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Posts posted by HappyAlex

  1. It is so hot now in northern China. The first 20 days of August is the hottest period in summer here.The temperature is high, but something is even hotter.it is the Beijing Olympic games~ :) coming soon, only in 4 days!wow, and for me ,the basketball games will be my favourite.there will be 12 teams playing, the best 12 national teams of the whole world.they were split into two groups(A and :D in the preliminary round.I will be sitting in front of the Tv then ~.Let's see How the Olympic Tournament Works? Preliminary Round, 12 Teams - August 10-18 Format: Each team plays every team in their group once. The top four finishers in each group advance to the Quarter Final Round. My country's team has YaoMing, I hope they can pass the first stage of the whole Olympic Basketball Tournament. In the last Olympic Games In Athens, they were the 8th, finally. I wish them good luck.at least, they should not be worse than the national team in the last Games.Quarter Finals Round, 8 Teams - August 20 Format: Eight teams are seeded based on preliminary round finishes. Single elimination matchups take place between A1-B4, B1-A4, A2-B3 and B2-A3. Semi-Finals Round, 4 Teams - August 22 Format: Winner of A1-B4 faces winner of B2-A3; winner of A2-B3 faces winner of B1-A4. The two victorious squads advance to Gold Medal game. well , in this round ,I think the four teams are : the USA, Spain, Argentina and Russia.Finals Round, 4 Teams - August 24 Format: Two winners in Semi-Finals round compete for the Gold Medal, while the two losers compete in the Bronze Medal game. and the champion, I think , should be the USA, this time ,they will send their best players to the Games.Kobby, Lebron James....SO cool~

  2. oh,really?I think the food I cook by myself is the best.maybe it doesn't tatse better than McDonalds' or KFC's, but at least I know exactly how it is made and what I eat.The food security is such a big issue for people living in mordern society!and, I seldom go to eat fast food.If I have to choose one, I think it is McDonald's: they don't use an old man's face as their logo :)

  3. Do you often go to McDonald's? You must know that the diet there is not very good for keeping fit and is harmful for health.Yes, I also have read much about that on newspaper. But this story made me surprised:

    A 42-year-old businessman called Chris Coleson lost about 80 pounds in six months by eating nearly every meal at McDonald's.
    He didn't eat Big Macs, french fries and chocolate shakes,but mostly salads, wraps and apple dippers without the caramel sauce.

    He weighed 278 pounds in last December,now the 5-foot-8 Coleson weighs 199 pounds and his waist size has dropped from 50 to 36.

    He said he chose McDonald's because it's convenient.His inspiration came from his two children and from the story of a blind war veteran who rode a tandem bicycle cross-country.

    Coleson says his goal is to get back to the 185 pounds he weighed when he married Tricia Summer. Their 10th anniversary is Saturday.

    After reading this, what is your opinion? Is this a soft advertisement coming from McDonald? or Do we need to change our minds about fast food ????? ;)

  4. I like Chinease food. I can cook some dishes.In fact everyday I cook for myself---- Chinese food! cuz I'm Chinese:lol:.There are so many kinds of dilicious food in China. The chinese food culture is great.Chinese people enjoy eating good food at all levels of society so cooking has developed into a very sophisticated art.Even Confucius once said: "For general people,eating is the most important thing in life ."There are eight main food styles in China from eight different regions:Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan.Among them I like Sichuan food very much.It is famous for its spicy and hot taste.I had ever been in Sichuan Province for 4 years when I was a student, the food there is really wonderful ! Some well-known Sichuan dishes : Kung Pao chicken,Twice Cooked Pork,Mapo dofu(I can cook this one).

  5. Thanks for the replies, interesting stuff everyone. It does suck but I've been through heartache before and I know it'll pass eventually. Good call about being patient. I think patience is a key thing to have when going through hard times. You just have to wait a few months and look forward to feeling good again.
    I can't imagine what it must be like for people who've been married for 20 years and then suddenly find out their spouse has been cheating on them or something terrible. That happened to my uncle a couple years ago and he had to deal with being 45 years old, alone again and living in a small town. He made it through OK though, started a business and seems like a confident happy guy now.

    hi~! I haven't been here for several months cuz I got a lovely girlfriend. and today the reason why u see me again is she is now in another city for her job. well , maybe feeling lonely is bad, but somethimes it seems necessary for a person to find a place and stay alone for somewhile.
    Now I can pay more attention on my own life, on my business. life is full of ups and downs. so, take it easy, u can learn something from your uncle,me too.

    start your new life! go ahead~

  6. I'm over here in calif where all of a sudden since the winds picked up the temps have been up in the hundreds... and I thought the summer temps were over B) Besides that and the stupid fires people keep on setting its not that bad here.... Some rain would be nice though..

    Everyday through the TV I can see some news of the big fires in california, many houses were burnt, really impress me a lot. something interesting is : a reporter was sent to report a fire, and when he got there, he found the burning house in front of the camera was just his own!
    Of course some rain is needed. :P

  7. Scientists are getting Ready .
    The probe is named after a goddess, Chang'e, the name of a godness on the moon in Chinese legend.
    It will be documenting 3-D images of the moon's surface.
    It is reported the launch would take place from Oct. 22 to Oct. 25.

    and after the lunar probe, the Chinese government is planning to send out rovers to collect soil and other samples on the moon.

    here is the link url:

    wow, this is really a big issue for Chinese ppl, especially when the CPC is holding it's 17th national congress. :P

  8. Houston Rockets!McGrady , and the big one: Yao Ming.Houston is one of the elite teams in the league,but it remains to be seen if they can succeed in the playoffs.They failed in the first round of the playoffs last season, should have beaten Utah, yet they did not.I was so disappointed.Jeff Van Gundy sucks! He had good players but he didn't know how to win the game.It is said that he just joined ESPN as NBA Analyst.Maybe that's where he should be.New coach,some new players.The Rockets will be a 60-win team this year. Now, about that second round?.we?ll see. If we don?t make it out the first round, I?m jumping off the building.Hope they go further this season.Rockets, go go go~~ :P

  9. Wooooooooo!!!!!. Well this thread is just for Nokia and Sony Ericsson fans. Just in one word.
    e.g. if you are for Sony Ericsson, just reply with "Sony Ericsson" .
    If you are for Nokia, just reply with "Nokia".
    Who go win? i never know.
    Here we go.

    hello, why not start a poll thread?
    I am using Nokia.
    So, I choose Nokia. :P

  10. If you ask me there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. I have been dating a girl for going on 3 years now. and we both agree that people should wait till they are maried to have sex. Your first time should be special. With someone you love not just some one you are going out with. but that is just my say.

    wow, such a perfect love! envy you, and wish you and your girl happiness.
    I am not virgin and not married yet.

  11. I use gmail, yahoo, hotmail.gmail have a not of functions, you can search you mails, you can talk to your contacts...and the compacity of the mailbox is growing all the time.yahoo , the old edition yahoo mailbox user inerface is my favourite,is simple and very easy to use.But recently I am crazy about the spam mails everyday :P hotmail, I don't use it often.

  12. Here is a report about how ppl use internet:email: 56.1%news: 53.5%search engine: 51.5%information: 41%forum/group: 36.9%online/download video: 36.3%messengers : 34.5%online music/broadcast: 34.4%document up/download: 32.9%online games: 26.6%blog: 25.3%shopping: 23.6%job : 20.8%chat room: 20.8%personal website: 20.3%e-magazine: 17.1%education: 14.3%online sales: 13.3%finance: 10.5%sms: 9.7%book/order/tickets: 8.6%online office: 7.7%society/club: 6.4%--------------------------------------------------woooph~ so tired to type so many numbers~ :P

  13. I sleep for 6-7 hours at night. Usually go to bed at 11 in the evening and get up at 6 in the morning.and after lunch, I usually take a short rest on bed for about 1 hours and get up at 2 o' clock.But if I am very tired, I may not get up until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.and sometimes if I get up very late in the morning, for example, 10 or 11, I won't sleep until late in the evening.

  14. Can we have a link to this?
    Also, I think this is probably true. People are leading less healthy articles, but I think it is improving. A lot of people are starting to think about what they are buying and how they are wasting their life.

    I think that it will probably go down again, maybe even lower.

    Anyone agree/disagree?

    yes, ppl are paying more attention on this problem.
    here is the link~

  15. The average woman?s waistline has grown by 2 inches in 10 years, all thanks to the sedentary lifestyle. :P

    (this is true, as a man,I almost spend 14+hours in front of the computer and tv and the desk everyday!)


    A study conducted by Cancer Research UK scientists found that the average waistline has increased from 31.8 inches to 33.5 inches.


    Men are also nowhere behind the fairer sex, for the research found that the average man?s waistline has grown by 1.4 inches to 38 inches.

    (yes, I can see a lot of fat around my waist now)

    "We know high body weight increases the risk of a number of cancers and it is important we get this message out to as many people as possible,? the Daily Mail quoted Dr Lesley Walker, of Cancer Research UK, as saying.


    "A healthy diet with plenty of fiber, fruit and vegetables, as well as regular exercise can help people lose weight and reduce their risk of cancer,? he added.

    (I have a healthy diet, but I don't have enough exercise...)

    The trend was found to be dominant in the under 45s, where the proportion of men with a body mass index over 35, and of women with a BMI of over 40, has grown two-fold during the decade.


    Lead researcher Professor Jane Wardle said it is possible that young people follow a less healthy lifestyle than their elders.

    (absolutely.my parents never stay up late)

    "Snacking habits, takeaway meals high in fat and sedentary lifestyles where many people spend both work and leisure time sitting in front of a computer are all likely to contribute to the results."


    She added that genetics also play a vital role in the growing rate of obesity.

  16. hi, ppl here are from all over the world, the weather in your place maybe very different from others.I am feeling cold in the north China, the leaves are brown, and I have to wear thick sweater now.before October 1th, it was still warm for the summer had not went too far.But it kept raining since that day, and the temperature suddenly went down to only 10 centi degree.I hate cold weather, so I have to suffer this long term late autumn and the following terrible winter....wearing so much clothes, putting hands in the pocket, turning the collar to the cold wind... :P what about your situation?

  17. satyaparija, I totally agree with you.reise51, It is obvious that this girl is cheating you. She is a liar.She is not serious about your relationship.She had two boys at the same time, I cant imagine that you still wanna believe her now, she hurt you so much, didn't you feel the pain? Do you wanna try that again? :P So if you are someone who is serious about a relationship with a girlfriend, I suggest that you just let her out of your life.You will find someone better.

  18. Hi there, I am very happy to introduce a diet for you .It is October now, in most areas of the Northern Hemisphere, the weather is getting very cold,late autumn is comming soon.so many ppl may feel uncomfortable for the cold whether, and Iam one of them.As the tempreture goes down day by day, I felt tired, there was not enough energy in my body, my eyes and skin were uncomfortble for the air is so dry.I asked the doctor, and he told me this porridge diet:Chinese date(jujube) 50g, medlar 20grice 50gput these materials and some water into the boiler and make them into a porridge.when you drink it, don't forget to add some honey.It's very delicious and very helpful for your heath.I drink this porridge everyday, and now I do feel much better now. :P

  19. wow, such an old thread!It has been 2 years since this thread was posted :) well, skype is used by many ppl in China now.It's not banned any longer.Many ppl use skype to make international calls.For me skype is very useful , because of its high tone quality.and in my opinion this issue has nothing to do with politics, it is something about business competition:China Telecom have their own local phone business , there is a competition between Skype and China Telecom, so it is common that China Telecom company banned Skype on their own internet network.

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