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Posts posted by nummell

  1. I need some help.
    I´m trying to start my own website but I´m out of ideas about the design...
    The site should look something like this (click to view)
    Like I said I´m out of ideas so if any of you knows of a good and free web template that looks like my site please post the link to it.
    I´m also looking for some free php scripts (classified ads, fotolog, youtube, banner exchange, link exchange, adbux) so if you know where I can find any of those scripts please let me know.

    Thanks in advance.

    Notice from rvalkass:

    "I Need Some Help" isn't a good topic title. Changed to a more descriptive title.

  2. If you are starting to making money online you should visit my blog
    I´ve started to post some information about some paying websites with proof of payment as well as some advertising solutions.
    The blog is new but has a few sites posted with information about them and with the proof of payment.
    I´m testing a lot of sites so as soon as they pay me I will post a review with the proof of payment.
    Check it out if you want some information.


  3. I have my blog and I´m starting to post some proofs of payment there.

    Of course that all the links to those sites are referral links because I believe that if I can help someone earn some extra $ with me being referred by him why should I leave those extra $ to the owner of the website when he gets the biggest share of the profit.

    I believe that posting proofs of payments his the best way to prevent others from being scammed.

    I´m testing a few sites and if I get scammed I will post it on my blog there´s nothing to be ashamed of.

    I make some $ from those sites and for advertising on my blogs/sites I have CPM and CTR ads.

    All paying.

    Check it out nummell´s blog

  4. I´m running 2 blogs on blogger and I´m interested in exchanging links...


    My blogs are...


    nummell (English blogs only))

    This blog is about making money online


    Blogger Caffe (Any portuguese blog or english blogs of the same kind)

    This blog is my own version of the top news and readers complaints box


    If you want to exchange links just leave a message on any of the blogs you wish to exange links...


    What´s your blog about?

  5. Great car you´re driving...

    Don´t worry about your car looking better than the others from the same make model...
    That happens to all of us.
    Our car is alway the best looking one.

    About it beeing Japanes don´t worry about it.
    Check this video and see how good Honda engines are...

    I drive a 4th generation Prelude so I know what Honda what I´m saying.

  6. By "money making" websites I beleive you mean "get paid to" sites.If this is what you are looking for there?s about a million of them that don?t ask for adresses or phone numbers...My advice to you is to make some resarch before you join any of this site so that you don?t waist you time with scams...If you want to place some ads on your site there are a few sites that don?t ask for adresses or phone numbers and some don?t even have minimum payout...It?s all about research...I?m testing a few sites and some of them paid me others where scams.Hope this helps...

  7. I quited IE7 (too many crashes) and changed to Firefox (thank god).I think firefox is much faster, safer and it has a lot of very usefull add-ons you can install with it.My firefox has only crashed once in four months and believe me when I say I abuse it (usually I have about 3 open windows with five or six tabs each).I just love Firefox...And... did someone mention that is open source???Let?s firefox Bill Gates off...

  8. Looking at the last posts on this thread I see that they are almost all about cigarretes/smoking. I?m a smoker and I?m addicted to it, I?m not even thinking about quitting...But beeing in a online forum there?s one question that comes to my mind...Are you addicted to the internet?I?ve been reading news about kids that beat up theyr parents because they?re forbbiden to use the internet... Talk about addiction...I really like being online and when I was a kid internet was something that we never heard of... I have two daughters and I?m wondering if they will become addicted to the internet... I hope not...And you... Are you addicted to the internet?

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