a forum is made, the new forum will say

    Language file english/common.php couldn't be opened.

    Now I know thats it is having difficulty finding common.php but what I need to do is make it, so that it wont happen again, oh the new forum i made through that script is hereThanks is advance

  3. Thanks guys! I've looked for cookie.txt and ive looked in index.php to find it, nothing.
    This is what the Index.php page has to say about it,

    $file = fopen("cookie.txt", "w+"); fclose($file);//Flush contents from cookie file before beginning.

    What should cookie.txt contain? should it contain nothing? If not then what should it contain? because the code above should flush the file out, no?

    Look forward to your replies, and I am thankful for the help so far!

  4. Hi guys. So I bought this script.
    And now I'm loading it up HERE and It's giving this message to when you sign up for a new forum

    Warning: fopen(cookie.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kyle/public_html/forumhost/forumhost/index.php on line 17
    Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/kyle/public_html/forumhost/forumhost/index.php on line 17
    Thank you for your choosing us to host your free forum. In order to finalize and confirm your forum setup, please click the button below
    HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found Server: cpsrvd/11.2.2 Connection: close Content-type: text/html 404 Not Found Not Found The server was not able to find the document (./frontend/x/fantastico/autoinstallcheck.php) you requested. Please check the url and try again. You might also want to report this error to your webhost. cpaneld/11.2.2 Server at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I have contacted him, I'm still waiting for his reply, but there's cleverer people on trap than he is most likely! Any help is appreciated! If you need a look at the script PM me and i will see what I can do
    Thanks in advance

  5. Hmm That helps Thankyou, but I was after a multi forum hosting script.
    Ok i think I know how I'm going to do it, but I need help from someone who can read php and develop it.
    The script would create a subdomain using this? then it would automatically run a MySQL query using something like this with the variables submitted in a submit form, which would also create a subdomain using the same principle.

    Now heres where I'm struggling how the files are copied automaticaly then the MySQL details already filled in then it takes the user straight to the Admin account creator
    Basically a multi forum host I've tried googleing it but there all like $69 and I haven't got the money :P
    Anyone seen any Open Source ones?

  6. How about I will learn to deign an abstract signature and then make one for you? is that worth 25 credits? haha

    Well any-ways nice site how long did it take to do that?

    I think i should have the credits because I'm named after a famous guitarist, and I've offered to make you a sigy! see dont I rock!



    EDIT: duh i didn't read further! haha ok sorry guys

  7. Well there are for and against' of everything but this in my opinion is for! The only problem with PHP is that:- one thing goes wrong, Everything goes downDon't get me wrong here php scripts are fantastic! The reasons for BackupUser PleasingError handlingAnd the reasons againstUses disk spaceCan make a site run slowerI personally recommend it you really can't go wrong with having to many backups! So say "what the hell" to disk space and get some really nice themes, but remember if the theme does need to be changed, it still needs to blend in with your website! You could copy the same theme and edit different colours! Just a suggestionAs for keeping your standard theme, defiantly! It always helps to keep that as a reference if something does ever go wrong! The dark light thing... As long as it still fits into your website.Good luck with your forum!Hope this helpsKarlos

  8. I had never used the $_SESSION before, because I always used cookies, but I just looked it up, and it said you need to do a "session_start()" before reading from the $_SESSION[]vars, if you haven't called a session_register on that page.

    Hmm interesting point but it works fine as it is, so im content as a cucumber to leave it as it is. You use cookies? do tell!

    So on the page you're going to (login_success.php), make sure you're calling session_start() before reading to see if they're logged in.

    My page does include that! hehe i guess I should've mentioned it really, And i've just made a logout script to (YAY) I am very new to php. So this is a huge learning curve for me!

    Also, most browsers should have the "remember me" box pop up when you're logging in, if that's part of what you were talking about.

    No it wasn't. I need basically to make a php email Client for ONE account I think i've made one though (eeek) so any help is well appreciated, you seem to know your stuff when it comes to php and tips you can give me are appreciated!Thanks again

  9. Ok i've only given half the story there, here's the login script. It uses a msql table called members, and in that is


    I wonder if i was to put a user_email in it and then get the email system above to recall it using echo?
    If im wrong there can you please correct me? I would just need it to call the user_email from the MYSql database
    As you would've guessed I've just started with php! SO any help and tips and things will help greatly!
    ok here goes

    <?phpob_start();$host="localhost"; // Host name$username=""; // Mysql username$password=""; // Mysql password$db_name="test"; // Database name$tbl_name="members"; // Table name// Connect to server and select databse.mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect");mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");// Define $myusername and $mypassword$myusername=$_POST['myusername'];$mypassword=$_POST['mypassword'];$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$myusername' and password='$mypassword'";$result=mysql_query($sql);// Mysql_num_row is counting table row$count=mysql_num_rows($result);// If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 rowif($count==1){// Register $myusername, $mypassword and redirect to file "login_success.php"session_register("myusername");session_register("mypassword");header("location:login_success.php");}else {echo "Wrong Username or Password";}ob_end_flush();?>
    Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance
    EDIT: i had put the wrong version of my script in, its better now!

  10. Hey guys, I Really need a PHP based email system it needs to be able to

    Send and Recieve E-mails

    Upload and download Attatchments

    Create emails (WYSIWYG is ideal!)

    I actually already have one here Which is copied from a tutorial but this is why it isn't practical.

    I am making a control panel for a subdomain that i've given to my friend, He needed an email address (so i gave him one). Now I adore squirell mail, I even tried to make that work to what i want! So basically what needs to happen is

    Bob will log onto his control panel that i will be building, He will then click a button titled E-mail Now heres the bit i've been struggling with it will automatically log him on.


    His email address is


    So rather than him having to type that all the time it'll already know it.

    Like cPanel, That is ideal! That is exactly how I want it!

    You just go into Read Webmail and hey presto your done, no login in needed I've attached the File I've used if anyone wants to look and possibly edit :o

    How would I make the login screen automatically, "put" the email address in?


    Well rather than ask any more questions and confuse everyone some more, Look at your cPanel on trap in E-mail Is a section that says Read webmail... Click it it then takes you to a choice of two, But when you click it your reading your default email account!

    Am I making sense now? lol (I do annoy people with not making sense so i've tried my best!)

    Thanks to anyone in advance


    Opps forgot to attach file

    p.s I was wondering how would I make it use cookies? would that help? If yes then how do i make my email system use a cookie rather than a login screen?


  11. As i say im kind but stupid! I think ive got a file manager that does the lot (wohoo)
    I've found an email system all of this is php I'll probably right my own "switchboard" and hey who knows... its a project in the making! could put it on my website! wait a free cPanel, Ok thats my next project
    I've got a php email client
    and a File manager
    I'll make an auto install script for different things like SMF AEF Coppermine etc
    Even a page to copy and paste scripts!
    At the moment it's all code and theory so any help would be appreciated

    My cPanel is coming on great :o I will be posting it here when i've finished so that people can do the same as me in the future (yer be kind but stupid :D ) I installed his forum last night and he was over the moon with it!
    A am however having trouble getting my email system to find cookies. When the user signs in to my login system it automatically drops a cookie in the users cookies folder, and I'm wanting the email system to see the cookie and automatically log him on to the users email account without him having to enter any details into the system itself.
    Any ideas? (Go here for the attachment) you'll notice I've posted a topic elsewhere but the idea of using a cookie only crossed my mind now!
    Any help is always appreciated

  12. Hi there a friend of mine was absolutely desperate for a webpage so, me being the kind but stupid person that I am, made him a sub-domain, and set up the ftp account. However if he wants to install something in the future that uses Mysql I have to make him a database and a user etc, etcMy question is, is it possible to give him something like cpanel? could i install it on the sub-domain? So that he can have controls like mysql, file manager, site submission?If it is possible, It needs to be VERY cheap! free is ideal! I think I've found a file manager but it'll be annoying having to go from one product to another to another! Any help is appreciatedPlease help!

  13. So after asking jlhaslip (thanks btw!) which is the best PHPBB3 or SMF he said go on guess...

    AEF, never heard of it before untill today, today my friends SMF gets shot. AEF is fantastic It has got little sexy icons at the bottom that move (yes move). The icons will zoom in and out.


    I have never seen such an advanced forum with so many features STANDARD! For example, it has a HTML section so you can put what you want in the headers and footers! No nasty messed up code (like SMF or PHPBB3)


    I have gotta say well done to the developers of phpbb3 though their new forum is fantastic BUT AEF is one step ahead!


    AEF can be seen here

    An example can be seen here

    There's a "banking" system for AEF that resembles Trap's credit system HERE

    There's also a shoutbox... Standard, you can turn it off and on if you want!


    I am currently installing the banking system

    I will be writing back here soon

  14. I know exactly how you feel! I know i have already told you this but i've had ages experience with web design. I'll help you were you need it! As for where to start:- start with the index page (an index page is the first page a visitor will see when they log onto your webpage) That way the navigations done, The body's done and so most of the images will be done to. I will install things for you (forums, Product pages anything really!), create things for you whatever you need I'm here! I have got MSN and AIM but i only use them occasionally.Of course i help people free, including you! I was looking at your profile earlier, you seem like a good laugh! So when you need me PM me and ill help Straight away! Karlos

  15. Hi guys, I've been away for goodness knows how long cause i've broken my fingers haha *duh*

    sunzoje Thankyou! I will be creating a MUCH bigger one soon to explain CSS ( i like CSS!) and that one will be a lot better!

    callummsThanx watchout with the quoting though people have been banned because of that!

    Evolke OMG hehe nice to have a fan i've just noticed your pm i have replied to it

    Forbez Thats Great! I will be getting a new website soon (WOOHOOO) meaning domain name so My site will look A1 then i've actually made it already just waiting for the right time to buy the domain name!


    Now i was actually given an award for this tutorial on my website... It was slammed by, i guess, competitors, and although i still have the award (a long strip of paper with some symbols on!) it is always nice to look here and see people appreciating it. Thanks guys (and girls!)


    ^is happy!

  16. okie dokie i will give this a try right now. *uploads file* That geany program is awesome!
    Thankyou so much true fusion, you're better than the person who designed the templating system for smf in the first place! Your right though i did put the wrong template up *strangles himself* Hopefully geany should help me though, I will be building my credits up and giving them to you soon, hold in there! I have no idea what happened to the template file i made, its gone :D who knows where? Thankyou for putting all that work in though! it is incredibly appreciated! I'm gonna try out this tutorial and see what happens :D although i have done it before with no success, it's worth a try!

    I also love some of the things in you sigy

    I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a Clockmaker. (Voltaire)

    That is fantastic!

    It is said energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. Yet, energy exists. This sounds like God to me!

    And so is that! Thanks again
    ^^^needs a hug :o

  17. Hi everyone, :D For some time I've been participating in free running/parkour :D , however, down here (where i live) parkour isn't working out very well :o and needs a good kick. I have got a couple of people together and they are all wanting to help.I am wanting to invest in a gym training school to pass my knowledge down, there are parkour gyms about but i need the equipment not the gyms.Please do not think that I haven't looked because i have! everywhere returning no results. However, I am not the best in finding information like this out. :( Any help is really appreciated! Thanks in advance

  18. HAHA! well there we go you need lots of accounts a HUGE database of bookmarks
    (yoda voice)only then will you be ready for jlhaslip's knowledge
    Anyway back to the topic. I've started using css in my designs mainly div layers cause they are Brilliant you can meddle about with EVERYTHING using css love it! you can even use them in javascripts which i didnt know! like this one that one's really cool might even use it in the near future, who know?
    Anyways im gonna stop yacking and do some work now so bye bye!

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