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Posts posted by pop

  1. you need to setup php.ini file "smtp" (send mail transfer protocol) protocol. you can not send e-mail from your localhost computer, without connection to outside mail server. jlhalslip mentioned one way to setup smtp on your localmachine, by using google mail options as your default mail server. google mail is one of the fastest and largest mails, and i recomend you using the same. also if you have some host like trap18 you can also use their smpt details to setup your localhost mail connection.

  2. Homepage is usefull if you have one user on a computer. But if you have more users, and they sometimes have same account on your windows computer than it good to set google homepage, so that you never force someone to visit site you are often on in your internet. I always use google, but now i improve and use google suggest labs, beacouse my english bad and they help with choose right word, and have list of how many answers you will get.

  3. "Idea is just a combination of already known techniques". I read somewhere that and i like it. But if you want deveop idea you need to have big money, or big brain. Learn and study, and work of course, and you idea can live to see a sunrise. Other than that, it is just an idea that goes in one big pile of ideas from people that don't have anything else to do than think of new ideas, and then wonder why anyone didn't make it already.

  4. I use internet to surf on many different forums, and meet interesting people. Then we chat on IM. I also use internet to learn many different skills, like web design, and web programming. all in all internet is big fun. but there is danger on internet, some people are addicted to it. some play games a lot and there is even some people dead for too much playing games on internet. like in everything in life, it's all question of balance.

  5. I skip class and then go and drink coffe, and play pinball, or darts with my friends. I'm not the best player there is but i sometimes win and sometime lose. Skiping class is not good because you then miss school, and have bad grades. Also if you miss to much then principal Skinner :P calls my dady Homer, and he chokes me. Like Simpsons, skip class is fun but dangerous.

  6. i like make-out ( i found out what means make-out). but my girl sometimes mad because i go and play games with other girls. i don't know why she mad because i like have fun with girls, and she doesn't understand. she say i young, but i think she stupid girl and jelaus for me going and play with other girl. i hate her, but like to make out with her. she has nice and soft lips, and wet. she is great girl.

  7. I know you mean well but a virus is best deleted, if it gets released to someone else or even just uploaded it can re-start its spread and cause a lot of problems, so i would suggest that no-one, not just you, uploads any virus

    i agree with that, and think upload virus is bad, but then i think name it virus.zip and somebody can download it but they need ask me for link, and i give link.but, virus like in nature, someone sneeze and get virus, go sick and get better and happy. if no virus on internet then there will no be fun, and people just will happy and do bad things. bud virus good because people careful and need knowledge to surf well on internet.

    Like agent from matrix said. And we all know what he said :P

  8. If I am you, I would uninstall SpySweeper and use SpyBot Search and Destroy to scan for the spyware. This program should be able to clear off any spyware on your computer, which hence you need not removal it manually

    you can't remove smitfraud with any spyware program. you need to boot into safe mode, and then delete some things from registry, and from startup (run.. msconfig). it bad malware, and you best format your computer, and don't download activeX components on porn sites. also use firefox browser - is better!! (ffox can't use activeX so when page tell you need download you see that it bad virus)

  9. cell phone use radio waves which are form of electro-magnetic force that is basicly all around us. what we se, what we hear, and most of the times feel are just transformations of electro-magnetic force. mobile or cell phone use radio waves that are similar to plain radio waves, just on higher frequency but many transmitors more than radio.human don't suffer from plain radio waves even they egzist for 50 or more years, and now fear of mobile phone, but we have more bad things to fear about.

  10. Hello sitesmakers! Thank you for this way to use counter strike server.You can also use hamachi, that is to create virtual private network, and free can go 16 players. that is cool, and your internet connection is not bad need, because hamachi private network on hamachi servers. if you host local you need good internet speed. if you don't have server goes crash sometimes when lot of people play.do you have problem with lot of people on server?

  11. I´ve seen some advertisments on Tv about Sega Rally and I´m think about buying it.If any of you guys has played it please let me now what you think of it, and if it´s worth to buy it.

    sega is back! :P
    does it mean sonic is going to be back to. he is cool, i watch cartoons with sonic sometime on tv.
    do you find any links on internet about new sega?
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