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Posts posted by verdant

  1. Our universe is so big and we haven't explored even a millionth of a millionth of .......... part of it. We have not gone anywhere outside our own solar system.

    Yet some scientists, in which there is greatest among the greats Sir Einstien also, believe that there is more than one universe in which we can go by passing through a worm hole.

    It is quite an intriguing topic and once you start studying about it you go more and more deep into it.The logic behind this is, "though there are mathematical models also but i m talking here in our day to day general language", that every particle has its antiparticle and extending that logicto universe scientists conclude that there must be an antiuniverse to every universe.

    Some even suggest that to every universe there must be a universe in which similar kind of things must be happening but the direction of time must be reverse, that is my anti- in the universe which will be corresponding to our universe will be born old and die as a child.

    Also about time travel it is written that if we travel around the event horizon of a blackhole we will reach back in time but not in this universe but our corresponding universe.

    These things quite puzzle me very much. I m posting this so that i can have views and any interesting facts on this topic which is so exciting and mind-blowing.

    Do write.


    Bye Pals.

    looking at the word... universe... you see that 'uni' meaning one, and would therefore answer your question there could not be more than one universe.... just as there shouldnt be more than one uniform... but many institutions have different uniforms for different seasons and situations. thinking this way, as we are here to do, it seems posible that there could be different universes existing under different circumstances. its a good point to bring up how small we are, with the millionth of a millionth statement, this imediately brought to mind fractals and the mandle brought set (sp is bad i know). in that thing the guy discoverd he found a (and feel free to corect me on this as i learned about it when i was 10 or so on the discovery chanel) costant repeating patern that is naturaly occuring.


    based on this i started to think that ist posible that this patter which grows, is a never ending pattern. or at least it could be, and that by the time this parttern begins to form the things we can see and interact with the patern takes too long to repeat for us to ever notice it, unless we really stop and let the pattern go on for a while.


    so, hummor me a bit in my attemp to keep my newly hosted site running, lets say i am correct, this pattern get bigger and bigger as it repeats and thus we have things faaaaaar larger than ourselves. and we get things like our planet, our sun, our solar system, and the universe as we know it. but thats another part of the pattern. what im thinking is eventualy things get a bit to big for us to interpet, infact this thing could be so big that its all around us all the time but we dont even notice it because its outside of the range of our perception.


    this is usualy my problem with science, that it only works withing the confines of what we know and what we know we do not know.... but theres that big section of what we dont realize we dont know.... mind boggling really.


    but the intresting part is, for me, in the essence of matter, energy... in my reserch of the bible, and of eastern thought the first common link i found was in the words describing breath, spirit and energy.... now i dont mean to get all god-talk on you guys but its relevant, trust me. these three words in japanese and in the bible can all be merged into one word, in japanese and chinese its ki and chi. in the bible the greek use spiritos. when translating a part of the bible that refered to the holy spirit i saw the word spiritos was used, which means breath.... thing back to eastern thought, the human spirit can be regulated by breath.... i thought it very intresting, but the part about energy is left out of my little loop of logic, and that is because that part start of with my thoughts about atomic and hydrogen bombs... how do they work exactly? isnt it that when a atom of some sort has its components split apart it releases an inconciveable amount of destructive force? this seemed very odd to me, how could such a small thing destroy so much... then i thought of what i had learned about waves, sound, radio, light, is all the same kind of wave, and whats a wave but a mere vibration? (once again feel free to corect me where i am wrong) then something hit me...according to legend who created the earth?god right? and who has acsess to tons and tons of energy? according to the bible, god does... then i thought of the atom bomb in reverse... oh *BLEEP*!, it was like those pictures of divideing by zero on 4chan...



    that was quite a bit of crazyness there, but im goign to try and tie it all back in.... with this thought: what exactly constitues a universe...to us its the seemingly infinite void above our heads which other extremely smart people can only guess at, but to a micro organisim a universe could be the size of a flower petal... even more so, why does a universe have to be physical? how do we know there arnt forms of conscieness that can exist as patterns in wave form...


    oh *BLEEP*... ive never thought this before.... damn.... any one ever seen the movie "white noise"? that was some really scarry *BLEEP*... i've never looked at a static screen the same since... or radio static... its really creepy.


    the concept of the movie was based on real events, of people listening very closely to static on radios and telivisions. the idea was that spirits could actualy use natural patterns, as well as not so natural patterns to communicate with people. some people are said to have actualy made contact... but this seems to me to be the... fringe of our capability to accept and understand something outside of our own exsistance paterns. to us we are born, we live, fufill the pattern and then die.

    just a micro organism will do whatever the *BLEEP* it does, it will never contemplate what difficulties males in our society have in finding a mate, it will never think of what could be outside of its point of view... but the crazy thing is that we as humans can! its posible for us to look into what seems beyond our normal human functions.


    call it crazy talk if you want, but thats just the thoughts that have passed through my head and into my fingers... now im going to go to sleep and forget them. sad...

  2. I am getting out of high school and heading out to college. I have been wrestling for a long time and have loved it, but I don't plan on wrestling in college. Rather than wrestling in college what kind of martial art is out there that is fun to learn and will provide me with the same skills as wrestling?
    I think martial arts is a fun thing to do. I have a friend that is a black belt, but I could never be up to his skill.

    i, being haveing practiced martial arts my whole life, would say that you might enjoy mma (mixed martial arts) its the whole ufc thing, it incorporates boxing, kickboxing, grapling, wrestling, judo, jujitsu, and whatever other styles seem useful at the time... if you ever watch it, you'll notice the fighters are good, but the whole thing its self is rather ... bland. everyone, despite what they say fight in the same 3 ways. striking, grapling and ground fighting. good stuff i'd say, but the whole wwwf feel is kind of lame.

    if you want something a bit more martial ART like... i'd suggest learning karate, just the basics- and practice those basics like your life depended on it... cause it kinda does. that and its just a good startign point. eventualy when you feel you can fight with karate go learn a more advanced style like wing chun, muay thai, or mayb jujitsu, if you wanna keep in with your wrestling habits. then once you've gotten a good ability with that, maybe after a year or 2 leave and learn a soft style martial art. such as aikido, snake style kung fu or something that incorporates powerfull effects with little effort put out.

    by this time you'll notice someting, that being that most all asian martial art style movements are very closely related, and are only seperated by aplication of movement and strategy. by this time it also ought to be incredebly obvious what kind of style fits both your habbits, style and body type. this is when you start getting really serious about martial arts, study a wide array of them and you'll eventualy find a styl that fits who you are. if you dont then you must pull a bruce lee and invent your own type of jeet kun do. ppl might not get it at first but anyone who knows martial arts will b able to see the effectivenss of your style. they wont be able to mock you then.

    along the way it would be a good idea to take up other physical recreations, such as parkour, dance, capoeria, gymnastics...

    and if you ever get a chance to take some ninjitsu, ninpo, or kungfu be absolutely sure to do research on the person and who their line of masters were. they should in most cases have some sort of document and be abl to say, back in china or japan there was this master, he established the style and he taught this perosn who taught this person and so on and so on untill they get t a name of maybe some american guy at which point they'll say "and he taught my teacher, who trained me". if they cant do this, take a damn good look at what they do and how they fight, and always ask yourself if what you're being taught will actualy work. try sparring with the person too, and see if you have someting to learn from that person.

    its a good idea to visit martial arts clubs too, and see if you can spar with a wide variety of people.

  3. <span style='color:green'>You know what really bugs me? Your friends that piss you off! Like I have this friend and she got asked out by a guy. They went out for 1 day then he dumped her because he didn't want to ruin their friendship. He's a really nice guy and me and all my friends (except my friends he asked out) agree with him. She had a cry about it as you do but she didn't stop there. She went on about it for ages. We were on holiday as a school at the time. We when shopping and she bought a bra. She said 'There's really no point in me getting this.' I said 'y?' and she goes 'Well now i've got no one to show it too.' As if he'd want to see her bra anyway, they only went out for a day! Geez! Anyway even after that she still went on about it. We were going on a bus and we were mean tto have designated seats but a guy took mine and hers to himself. I said we'll steal it back and she said i'm not sitting there because he ('her ex') sits behind it. So we had to try to find another seat again. I got one all to myslef so I finally could ahve a break from her whining about him. Then we were staying at a hotle and there was 6 of us in a room. All of us good friends. She went out onto the balconey to sook about him still. 2 of my other friends went out with her and my other 2 stayed inside with me. Us 3 were pissed of the most about but we kept quite. That was until one of us inside asked y she was on the balconey. One of them outside told us and my bestie inside yelled 'get over him, he doesn;t like you!' she marched through the room and said 'f*** u kristi' well kristi was upset too cause she didn't mean to sa6y it like that cause her mother was b****ing at her and she was confused and upset. So kristi and her were both crying about to different things. being my bestie i took kristis side. everyone was pissed off. the incadent calmed down we she found out kristis side of the story. the next day we were on the bus again and me and the two girls who went out onto the balconey with her were mucking around with him. she didnt say anything but i could tell she wanted to pull us away from him. he's really stupid but its really funny. she did manage to laugh a couple of times but her laughs were so fake that i felt like strangling her! anyway thats off my chest now thank god.
    so can you see where im coming from? it really did bug me for the whole time i was around her. i was kinda glad when kristi yelled at her cause it sort of shut her up a bit about him. and i think he didn't want a relationship because he had just broken up with his ex from a 2 year relationship. and beside she was looking very clingy when we went to the movies. she wouldn't let him go and didn't talk much to anyone else. if that happens to me i'll get over it straight away cause im not the type of girl to cry over a guy. you could say im 'tough on the inside'! laugh.gif i cant wait til i get back to school so i can see my crush and ask him out!</span>

    Notice from Rejected:
    Merged your posts together, try not to double post :rolleyes:

    you know guy, friends are lame, find yourself about 5 good friends and a stick with them, go out, hit up bars parties, smoke do drugs or whatever it is you do, and enjoy your life... cause it ends pretty quick... pretty soon your juvini8le little life will be over and if you didnt screw up too badly it''ll be time for you to go out and work, raise a family or something...

    seriously, each day with women some new *BLEEP* happens, and you dont have to be dragged down by it. infact most girls like someone they can hang on to and feel safe with when they feel like being dramatic... thats the nature of their chemical imbalaces. guys are typicaly more reliable, and if they're not off achiveing one thing or another then you'll know their off doing some lame thing or another. fact is girls are always looking for trouble or some sort of drama. its a part of their vision of life.

  4. some people say that what you will do today will decide your future. is it really posible. i dont think so!!
    think of it. what ever we do today generates some information which has to be sent in to the future to change it (or effect it). so for an instantaneous change, the information has to go into the future in zero time. for this the information packets have to move with a speed greater (or equal to speed of time). and we all know that it is not possible to move with a speed greater than that of light.

    those who dont know this i will give the formula developed by einstein which gives the mass of a body moving at some velocity. it is given by,

    m` = m/SQRT(1-(v/c)^2)

    m`= mass of moving body
    m= mass of stationary body
    v= velocity of the body
    c= velocity of light

    SQRT is square root

    now if the speed tends to become equal to that of c i.e. speed of light the mass of the body increases and tends to reach towards infinity. so that means moving with that speed is not possible so then the information cant effect our future instantaneously. there will be some delay. which means nothing is called destiny or our deeds define our future.!! everything is random. its all about choices and the probability of the outcome of that action.

    you know theres one thing i hate about maths, science and the people who typicly utilize them... its not personal, i just watched the movie 'contact' last night, my mind is still going and this seems relevant.

    people of today with the aid of facts seem to always conclude that they are correct. why? because what you see infront of you seems to be in order? ...thats like operating only in the worl of known-knowns and known-unknowns. when infact theres this magical world off to the left... called unknown-unknowns -- see 'the boondocks' season 1. when one ignores the posibility of posibilities, one inevitably sets oneself up for eventual failure. this is because -just as science works on facts, the world is really a large combinations of factors! as long as we humans remain unable to percive and respond to ALL factors nothing we say, see or do can truly be seen as correct, true, or inffalable.

    no this is going a bit off topic, so to re-orentate lets look back at the title of this post. "is there something called destiny?". here what i dont get.... why would you try to use an equation to figure out what barely relates to math and seems more like a personal view?

    just another unknown-unknown. im not saying that its stupid, cause it seems do-able... if you understood the factors.
    and you have some factors there:
    m`= mass of moving body
    m= mass of stationary body
    v= velocity of the body
    c= velocity of light
    and an equation to try and make sense of it:
    m` = m/SQRT(1-(v/c)^2)

    but could you tell me, or anyone what the velocity of an action is? whats its mass. does an action move faster than light? ...what i dont get is why you stop to question this... you know you have free will, you could read this whole message of your own free will, you could walk out side and murder some one of your own free will. its all the same. you dont need math to tell you that.

    all in all destiny doesnt exist... lol

  5. History constantly repeats itself by following the same path of destruction and decay by parents forcing their children to believe in one religion when they really believe in another, or by a teacher forcing religion upon their students for the sake of self-appeasement. To put it simply, people have a hard time understanding something that they do not want to understand because all men may have been created equal, but they were not created under the same philosophies and should not be expected to have the same dreams and ideas. For the most part, the entire history of this earth, as far as humans go, has been war after war over the base of religion.
    And that corresponds not only to religion. If you look back - every single war in the history of mankind except the ones for territory was because of some minor differences - eye color, skin color, religion, beliefs, nationality, tradition, etc. That is quite depressing that we all cannot live together in peace. Why do people have to look for the differences, when there are so many similarities?

    you know whats always had me going for a loop are 'war hawks' people, usualy government officials in our day and age' who support war for money. war, being the crazy profitable business it is atracts lots of attention from all sorts of cultures, be it in the vein of buying and selling wepons, to going to another place and takeing what they have.

    my old room mate used to say that its part of our survival as humans, even though he himself has never been in a war let alone even a fight in school. which is funny cause i've greatly enjoyed fighting in my life through application of martial arts, a point he often brought up, but that never makes it right or good.

    he used to say what you do if you were in the position of our soldiers, out in iraq, what you would you do? and i'd say "i'd kill the f-----ingf---vhrfb---faces" but the real trick is to not have to end up in that position.

    you know what thats called, mf-in' wisdom. foresight... to see that if you go down this or that route you'll run the risk of killing some one or being killed, or haveing to be in the position to have to choose.

    ...all in all, war kills people, which is non benificial for many, and in some case costs more than it earns. if you dont belive me go fight, go fight a person of the street, try to steal a wallet. and see what happens. fighting while fun, isnt cool. thats why soldiers end up with psycho-trauma *BLEEP*.

    but back on the topic of the original post... go watch the movie contact... then i suggest going and studying taoism. because even beliving in nothing is still beliving. lol

  6. you know, that sounds a bit like inda, with the warrior, merchant, and layman classes. i dont actualy know much about the subject, but i think the government would work a lot better if it wer'nt such a high position, not to say that anyone could just join it, but its too... too much of a popularity and money grabing ordeal, if the government really had our best intrests at heart it seems to me that they should have less concern for themselves.i dont know if this is really relevant but, i think we should get rid of money. go back to trade... its funny really, cause if we did that what would politicians have to trade? their typicly too old to work and too high minded to do labor or service...

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