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Posts posted by Mailoreothoriel

  1. I do not agree. Sometimes video games can help me unwind.
    When I've had a really crappy day or I'm mad at someone, theres nothing more relaxing for me to go on True Crime: New York City and shoot some people in the head with a sniper. It also helps to relax with my mates and makes friends.

    But sometimes, people become obsessed and that is really not good for you. I think that video games, in moderation, are very good for today's society.

    This time, we think alike :rolleyes:

    Videogames shouldn't be played in excess... But when I play them (that it is like 2 times a week) I spend 12 or more hours on them. They're serious business for me and helps me on making a living, And, I enjoy it like hell xD. *Gets MEAT pizza and coke* xD

  2. Well, I've always had an Idea for a social networking site that would beat em all... I spent days thinking on it because I had absolutely no better thing to do on that time, and I was disgusted by the lameness of most social networking sites, because they lacked features, or because they're just so PROFILE ORIENTED (and that's a big lie, SNS shouldn't spin all around the user's profile but in what they have to show and offer). So I came up with one idea to rule them all. If you're interested in what I formulated, PM me, I'm sure you won't lose anything from hearing my idea but hey, I'm offering you possible creativity and innovational development =D

  3. @ Liam CF: I always talk in a serious manner in the same time that I don't. Behind all of my jokes there are serious oppinions about what I think about this issue of "eating meat is wrong".Well, then all the carnivorous animals are wrong because they eat meat? oh, only we're wrong, because we're "SUPERIOR"?We are animals too, however you see it. And Plants do have feelings, haven't you read about it? They function very differently than animals, but they do spill blood, they do suffer and they actually have "feelings". It's just that I don't see anything to be proud about eating only weed, you end up eating slaughtered ex-living beings anyways. Plants are living beings too. People try so hard to say that plants don't have feelings just to convince themselves that they aren't eating anything killed... But hey, veggies are dead when you eat them. "who are you to steal the life off the poor animals?" that's the argument vegetarians say about animals, but I say "who are you to steal the life off the poor veggies?". Hey! If scientific studies are acurrate, animals shouldn't be aware of their existence as much as veggies are. But how wrong you are! Both are aware of it.Life is all about give and take. And sometimes you kill, sometimes you get killed. It's all about surviving.BTW, Everyone is free to eat what they please, this is my ultimate statement. and MEAT IS NEAT. and the KFC thing is a Hoax. And you should be worrying about how french BLEEPs make foie-gras (that IS revolting). I surely am against animal abuse, but I like to eat them anyways. I am an animal, I kill for meat, it's in my DNAThanks for the Post Liam, I really enjoy debating about these things. Hope you strike back! And, nice meeting you xD (aren't joking D=)

  4. It really depends a lot on how you want to use your connection, if it's for some kind of office and closed/fixed space, I go for Wired. But if you use laptops and such, I go for wireless... That's just my view on it =D.Also, wireless can be troublesome sometimes. So take wired if you're not moving your computers anywhere

  5. Well, I personally recomend Final Fantasy XII, God of War II, Tales of the Abyss, Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and the Xenosaga Series... They're all perfect quality games and are both fun and rewarding. I'm afraid I'm hugely oriented to RPG's, but Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid series are a good option too.

  6. I can be no more precise than this:Konata from Lucky Star.xD She's a clone of me, and the coolest "slice of life" character of the moment.Lucky Star is a very famous manga in JAPAN (here not at all), and recently became and Anime and ooooh God, I fell in love xD. She's the total clone of me, personality wise.She's a cartoon character! Mangas are japanese, Comics are american, but share many many many similarities, so my reply is valid xDDDDDP.S.: Meat is Neat

  7. We weren't meant to be vegetarians. We're omnivores and there are things in our anatomy, such as our teeth, that tell the story of this. Get the best of both worlds like nature intended rather than one world. Eating plants is great for losing weight, so I can understand temporary vegitarianism for that.
    If you think you're morally superiour just because you will only devour living things that can't scream or fight back I can't agree with you - I think that's hypocritical. Live on air if you want to be morally quaint. What we do to plants is just as disgusting as what we do to animals, but we can't empathize because plants don't have blood, so we think it's OK, which it is, equally with eating animals.

    I totally agree with you dude, plants do feel and are treated even worse than animals... Heed my words: You have to slaughter it before you eat it. That's it, even if it's plant or animal. They're slaughtered and die and suffer before you eat them.

    =D And I don't feel bad about it because that's how we are made up. We're baddddd and meannn xD

    (This reply is in a totally friendly attitude and I'm not wanting to insult anyone with my rantings, hope you understand me xD I respect vegetarians because they don't do anything to me, but meat is neat, enough said =D)

  8. For me, there is a driving, primitive force that can leave everything defined. To something precise. But also, there is a huge thing and we call it "free will", it comes up in different ways, that, despite the definite future set by our actions ultil this moment, the next action we decide to take will afect it all. And that leaves us with a "what I do and what I've done results in a future".Also, in all the universe, there is a driving law of Chaos and Cosmos. So, well.... Destiny is a half-right concept, but we shouldn't believe firmly on it. We must make up our own future. We have to worry about what we're doing NOW. this moment is the important moment. All other times are irrelevant!And that's all I have to say xD

  9. Well.... To be honest, Sword of the New World (AKA, Granado Espada) is the best MMORPG I've ever played, and I've played all games that consider themselves great, as Ragnarok, Guild Wars and WoW. The Graphics, The Action, The Gameplay, The Areas! All is so gorgeous and full of fun and challenge. In top of that, there are a LOAD of fighting stances, classes and such, the combinations possible are obscenely high. Just, give it a try! Or watch gameplay videos on youtube, you will be amazed :rolleyes:

  10. The absolute answer, my friend, is: Do as your heart commands.Your family surely sounds great, what couldn't have given for having a dad as cool as yours xD.Enjoy what you have! Don't care for what you don't!Cheers xD I know you're better already, but it's not bad to try and make you feel even better xD

  11. I am a meat eater. I really don't like veggies.... I guess it's just the way I am.I always remove all the veggies and the like from anything I eat. Hamburgers and such... I only eat the bread and the patty xD. Strange, isn't it?I don't eat anything that grows from the earth xDDDDD hahaBut hey. We are cruel animals, we have capitalism, pop culture, politics and fashion. Eating meat is like running around with safe scissors compared to that things.HEY! VEGGIES ARE LIVING THINGS TOO!!!! just because they doesn't have brains doesn't means that it's ok to eat them >_<Hope you understand my ranting xD, I'm not against anyone, this is just the way I see things.

  12. I really don't have a true oppinion about cloning, but surely. I feel okay with it, but I have some strange beliefs, and I feel like cloning can turn into something bad, however you try it. Nature is way more advanced than our science. We cannot dare to imitate the wonders of nature without screwing something up. Just look at how ****** up the world is nowadays. But, Cloning will surely help for animal conservation procceses and medicinal research.

  13. My, my.Happiness will always be the choice, but never go after it! Just live, doing what your heart tells you to do, and you will go after supreme happiness. But, this process, is the MOST difficult process in the world.Money is just the currency. what you want is what you get when you trade it. Material Things, and material things aren't the answer. You can live all rich and to the throat of money, but you can be very alone, sorrounded by hipocrits and liars that only want your money. So... better go for happiness while you earn your bucks. Don't make haste on it, just be patient.

  14. Well, I used RPG Tsukuru 2003 for MANY MANY MANY years and completed a couple of games that don't exist anymore. In fact, I can do almost anything on the program =D. If anybody downloads it and needs help, don't hesitate to ask!BTW, RPG TSUKURU XP IS A ****, never download it, not worth it. 2003 is way more superior and overflows with resourses, heed my words xD

  15. Videogames are fun. And fun is not a waste of time.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.All play and no work makes jack a dull boy.I hope that my simple, yet acurrate explanation opens your eyes, my friend :rolleyes: All leisure, all luxury, all beauty, then, is a waste of time? You're wrong!By the way, I love videogames, and I make a living out of them. So.... get the point?Nothing at all is a waste of time! Time is never wasted!Wasting yourself is valid, but wasting time is an arcane and obscure concept, totally wrong

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